The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice shave Dave! Hope everything checks out well for you. Also hope nobody decides to pull any “office pranks” on you....the possibilities are endless ?
Nice shave Dave! Hope everything checks out well for you. Also hope nobody decides to pull any “office pranks” on you....the possibilities are endless
Aaaand there's the peanut gallery ?
2018 shave #317 (DE:113 SE:91 Str:111 Cart:3)
Rockwell 6S, plate #4 w/ Feather (2)

Scheermonnik Soek
PdP 63
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Marc-Antoine B683

Went with my planned razor from yesterday and another nice warm scent. I think this plate #4 is my sweet spot. A little blade feel and I could tell I needed to pay attention to it like the RX. But what a nice smooth finish I got on this one. Just a touch of irritation and alum sting on the neck. So I plate #3 would be daily no problem and plate #4 need some care and maybe only a few days in a row.
2018 shave #318 (DE:114 SE:91 Str:111 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (3)

Sorrentino Oregon State
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

It's the big day. I'll be stuck in a room with some new folks, how could I not give them the joy of GTB????
Good luck today. Hope you have a good meal planned for when you are done.
Hey guys! Just made it back home. The procedure was a piece of cake and I did get to see the whole thing. I tell ya, the human body is beautiful on the inside.

Nothing fancy, just a McDonalds breakfast sandwich on the way home. It was DELICIOUS. But tonight will be either a wine and cheese night or grilled cheese tomato soup. Each of which is delightful in its own way.