The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #313 (DE:111 SE:90 Str:110 Cart:3)
Parker 76R w/ Wilkinson Sword (2)

Stirling synth
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm

2018 shave #314 (DE:112 SE:90 Str:110 Cart:3)
Parker 76R w/ Wilkinson Sword (3)

Stirling synth
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm

Just documenting the last two hotel shaves
2018 shave #3145 (DE:112 SE:91 Str:110 Cart:3)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX

Sorrentino Sea Foam
The Club Hedonisme
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Aahhhh, back on the home court. I ordered a house call from The Doctor to get back on the great shave train. This was my first use of Hedonisme and I like it. The scent is close to The Closer which I really enjoy. My wife smelled it from the tub and said it smell like cologne. Perfect! I'll get the matching scent at some time. Nice thick and creamy lather as per usual with these soaps. And it was nice to have a close shave again.

The trip was good, though we spent more than we should. The last evening instead of going to see a show, I suggested my wife get a massage in the spa. These were some of the most amazing spa facilities I've ever seen. So I grabbed a couple of cigars and ended up even after some time on the roulette and craps tables. We happened to hit Vegas on the weekend of their marathon for which they close the whole strip down for most of the day. The end result being we had quite a long hike back up the strip to get back to our hotel because no taxis or Lyfts could get anywhere near the strip. We had waited about 20min for our ride to show up along with some folks that actually needed to get to the airport. They ended up giving up as well and decided to just start walking away from the strip with their luggage hoping to get a ride at home point. Sucked for anyone trying to get anywhere that evening for sure.
Ended up even at the tables does that mean recouped the spa charges too?

Where you able to walk off strip and get a Lyft or Uber?

The Hedonism from reading is a very popular scent for the Club.
Nice home field shave Dave! I’m not familiar with the soap but it sounds like a winner.

Sounds like you had a good trip other than the taxi fiasco. I ran into a similar situation coming home from a concert once. We had take an Lyft (or Uber, can’t remember which) to the venue, but the police weren’t letting any cars come up to the venue when the concert let out. So we ended up walking about a quarter mile from the venue so they could pick us up. This wouldn’t have been a big deal except the concert venue was in Camde,NJ. If you google Camden, NJ you’ll understand why we didn’t want to walk 100 feet from the venue let alone a quarter mile lol.
Ended up even at the tables does that mean recouped the spa charges too?
Okay, even for gambling ? I'm just happy when I can get up from the table with some chips to put into my pocket still.
Any time you can walk away from the tables with what you came with, it’s a win in my book. Glad it was a good time.
Where you able to walk off strip and get a Lyft or Uber?
Nice home field shave Dave! I’m not familiar with the soap but it sounds like a winner.

Sounds like you had a good trip other than the taxi fiasco. I ran into a similar situation coming home from a concert once. We had take an Lyft (or Uber, can’t remember which) to the venue, but the police weren’t letting any cars come up to the venue when the concert let out. So we ended up walking about a quarter mile from the venue so they could pick us up. This wouldn’t have been a big deal except the concert venue was in Camde,NJ. If you google Camden, NJ you’ll understand why we didn’t want to walk 100 feet from the venue let alone a quarter mile lol.
Likely could have walked further and gotten one. But it was the unknown. We had already walked a block off to a hotel where there was some limited access to cars and got a Lyft assigned. We saw it pretty much stall on the map a couple of blocks away and found out traffic was getting through, but very slowly. What we couldn't see from where we were waiting is they had reduced the street to only one lane of traffic. Not one each way, just one lane, so I have no idea how they were dealing with that. So we decided to head to a the known and back to the strip and start walking. We were concerned about not knowing how far the other way we would have to walk to get a ride and how close they could get to our hotel to drop us off. Funny thing, while we were walking, is we ran into one of our girls' teachers from elementary school who was there to do the marathon. Stopped part way for those potato chip nachos too.
2018 shave #316 (DE:112 SE:91 Str:111 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)

TSC Legacy
PdP 63
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

Have my coffee but no videos to watch so I guess I'll log my shave.

Walked into the bathroom with another soap that I like, but as soon as I opened it I wasn't feeling it. It was crisp and citrus and a warm weather scent. Today is cold and dark and needed something a little warmer smelling. I just finished organizing my soaps and only have a few left in the bathroom now, but one was this beauty. not dark and heavy, but still a warm scent.

I guess I was just very indecisive today all together. I pulled down the 6S and changed plates on it to use the #4, and then decided to go with the SS. Hopefully I have that all worked out of my system now. The shave was decent. I was BBS on the cheeks after two passes so that ensured the third pass made the dolphins sing. The neck is still a bugger and I could tell I was making a little irritation today. After three passes I had a couple spots that would have to wait til dry down to be BBS. So I fixed that right up with a couple swipes of the Timeless to make every sexy smooth.

Prep for the colonoscopy is tomorrow, which is the part of the whole thing I'm not looking forward to. Nothing but clear liquids from the moment I go to sleep tonight. Well that plus having this thing done at my place of work. Nothing like having to repeat "we're all professionals" thinking about displaying your keester to someone you might have sat next to in a meeting.
I was BBS on the cheeks after two passes so that ensured the third pass made the dolphins sing.

Nice shave!
2018 shave #316 (DE:112 SE:91 Str:111 Cart:3)
Nothing like having to repeat "we're all professionals" thinking about displaying your keester to someone you might have sat next to in a meeting.

Reminds me of an account I heard from someone I know. They'd never had a colonoscopy before and was under the twilight and beginning effects of the meds when he heard one of the medical professionals in the room say "I can't get it in there." to which the other said "Just shove it in." The guy said "No" and then he was out. Of course the medical professionals were talking about something going on with assembly of the scope and not the procedure. The guy woke up asking about it. That's the story I heard. Pretty dang funny story.
Reminds me of an account I heard from someone I know. They'd never had a colonoscopy before and was under the twilight and beginning effects of the meds when he heard one of the medical professionals in the room say "I can't get it in there." to which the other said "Just shove it in." The guy said "No" and then he was out. Of course the medical professionals were talking about something going on with assembly of the scope and not the procedure. The guy woke up asking about it. That's the story I heard. Pretty dang funny story.

Rofl! Maybe we should ask NurseMissus to sit in so we get a good story or two as well!
Reminds me of an account I heard from someone I know. They'd never had a colonoscopy before and was under the twilight and beginning effects of the meds when he heard one of the medical professionals in the room say "I can't get it in there." to which the other said "Just shove it in." The guy said "No" and then he was out. Of course the medical professionals were talking about something going on with assembly of the scope and not the procedure. The guy woke up asking about it. That's the story I heard. Pretty dang funny story.
Rofl! Maybe we should ask NurseMissus to sit in so we get a good story or two as well!
While I'd like to be awake and watch a monitor, my wife will most adamantly have nothing to do with that sort of thing.
While I'd like to be awake and watch a monitor, my wife will most adamantly have nothing to do with that sort of thing.

If you’re going to be awake, at least once give it the ol “Oh my...what have I done” for Rich’s sake.
Nice shave Dave, I've been blazay (sp?) about things lately. Always get a little bluesy this time of year. Springs around the corner !!