The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Two Shave a Day Dave! I see a new username or custom title! That Roasted Oatmeal Stout is just a fantastic scent! I can definitely see it being pulled out to oget away from the day! Like all will disappear. Hopefully the weekend will get you away from it! Great shave Dave!
Thanks guys. Yep, that oatmeal is a mental break all itself!
"Everyone knows that if you pay more, you appreciate it more right? "

Aahh, the great wet shavers' tradition of Enabling reveals itself!
Yesterday's shave:

2018 shave #305 (DE:106 SE:89 Str:108 Cart:3)
Russian DE w/ 2 blades

Omega Borris Boar
CBL Russian Tea
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Since I learned the Russian razor is supposed to be, or can be used with 2 DE blades I figured I needed to give that a try too. Video posted on this shave.

In brief, this sucked. The diagram on the package shows a DE being split in half to be used as the bottom of the blade sandwich. So I tried that, but there isn't anything holding the halves from moving inward, so they were constantly crooked. I ended up using a full DE, which fit just fine. Once all the pieces are in place and tightened down, the two blades seems slightly separated on the ends, but curved to meet across most of the body of the blade. The shave was louder and rougher than with one blade. It did end in a BBS, but not a pleasant one.
Ouch...from your brief doesn't even sound like a good shave...

Sorry dude!
2018 shave #306 (DE:107 SE:89 Str:108 Cart:3)
Rockwell 6S, plate 3 w/ Feather (1)

Stirling synth
L&L Original
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Ahhh, here we go. Been wanting to get back to this guy. What a nice and simple shave. I did end up with a little sting on the neck, but I think it's left over from yesterday. I need to get over some elitism over DE or whatever it could be called. After moving to SEs and shavettes, I find myself viewing DEs as somewhat lesser. When obviously they aren't. But I tend to feel I'm taking a step down when using a DE. Obviously from the results, this is not the case but just interesting I ended up here. I suppose because DEs is what most people master before moving on.

Been a productive weekend. Made some real progress in organizing the garage. Say we got almost half of it done. We'll tackle the other side another weekend. Cut some left over shelves from other projects to add a couple shelves in the kitchen which doesn't give us more space, but makes it so we don't have to stack things as high. And we got some of those clear top spice containers with magnetic bottoms. So they can be stuck to the side of the fridge, freeing up some cabinet space. They displaced a collection of magnets on th
e fridge, but they actually look pretty nice with the different spices showing through the lids.
I personally got the best shave of my life with the Rockwell 6s Plate three. I just found that I could do three passes and extensive cleanup and get super smooth with out irritation...even if I used more pressure than I should have.

Congrats on the garage organizing. I am going to do that myself since the weather is getting cooler. We just took down Halloween stuff and I shoved it all in the attic and in the garage.
And we got some of those clear top spice containers with magnetic bottoms. So they can be stuck to the side of the fridge, freeing up some cabinet space.
Those can be used for Shave Soaps too!
Sounds like a productive weekend! I’ve heard good things about the Rockwell. Seems like too much to play around with for me, I’d probably never settle on a plate haha.
Thanks for following along guys. Yes, quite the dichotomy of shaves this weekend.
2018 shave #307 (DE:107 SE:89 Str:109 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)

Stirling synth
A&E Grecian Horse
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
A&E Grecian Horse AS

Nothing to see here. Just a great performing soap, with a great scent and a nice BBS with no clean up.

Busy week this week. The oldest is heading to DC for a week of actual education with writing and everything while getting to see some great sights. She's been in this program since before school started this year. With reading and answering questions over the summer and 5 after school education classes so they have a strong background for what they'll be learning. She has two more of those classes this week, plus basketball tryouts for three days and ukulele class. And there's two more kids on top of that! I'm just going to be playing the role of taxi all week.
Yesterday's shave:

2018 shave #305 (DE:106 SE:89 Str:108 Cart:3)
Russian DE w/ 2 blades

Omega Borris Boar
CBL Russian Tea
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Since I learned the Russian razor is supposed to be, or can be used with 2 DE blades I figured I needed to give that a try too. Video posted on this shave.

In brief, this sucked. The diagram on the package shows a DE being split in half to be used as the bottom of the blade sandwich. So I tried that, but there isn't anything holding the halves from moving inward, so they were constantly crooked. I ended up using a full DE, which fit just fine. Once all the pieces are in place and tightened down, the two blades seems slightly separated on the ends, but curved to meet across most of the body of the blade. The shave was louder and rougher than with one blade. It did end in a BBS, but not a pleasant one.

Another Putin plot!