The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Performs better too
But in this case....yes
2018 shave #303 (DE:104 SE:89 Str:108 Cart:3)
Russian DE w/ Voskhod (1)
Omega boar (Borris)
Strop Shoppe Russian Tea
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Atelier Poivre Electrique

That's right boys, took a little trip to Russia today with the shave. Doug was kind enough to send me a Russian DE to try my Russian blades in after finding out they bite the big one when used in a Timeless. Of course I could only choose Russian Tea to go with such a historical shave. And Borris, my boar brush. Video posted.

This razor is super light weight. The head is plastic with a thin metal plate in the top cap. I guess to help hold the blade in place? The thread are metal and I'm pretty sure the handle is some type of plastic as well. After tightening in the blade I found a noticeable amount more of blade showing on one side than the other, but it was straight so off we go! First off, this t
hing is LOUD! There has to be a decent amount of blade vibration, because you can feel the whole handle vibrating. And I think the hollow head acts like an echo chamber. But surprisingly the shave was smooth. The vibrations continued through the shave, but there was no tugging or scraping or anything. In the end, I got a no alum sting DSBBS! Crazy huh? Now I'm curious how many people actually use these in Russia and what the equivalent price is for them there.

Tried another scent sample my wife got for me. This one isn't bad. A soft and warm pepper note. Just much to weak for me. After using half the little sample bottle I'm struggling to smell it an hour later. Just as good to find the things that don't work for you as it is to find those that do.
The metal strip is so that you can use two blades in the razor. The back of the packaging shows how to load it up if you want to use two blades. I found that it works better with just one, however.

The razor is available cheaply on The Bay. I was surprised that it works as well as it does.
Ahh, Russian Tea. I absolutely love that scent, and Strop Shoppe is no slouch in the performance department.
The metal strip is so that you can use two blades in the razor. The back of the packaging shows how to load it up if you want to use two blades. I found that it works better with just one, however.

The razor is available cheaply on The Bay. I was surprised that it works as well as it does.
The huh? The instructions you say.... That's just crazy enough that I might look at them! Actually that explains something. I sent a pic of the packaging to someone I know from Russian and asked her what it said. She said just "2-blade razor"
2018 shave #304 (DE:105 SE:89 Str:108 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)

Stirling tuxedo
CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Penhaligon’s Roaring Radcliffe

2nd shave of the day. Dealt with some drama today and decided a shower and shave sounded good. Of course didn’t need a shave, but it was more the ritual. Picked a nice mellow razor/blade combo and did hear the hair being removed. Enjoyed the delicious scent of the oatmeal stout. And of course ended up with a super smooth BBS.