The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

My story, I’m sticking to it. Bill

I hope that’s not a euphemism for something.

I never had success using HHT in sharpening.

Totally by accident I found the use of styrofoam packing peanuts to be simple indicators that I could use to evaluate edge condition.

You will find me to be much more direct in the use of euphemisms.
Home again shave 9/26/21

Workoff soap
Stirling Badger brush
Essence by Tedalus Razor
Feather ProGuard (7)
Stirling Bergamot Lavender splash on


Last Friday I was feeling symptoms similar to my heart attack of almost 7 years ago. I was able to get relief and comfort enough to get a good nights rest.

Feeling fine Saturday morning, I went about morning meal and coffee and honed up a couple of razors, one of which I planned to shave with after showering. It was during my shower I began to realize that I’d be making a trip to the hospital. My aspirin and nitros didn’t seem to be providing the relief I wanted. Having known a number of folks that went through similar experiences, I feared they would need to be making luxury sedan payments this month and I would be the perfect candidate to crack open for the plumbing overhaul and cash infusion.

Things didn’t move too fast this time and it took about 6 hours to get me in an urgent care suite. Last time I was categorized as having a ‘massive heart attack’ in which they had me stented up in about 4 hours. Even though the pains I was experiencing were greater this time, tests were not showing the same urgency. They stabilized me and got me into a room to get pumped up on blood thinners. An angiogram was scheduled for Monday morning by the very same Doctor who likely prolonged my life from my earlier episode.

This time he classified me as having a mild heart attack, found my existing stents to still be open and my heat muscles strong. The problem laid in minor arteries unable to be stented and not significant enough to get him the luxury sedan payment due by month’s end. He elected to treat me with more handfuls of pills and allow me to go home that day and return to work in a week.

I know some here were aware of my situation and wished me a speedy recovery. There are also those of the mindset that prayer is a noble gentlemanly endeavor. I am grateful for all, many who I’ve only begun to get to know.

At the earliest permitted time I jumped into the shower for some grunge relief and a much needed shave.

Since I had been jacked up on a couple of quarts of blood thinners I bagged the straight and went for the ProGuarded Shavette. My work will cover me for the medical issue, but I don’t think they allow time off for bleeding out from shave cuts.

It was a delightful shave and I’m taking things easy this week and feeling much better. Coffee at home this morning was fantastic. Man, do I smell good…

Thanks again my friends.
Man I Wish I could Shave with a Straight Razor. I’ve tried a few times didn’t go Very Well.

"Why is it I always get my best ideas while shaving?" ~ Albert Einstein
If I had to do it over with my current experiences, I’d look at one of the Mythus artist club style Shavettes, and get some Feather ProGuard blades.

You will learn low angle, light touch, with reduced injury potential. Low cost option here too. You can always bail out early or dive in deep from there.

Start with partial shaves cheeks only, downward strokes and slowly build from there.

I started with straights and committed to an hour to learn to straight shave for 100 days. I wouldn’t do it that way again, but I’m glad I did.

Honing straights an expensive hassle you could avoid or put off.