The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

My story, I’m sticking to it. Bill

My condolences on your loss my friend. The fact that he raised and supported you and for you to become the man you are speaks volumes. Know that you and your family are in my thoughts.
Sorry, Bill. Even when it’s expected and something we all will deal with, the time has to be hard.
Tribute to Dad


Dad was always a drug store equipment shaver. The last shaves he did on his own would have been with can gel or foam and Bic disposables.

I recall watching him shave as a youngster and seeing him use stuff like this. The scent of Aqua Velva was unmistakably him.

My methods today were like I surmise he would have done back in the day. Hand applied foam to a wet face with the first pass dialed up a bit, wtg only. A dial down to minimum for cleanup with residual foam and a few splashes of water followed by the Aqua Velva finish. Nothing fancy and all done in a few minutes.

I’m very content with a shave as done by members of this, ”The Silent Generation”
Sorry, Bill. Even when it’s expected and something we all will deal with, the time has to be hard.
Thanks Dave.

Probably the most difficult thing was the separation caused by the pandemic announcement 2 years before.

When we did get to visit, we could always get him laughing.

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Got word today that my Father moved on to be reunited with my dear Mom.

Dad has spent about the last 6 years or so in a very nice assisted living facility where he was happy and well cared for.

A decline in his abilities has slowly progressed to the logical conclusion. I am grateful to have had him to raise me, support me, and guide me into my own.

The friendship that we developed as I entered into adulthood was as fulfilling as one could ever ask for.

My younger brother and the available members of our immediate families will be having a private time to reflect, remember, and honor the now empty vessel that carried him through this life early next week.

…the time of his departure has come. He fought the good fight, he finished the race, he kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for him the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to him on that Day.

Thanks for everything Dad. We love you.
Our sincerest prayers to your bill from Chad Chris and myself I sent you a PM as well
SOTD 3/13/22
Vector Crushing & TSC-Con training

Stirling SS & AS Tuscany flavored
Stirling High Mountain Badger brush
Razorock Hawk V3a SS
Feather Professional Super (1)


Last shave with this piece using a ProGuard left me unimpressed and not close to results I with that “V” thing. I wonder if that stands for VaporRazor. I’d expect further price increases on the oVer priced unaValable V tool based solely on the inability to generate sufficient sales Volume warranting manufacturing efficiencies. I think it will be mighty hard for the darling of the YouTube shavers to be seeing my cash.

Anyhow, today results were as good as I ever ask for and the RRHawk has earned its ticket to Vegas. Can you imagine going to a shave convention at not having the expectation of delivering yourself top level shaves? Not this guy.

Tuscany is a floral unisex scent that I find very pleasant. Just so I could toughen up things I used a small amount of Stirling vetiver switch hazel, something I’ve learned to use sparingly so I don’t smell like a ‘jar of dirt’.

Powder cannoned for the finish.
SOTD 3/13/22
Vector Crushing & TSC-Con training

Stirling SS & AS Tuscany flavored
Stirling High Mountain Badger brush
Razorock Hawk V3a SS
Feather Professional Super (1)

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Last shave with this piece using a ProGuard left me unimpressed and not close to results I with that “V” thing. I wonder if that stands for VaporRazor. I’d expect further price increases on the oVer priced unaValable V tool based solely on the inability to generate sufficient sales Volume warranting manufacturing efficiencies. I think it will be mighty hard for the darling of the YouTube shavers to be seeing my cash.

Anyhow, today results were as good as I ever ask for and the RRHawk has earned its ticket to Vegas. Can you imagine going to a shave convention at not having the expectation of delivering yourself top level shaves? Not this guy.

Tuscany is a floral unisex scent that I find very pleasant. Just so I could toughen up things I used a small amount of Stirling vetiver switch hazel, something I’ve learned to use sparingly so I don’t smell like a ‘jar of dirt’.

Powder cannoned for the finish.
Y'know, there is such a thing as "clean dirt" Bill....think of it THAT way :cool: