The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

My story, I’m sticking to it. Bill

SOTD 11/30/21

Stirling tuxedo brush
Feather AS-D2
Feather steel (2)
GFT Skin Food & Cologne

Tended to SWMBO on medical maintenance excursions yesterday and a few of my own today. One of the instructional sheets cautioned against arriving smelling like a French brothel or Clubman, so West Indian Lime became the aroma of the day.

Delightful suds by Mitch.

Effortless and magnificent facial hair shortening on short time.

The only “Gots to Do” for the rest of the week are an oil change, a few meals out at faves, and relaxing. If I decide the relaxing is too much, I may head up to the local butcher and see if he feels like trimming up a bone-out, skin-off fresh ham for me to smoke up Ridgewood BBQ style.


Great shave.
One of the instructional sheets cautioned against arriving smelling like a French brothel or Clubman, so West Indian Lime became the aroma of the day.
I worked with a nurse who wore so much perfume that she was banned from even being in the open heart postop ICU, never mind working there. I could smell her all the way across the large ICU where we worked.
SOTD 12/4/21

Stirling Mountain Man SS & AS
Simpsons Emperor 2
6/8 Böker MOP tang


I don’t think I’ve seen many modern mfgd razors with inlays on the shank and tang. I have a vintage piece with Mother of Pearl I like, so this one caught my eye immediately. Took me a while to finally get it, but I’m glad I did. It is the only example I have from the famous Solingen knife maker. If their other offering are like this one a buyer should be pleased.

Reportedly, Böker has communicated that all their razors are found to be extra hollow. When I first honed this, I found the actual bevel to be honed with greater concavity then I was able to match with my hone shape then. I prompted more curiosity in me.

Great shave, made a vid.

Post in thread 'Bill TV'
Bill TV
SOTD 12/5/21


The Unday Shaver

Workoff soap - unknown
Tall dark brush - unanimal
The UnVector V3a by RR
Unlabeled II AS by RR

Since I got yelled at by the Unhero Deadpool for using my Sunday Shaver on Thursday an Unshave was called for.

The soap lathered as good as any of the stuff I squished in there and better than some of it.

The brush did what it was made for.

The Razorock Hawk V3a has been dubbed the UnVector because when I went to buy one, they were unavailable. I heard the titaniums were hot on way for only a Franklin more, but I get too impatient waiting in line for high dollar deals so I chose the Hawk for my first AC safety razor. I still like the Vector so my apologies to Blackland for cashing out so low.

When I ordered the razor I got some aromatherapy juices. I really like this Unlabeled II. It reminds me of a bath soap I liked somewhere in my life, but I can’t remember which. I should buy more if it is still around.

I also got a splash that I’ll probably trash. RR extract of lime which smells like rotting limes.

Wasn’t gonna shave, but figured it would be proper before a Shave Hobby Forum Zoom Call. See ya there clean shaven and comfortable.
SOTD 12/15/21

Stirling, Suds & AS, Glacial Grapefruit
Stirling suds whippin hardware
Focus R21 Evolution, GSB charged (4)


When I started with this tool it would have been hard to convince me that I’d be picking it up so often for the quick shave.

Great evening workweek shave. Probably the lowest cost shave in my arsenal.