The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

If you are getting more than 20 grams of carbs from leafy that is a lot of spinach. Either way...I think you will be okay. I wouldn't focus too much on the calorie deficit..but you have done this before so you know what to do. Uping the salt is a great idea. People under estimate how much the body needs electrolytes.

I still have a problem with meal prep...but if push comes to shove...I can eat bacon and eggs as well as cheese everyday!

I cook everything in the bacon grease I collect...I have even made mayonnaise with it!
……. and adding olive oil to get the calorie count up. We'll see ho it goes.

Don't forget about the other great fats as well, like butter, coconut oil, and bacon fat!

...but if push comes to shove...I can eat bacon and eggs as well as cheese everyday!
Yup! Even though I eat bacon and eggs for my "brunch", sometimes if I have nothing prepared, I'll have it again for dinner. I never tire of eating eggs. I buy them by the 60 ct box. I always have cooked bacon on hand. I cook a big batch so it's always available to toss in the pan if I need some.

I cook everything in the bacon grease I collect...I have even made mayonnaise with it!
I cook my bacon in the crock pot. I buy the bags of bacon ends, and they are extra fatty, so I get a ton of grease from it. The bacon also tastes better when done in the crockpot. It gets a smokey, almost BBQ taste to it, due to the slow cooking. And no matter what I'm cooking, the first thing that goes in the pan is about a 1/4 cup of bacon grease.
Don't forget about the other great fats as well, like butter, coconut oil, and bacon fat!
Yup! Even though I eat bacon and eggs for my "brunch", sometimes if I have nothing prepared, I'll have it again for dinner. I never tire of eating eggs. I buy them by the 60 ct box. I always have cooked bacon on hand. I cook a big batch so it's always available to toss in the pan if I need some.
I cook my bacon in the crock pot. I buy the bags of bacon ends, and they are extra fatty, so I get a ton of grease from it. The bacon also tastes better when done in the crockpot. It gets a smokey, almost BBQ taste to it, due to the slow cooking. And no matter what I'm cooking, the first thing that goes in the pan is about a 1/4 cup of bacon grease.

Now that's what I'm talking about!
Congrats on making the decision to improve your health Walt!

As other have stated before, I'm sure you will reach you goals, that being said I will say GOOD LUCK and leave this:

Thanks all for the encouragement. Checking back in as I was out of town all of last week at a symposium. Eating keto was not too much of a challenge whilst on the road. Eggs and sausage at the hotel for breakfast, mixed greens and a protein for lunch, etc. I ended up not losing any while away, but I also did not gain any. I am doing strength training every other day (lifting weights), and generally becoming more active (5 mile walks with SWMBO and Lucas (pitbull)) on the weekends. This weekend I intend to get my bikes out and dust them off. Have a mountain bike and a street bike. I gen get a bike ride in after work for a little while until we loose daylight. Yesterday I saw the doctor for the first time in longer than I would like to admit. I am due for another colonoscopy, and I am anxious to get the blood work results back. To date I am about 15 lbs. lighter. Enough of the diet/health stuff.

I have done a few things shaving related. The Saturday before I left for the symposium, I managed to make a 1 lb. batch of shaving soap. I must say that digging into the tallow and the coconut oil with my scoop made me hungry. I am calling this batch Beta 1.2.1 as it is a variation of the lot of soap I initially made that I felt performed the best. The modifications to this one is that I decreased the coconut oil, increased the Shea Butter to 15%, have 5% Lanolin and I cooked it with 0% super fat. Shea Butter and Lanolin both have non-soponifiable fats in them that will support post shave conditioning. I scent is lavender with orange and a pinch of Clove for a spice note. I have to say that I am enjoying this scent quite a lot. Nothing in your face about it, but I would give it a 3-4 on the SOS scale.

Well I must say that the 1.2.1 lot is performing pretty good. My major complaint with the first lots that I made was in the area of residual slickness. This lot is improved, but not drastically so. The residual slickness is in no way off the charts, but it is clearly slick and very adequate. The post shave feel is very good, and the other lather properties were as expected from my initial attempts. All and all, this attempt was a big success.

This past Monday was a milestone for me of sorts. As last Friday was a travel day, I did not shave, then over the weekend, I also was a slug. On Monday I shaved with my 6/8" BRW and the result was a full on grail shave. I was facturbating well into the evening with much of the face still BBS. This week I had to through in a couple of ATT SE2 shaves as my workouts in the morning make me running a little late.

Catching up Walt. All great reads! I'm intrigued with your new batch of soap!!
Great update Walt.

Glad you had safe travels and that you are happy with the improving soap formula!
Awesome news on all fronts Walt! Progress on the health front, a great soap batch you're enjoying, and a grail shave to boot!
Fun to hear you guys experimenting and learning about your soaps. Glad the trip went well.
I love reading about your soap making's like a mad scientist at work! Really is all very interesting!
Catching up Walt. All great reads! I'm intrigued with your new batch of soap!!

Well Chris, time has been pretty short for me to even get to make it, but hopefully I will be making more. My gymnasium and my laboratory are one in the same, my basement. So I get to see my lab every other day to get the chemistry wheels turning. I am contemplating incorporating Nordic Track into my non lifting days to get my cardio up. Then I will be in the lab/gymnasium upwards of 7 days a week.Honestly, I much prefer cycling to Nordic Track, so it might be after daylight savings is gone.

Great update Walt.

Glad you had safe travels and that you are happy with the improving soap formula!

Thank you Chris

Awesome news on all fronts Walt! Progress on the health front, a great soap batch you're enjoying, and a grail shave to boot!

Wish I had more time to enjoy and focus mor on all, but all is well. Thanks Josh.

Fun to hear you guys experimenting and learning about your soaps. Glad the trip went well.

Thanks Dave.

I love reading about your soap making's like a mad scientist at work! Really is all very interesting!

Chris L. is really the soap tinkerer. Unfortunately, I have not had the time to tinker nearly as much as he. I do call him from time to time to try and understand what he has learned along the way. I have not made what I would call (or anybody else likely) an Elite soap. But I have made some solid performers. If I get another batch made soon, I should probably get some samples out to get some opinions.
Nice read Walt. The soap making process intrigues me but i havent yet discovered the time to remotely consider that adventure.
McVeyMac said:
To date I am about 15 lbs. lighter.

Great job on the weight loss Walt!
Congratulations on the Grail Shave!
The new soap formula sounds good!
Woot! Great things be happening at Casa McVeyMac! One thing about the Keto, be sure to eat plenty o greens and drink water. I failed to and got plugged up something fierce!
I had your first soap out the other day, I still love the lemon grass scent. One thing i noticed is that the scent has been consumed a bit and a little extra tallow scent is present. The scent of a long aged tallow soap is rather devine, add a hint of lemongrass to it and things get interesting. I used it to lather in the shower, still as good if not better than ever. I very FIRMLY believe age is an important ingredient. an extended period of low and slow heat can go a long way but nothing beats the ravages of time itself.
I was planing on going keto but ended up going cheato. I am mostly in compliance but seem to be resisting the weight loss portion of the program.
Funny you mention that soap Chris. My number generator selected it for tomorrow. Guess what's on deck