The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

Glad to see you back here Walt after everything has begun to normalize out your way. Very big congratulations on the new addition to the family!!!
Hey Walt, glad to hear that things are starting to settle down to manageable levels at least.

And super congrats on your new granddaughter! Great name!

Thanks Chris.

Congratulations on the family addition. Nothing better than those gummy smiles!

It has been fun Dave.


Thanks Spider

Great seeing you back Walt!

Congratulations on the birth of your Grand Daughter!

Thanks Craig

Glad to see you back here Walt after everything has begun to normalize out your way. Very big congratulations on the new addition to the family!!!

The kids went to Ocean City, MD for a long weekend, so Rose got to be a beech bunny. SWMBO and I have been entertaining their dogs with our dogs. Thanks Josh.
My shaves are exactly the same as where I left off in the journal. I am still circling between the three BRW razors, I am still throwing in the ATT version 1 SE2 on days when I am pressed for time, and I am finishing up the remainder of my Beta 1.3 soap. I have yet to make more shaving soap, but it is getting higher up on my to-do list. I did manage a 2 lb. lot of bath and shampoo soap, but that has been a month or more ago.

I did not shave at all over the weekend, so this AM the 6/8" barbers notch efficiently removed three days worth of growth. Left me with a BBS, and I am happy.
I've found that it's most gratifying when there is more than 1 day's growth to take down. it's debatable whether the shave is actually closer, but I generally have less irritation on those shaves. Good stuff Walt!
I have to agree with Josh, a shave just feels better with a little bit of growth. But he is right, it's debatable whether or not the shave is any closer.

Good to see back on the forum!
I really do "need" to add another Brian Brown razor to my inventory.
Sounds like a winning shave Walt. Boy we have quite a few soap makers around here.

Thanks Dave. I wish I had more time for it, but I will have to get to the lab and make a batch soon, or else I will have to shave with some of the commercial offerings in my den.

I've found that it's most gratifying when there is more than 1 day's growth to take down. it's debatable whether the shave is actually closer, but I generally have less irritation on those shaves. Good stuff Walt!

Yea Josh, I don't know if the shave is any better, but it sure feels better.

I have to agree with Josh, a shave just feels better with a little bit of growth. But he is right, it's debatable whether or not the shave is any closer.

Good to see back on the forum!

Thanks Don.

I really do "need" to add another Brian Brown razor to my inventory.

I have to say, that of the 1K or so straight razor shaves that I have performed on myself, the majority of them have been with a BBW.
Nothing wrong with shave consistency! Well done.

I have yet to make more shaving soap, but it is getting higher up on my to-do list. I did manage a 2 lb. lot of bath and shampoo soap, but that has been a month or more ago.

Hear, Hear!
I have gotten back into the habit of not shaving on the weekends as it is something I relate to the work day, so Monday was a three day growth shave with the 7/8" Barber's Notch BRW. Fantastic result though. Yesterday I woke up at around 02:30 with a splitting headache, so I took the day off work, hence no shave. This AM I was running a little late, so I opted for the ATT version 2 SE2 loaded with the Feather Pro for an easy 2 pass DFS.

Today is my oldest grandsons 17th birthday, so I guess we are going to be celebrating that with my daughter and her husband (and baby Rose) tonight. One of the things I embarked on a couple of weeks ago was that I decided it was time to loose weight and become healthy. I embarked on a ketogenic approach to this, and the end of the day on Tuesday marked two weeks. Yesterday I dusted off the dumbbells and weights and began strength training. I am noticing that with the cooking I am doing for my diet, the additional meals I am eating where before I didn't along with working out an hour three days a week can really make me pressed for time. I have also committed a couple of months ago to continue learning the guitar, and I try to play every day. At any rate, this life business is getting fuller and fuller, and I think that is a good thing.
One of the things I embarked on a couple of weeks ago was that I decided it was time to loose weight and become healthy. I embarked on a ketogenic approach to this, and the end of the day on Tuesday marked two weeks.
Congrats! Keto really is a good way of eating. I've been doing it since March, and I'm down 30-35 lbs. Keep it up. Sometime the weigh come off fast, other times it stalls. But don't give up on it, it will work in the long run.

I am noticing that with the cooking I am doing for my diet, the additional meals I am eating where before I didn't along with working out an hour three days a week can really make me pressed for time.
Wait, so you are eating more on Keto? I find I'm eating less, and less often. I only eat when I'm hungry, so I don't eat my breakfast until about 10 or 11 am. Then I eat dinner around 5 usually. And that's pretty much it. I may have a snack here or thee, but that's about it.

And I do meal prep, most weeks. I will make one big batch of something on Sunday Evening for breakfast and something for diner. I will portion it out into 5 meals for the week. So, over the next week, I eat the exact same thing for breakfast, and then the same thing for dinner (different from breakfast of course). Then my meals are ready to go in the fridge, whenever I want them. I grab one for work in a cooler and I'm good to go. This helps tremendously with time. I cook once, instead of 5 or 10 times during the week. I don't mind eating the same thing every day, because I will change it up every week. And it makes calculating macros easier too, because you only have to do that once.
Nice to fill your life with things you want to be doing, rather than have to be doing.
Another great update Walt!

Nothing wring with filling your life with heathy, good things.
Happy Birthday to your Grandson...I am sure he grew up faster than you realized.

So happy you have decided to get healthy! Man we have quite the Keto Crew going on here! Like KJ said...stick with it and it will yield dividends! I have lost over 60 pounds on it so far. I'm in a bit of a stall...but I am definitely not gaining weight and I am feeling incredible.When I first started the Ketogenic Lifestyle...I was eating more than I should. Man that was a mistake...I found out quickly that eating those types of food in the amounts I was just made me super nauseated! I have been doing Keto since January and I have been able to reverse and/or improve many medical issues that I had. Still working on a couple others, but I am trending in the right direction. I have a friend that is Type II diabetic and has been eating this way since April. He has since (under doctor supervision) reduced his insulin injections by half. I really hope things work out for you! If you have any questions...I know KJ and myself don't mind answering!
As with the others, many happy returns to the grandson. I too am Keto-ing. I am about 6 weeks in and have lost about20 pounds. Probably mostly water weight, but I find it takes less to satisfy my hunger at meals and it's pretty easy to stay under 20 carbs a day, but balancing the macros is a little tricky.
If there is anything I know about you Walt it is that you research the details before going down a road and you are pretty good at sticking to a plan. I have no doubt you will find a way to enjoy family, guitar, razors/stone, and enjoy a simple Keto diet.

I like Kj' meal prep for the week idea. I can definitely eat the same thing day in and say out, I don't need variety i need COOKIES!
Congrats! Keto really is a good way of eating. I've been doing it since March, and I'm down 30-35 lbs. Keep it up. Sometime the weigh come off fast, other times it stalls. But don't give up on it, it will work in the long run.
Wait, so you are eating more on Keto? I find I'm eating less, and less often. I only eat when I'm hungry, so I don't eat my breakfast until about 10 or 11 am. Then I eat dinner around 5 usually. And that's pretty much it. I may have a snack here or thee, but that's about it.

And I do meal prep, most weeks. I will make one big batch of something on Sunday Evening for breakfast and something for diner. I will portion it out into 5 meals for the week. So, over the next week, I eat the exact same thing for breakfast, and then the same thing for dinner (different from breakfast of course). Then my meals are ready to go in the fridge, whenever I want them. I grab one for work in a cooler and I'm good to go. This helps tremendously with time. I cook once, instead of 5 or 10 times during the week. I don't mind eating the same thing every day, because I will change it up every week. And it makes calculating macros easier too, because you only have to do that once.

Thanks for the encouragement Spider. I used to have a wife that loved me and would cater to my dietary needs when I did Atkins back in the early 2000s. Apparently now she hates me as I am on my own. First, I was in the very unhealthy habit of eating primarily dinner only. Now I am trying to eat 3 times a day. I cook my breakfast and assemble my lunch in the morning. In the evening I assemble my dinner. When I started, I had not prepared a week's worth of food, so I was cooking every morning before work, and cooking dinner. I have since remedied this situation and have 6 lb.s of bacon cooked, 5 lb. of chicken thighs, 6 lb. of 80/20 ground beef and about 4 lb. of Spicy Italian Sausage all cooked and in the freezer. Now I just have to remember to take it out and put it in the fridge enough in advance so it will be thawed when I need it. I am trying to follow the new Atkins, and finding it very difficult to eat even 20g of carb, mainly because I eat mainly leafy greens, but a lot of them. I am taking in on average 1,500 Kcal/day, and the weight is coming off. I am trying not to eat too much protein, and adding olive oil to get the calorie count up. We'll see ho it goes.

Nice to fill your life with things you want to be doing, rather than have to be doing.

You got that right Dave!

Another great update Walt!

Nothing wring with filling your life with heathy, good things.

Thanks Chris

Happy Birthday to your Grandson...I am sure he grew up faster than you realized.

So happy you have decided to get healthy! Man we have quite the Keto Crew going on here! Like KJ said...stick with it and it will yield dividends! I have lost over 60 pounds on it so far. I'm in a bit of a stall...but I am definitely not gaining weight and I am feeling incredible.When I first started the Ketogenic Lifestyle...I was eating more than I should. Man that was a mistake...I found out quickly that eating those types of food in the amounts I was just made me super nauseated! I have been doing Keto since January and I have been able to reverse and/or improve many medical issues that I had. Still working on a couple others, but I am trending in the right direction. I have a friend that is Type II diabetic and has been eating this way since April. He has since (under doctor supervision) reduced his insulin injections by half. I really hope things work out for you! If you have any questions...I know KJ and myself don't mind answering!

Thanks for the encouragement Don. Like I said to Kj, I did this back in the early to mid 2000s, and I lost about 45 lbs. and kept it off for about 2 years. I was also into cycling, and was riding about 100 miles a week. Gradually I added carbs, but there was no problems due to all of the cycling. Then winter came that year, lost daylight before and after work, and the cycling ceased. But I did not change my diet or replace the cycling with another activity. You can certainly guess what happened next, so here I am a decade later with about 50 lbs. total to loose.

As with the others, many happy returns to the grandson. I too am Keto-ing. I am about 6 weeks in and have lost about20 pounds. Probably mostly water weight, but I find it takes less to satisfy my hunger at meals and it's pretty easy to stay under 20 carbs a day, but balancing the macros is a little tricky.

Stay with it Rich. I seem to be having a better time of it this time around than I did over a decade ago. I have increased my salt intake, and I have not had problems with headache and light headedness. Thanks for the encouragement. I am amazed as I have only had very slight cravings, nothing that I could not get my mind off of quickly and move on to the rest of my day.

If there is anything I know about you Walt it is that you research the details before going down a road and you are pretty good at sticking to a plan. I have no doubt you will find a way to enjoy family, guitar, razors/stone, and enjoy a simple Keto diet.

I like Kj' meal prep for the week idea. I can definitely eat the same thing day in and say out, I don't need variety i need COOKIES!

Variety is over-rated Chris. Except with shaving soap and razors. Thank you for the encouragement.
Good stuff here Walt...good job with the dieting. It's always a little difficult making those lifestyle changes necessary to keep ourselves healthy, but very rewarding when those changes begin paying off.

I'm always reminded of this early Garfield cartoon when talking about dieting...