The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

Thank you all for your encouragement gentleman. The Keto diet continues to go well, still staying under 20g of carbohydrate a day, often well under. I am approaching 20 pounds of loss. The strength training (weight lifting) continues to go well, but it is difficult to get through all of my sets during the work week and still get to work on time. I am cycling on non weight training days for about an hour. With the hills around here, that is a difficult hour, at least now. I tried going on trails, but the mosquitos here are very bad due to an unusually wet summer. On the hill climbs I am going so slow that they are eating me up. I may have to wait for a little bit of crisp autumn weather to head to the woods. I did get my road bike out, dusted it off and lubed everything up, but I have yet to take it to the road. Waiting to build some more stamina on the heavier and lunkyer mountain bike due to my heavier, lunkyer framed body.

I was planing on going keto but ended up going cheato. I am mostly in compliance but seem to be resisting the weight loss portion of the program.

There just is no getting around the laws of thermodynamics Chris, no matter the diet. The one very significant thing that I find with the keto diet is that if I keep the carb count to under 15 grams (often well under), and I snack on allowed foods such as cheese and my meals consist of lots of leafy veggies with 2 tablespoons of olive oil with a favorite protein, I find that I am very satisfied with eating a lot less calories, and I have a lot more energy and motivation to do stuff, hence burning more calories.

I had your first soap out the other day, I still love the lemon grass scent. One thing i noticed is that the scent has been consumed a bit and a little extra tallow scent is present. The scent of a long aged tallow soap is rather devine, add a hint of lemongrass to it and things get interesting. I used it to lather in the shower, still as good if not better than ever. I very FIRMLY believe age is an important ingredient. an extended period of low and slow heat can go a long way but nothing beats the ravages of time itself.

Funny you mention that soap Chris. My number generator selected it for tomorrow. Guess what's on deck

I have a very small amount of Beta 1.0 in Lavender and Lemongrass I think, so after I read your journals I might try to find it and dig it out for tomorrow. A while back I may have consumed everything though because I was running out of the home made stuff.

Since I made the Beta 1.2.1, and after letting sit for over a week whilst on the road, every shave has been done using it. I have to say the Lavender, Orange-Spice scent is really quite pleasant to my palette. Yesterday's shave was with the Ghost Jade 7/8" BRW after a long weekend of not shaving, and the result was nirvana. This Am the 6/8" BRW got the call, and the result is just as satisfying.

On to the Journals to try to get caught up!
I have been trying to get into other's journals, and get caught up some, and I forgot to post shaves from yesterday and today. Yesterday was the 7/8" Barber's Notch BRW. I was playing around some with the water on my new Beta 1.2.1 formulation, and actually bloomed with less water and transferred less water to the scuttle. The resulting lather was very thick, rich and creamy, but it felt a bit foreign to me as I usually lather with ample water. Absolutely no complaints on this lather. A very broad water band. I did add some water for each subsequent pass. The post shave feel on this soap is very good. I would not say that the face feels amazing, but you never get the feeling that soap was ever on the face. All week I have not performed any post shave application of any kind, and I do not feel deprived one bit.

Today I mixed the lather as I normally do, with more water. The shave today was with the 7/8" Ghost Jade BRW. The shaves from yesterday and today were full on BBS, and no complaints at all. Of course, I am still doing the Ark maintenance honing after every shave.

On the lifestyle change front, I managed a quick 5 mile bike ride last night as it was my off day for weight training. The problem is that I started lifting at 4:00 AM this morning, less than 12 hours from the bike ride. I was feeling pretty weak on the squats. I'll have to tweak this I think. My problem is that there is not enough daylight in the morning to get a bike ride in and do everything else and still get to work close to on time. Hence night riding is the only option. I wanted the bike rides on the off weight training days, but it might be best to ride on the same days I lift, except for the weekends.
Good luck on the workout schedule. If you lift in the morning, and bike ride at night, then just take the next day off, that might be your best option without impeding progress on the lifting. I've been lifting M-W-F, but haven't really incorporated any cardio yet. I want to though. My bike has had a flat tire for about a year, and I just haven't bought a new tube to fix it. Really need to do that.
Good luck on the workout schedule. If you lift in the morning, and bike ride at night, then just take the next day off, that might be your best option without impeding progress on the lifting. I've been lifting M-W-F, but haven't really incorporated any cardio yet. I want to though. My bike has had a flat tire for about a year, and I just haven't bought a new tube to fix it. Really need to do that.

I think you are right KJ regarding bike at night on lift days during the week. Last week I lifted T- W-Sat, and since Monday was a holiday this week, I lifted M-W-F, making it every other day for two weeks. I intend to Lift Sun-T-Th-Sat next week, but then do a three day a week schedule of T-Th-Sat so one of my weekly lifts is on the weekend. I have to get up real early to get my sets in before work.
Nice to hear the lifestyle changes are working out Walt. Scheduling workouts is my biggest nemesis. I really want to excercise but it's always raining after work so I am limited with the bike rides. I was going to the gym for a while but I absolutely hate lifting weights. The weather is getting better here...but I need to find a better system. Congrats on the 20 lbs!
Great job on the weight loss! When I went to the gym, I did weights M-W-F and cardio on T&TH. Man, I need to get back in the gym.
Great jog on working out Walt!

I did cardio one day and weights the next, that worked for me. I need to get back to both of them!

Great shaves too!
Great update Walt...nice thoughts on the MVM soap 1.2.1, sounds like an improvement on your previous formulas if the post-shave is good enough to go without any product. Also, good luck with the workout scehduling...sometimes it's harder to find the time to do it, than actually doing it.
Ditto! I get up at 4:30 to work out.

On lift days, the alarm goes off at 03:00 so I can get coffee in me and water, and start lifting by 04:00. Gotta love it!

Nice to hear the lifestyle changes are working out Walt. Scheduling workouts is my biggest nemesis. I really want to excercise but it's always raining after work so I am limited with the bike rides. I was going to the gym for a while but I absolutely hate lifting weights. The weather is getting better here...but I need to find a better system. Congrats on the 20 lbs!

Thanks for the kind words Don. My weights are in the basement, so I do not have to think about going to a gym. I have a Nordic Track Pro circa 1992 that I purchased from the factory when I lived in Minnesota. It is in the basement as well. A little rustier today than back then, but the workout is just as rigorous. Even the simple electronics still work. Scheduling is key though, as is commitment. Up until this morning, I felt like I had no control over my weight lifting routine. I just felt like it had control over me. As I have been working out over the past month or so, I have been gradually adding weight when I felt that I could, but certain exercises I am still on the same weights that I started at. This morning, I finally felt like I have control over the entire motion of each of the exercises, and I can feel the targeted muscles getting stronger.

Great job on the weight loss and exercise regimen, Walt!

Thanks Eric

Great job on the weight loss! When I went to the gym, I did weights M-W-F and cardio on T&TH. Man, I need to get back in the gym.

Yes, that was soort of the goal, but I enjoy cycling for cardio, and there in lies my problem. I will likely have to resort to ski machine only once we loose daylight saving time, except the weekends, so I want to get as much cycling in as I can while I still have daylight.

Great jog on working out Walt!

I did cardio one day and weights the next, that worked for me. I need to get back to both of them!

Great shaves too!

Thanks Craig

Great update Walt...nice thoughts on the MVM soap 1.2.1, sounds like an improvement on your previous formulas if the post-shave is good enough to go without any product. Also, good luck with the workout scehduling...sometimes it's harder to find the time to do it, than actually doing it.

Thanks Josh. I think the 1.2.1 is a solid soap. A bit different than the other formalations, but solid. Certainly not in anyone's elite box, but I'll take it.
I failed to log yesterday's and today's shave, trying to catch up with folks in the journals. Yesterday was a stellar 6/8" BRW full on BBS shave. Absolutely exceptional Today was a lift day, so I was running a little late. Two pass ATT version 1 SE2 with a Pro blade left me with a DFS+, and I was out the door.
Another quick entry today. For some reason I was a slug this morning, and time got away from me watching some of my recordings. Did a quick two pass and a cleanup with the ATT SE2 for a full BBS this morning. I have long ago lost count of how many shaves I have on this Feather Pro blade, but it is still comfortable and is working well. So back in the razor it went.
Another quick entry today. For some reason I was a slug this morning, and time got away from me watching some of my recordings. Did a quick two pass and a cleanup with the ATT SE2 for a full BBS this morning. I have long ago lost count of how many shaves I have on this Feather Pro blade, but it is still comfortable and is working well. So back in the razor it went.

Nice Walt!

I’ve been rather happy about how long I can milk the Pro blades so far. I was worried when I first started researching, seeing the number of people saying 5-ish shaves max, but it really makes me feel better about dropping a bill on em when I can get 15 or so.
This morning I had a full weekend of no shaving, and the Jade scaled 7/8" BRW mowed everything down. Three pass and a cleanup full BBS.

The Ark maintenance honing is working very well on these three razors, and as a result of doing it, I hone a little every day that I shave. However, I am getting a hankering to get back to some real honing to see if I can press the boundaries of keenness. Thinking of getting the JNats out and doing some Kamisori honing, inspired by Rich.