The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

A quick update as I have a lull in my proposal marathon at the moment. Yesterday and today I shaved using the Stirling 26 mm X 54 mm synthetic, mainly to see the consistency of the lather produced compared to the Sorrentino TSC Barzini. Although the Stirling is a larger diameter bulb compared to a fan, the lather consistency produced with both brushes was very consistent with each other, and quite different than My Stirling 26 mm X 54 MM Finest Badger. I really think that the amount of retained water in the badger is the reason. This, and I tend to add more bloom water out of the badger than I can with either synthetic.

Yesterday was the 6/8" and today was the 7/8" Barber's notched BRWs. Each of the three BRW razors that I am cycling between are still firing on all cylinders, and each day results in BBS to BBS++ to near grail worthy. Nothing to complain about here. I am spending more time maintaining them than I think I am spending shaving with them. Recently I have introduced stropping before the shave which I have not done in a while. So pre-shave I have been stropping 30 on Miller Heirloom Canvas, 30 on Miller Flax Linen and 60 on Heirloom leather. Pre-maintenance honing I do exactly the same thing, and post-maintenance honing I do 30 Tomonagura Cotton, 30 Tomonagura Canvas, 30 Miller Flax Linen and finish with about 120 Heirloom leather. I need to time this relative to the shave, but I am pretty sure the time is about equal. Of course I have begun to do more stropping because I find it enjoyable, and I really think it has improved the results of my maintenance honing to strop after the shave, but before the honing.
Good read Walt. And I do think you are onto something. I do tend to add more water during my synthetic brush shaves.
Nice update, Walt. Good notes on the differences between the brushes...I've noticed similar results.
Good read Walt. And I do think you are onto something. I do tend to add more water during my synthetic brush shaves.

Thanks Chad.

Nice update, Walt. Good notes on the differences between the brushes...I've noticed similar results.

Funny, I now have 4 synthetic brushes, but never really shaved with them other than when I travel. And typically my travel shave is a very different beast than what I normally do in the den. Travel shaves are with the Whipped Dog sans the last travel, and always face lather with Arko, also sans the last travel. When I pulled the trigger on the first Stirling Kong, my first impression was too floppy, and I have not used it since. When I got the 25 X 54 Stirling, I used it once and said "that's better," but I never came back around and used it again until yesterday. So in summary, I am a synthetic knot newbie big time.
Wow! what an odyssey of brush experimentation you've been though while I've been out of pocket. Have you ever written a book? You certainly have a gift of prose.
Caught up on some tremendous posts, Walt! I really enjoyed your insight and comparison of the brushes. I personally now find synthetic fan knots to be my favorite.

Also, glad you came out relatively unscathed from the tick situation. Hope the rest of the summer is easier!
Well, I don't know anything about SR, but enjoy reading about your brushes and soaps. Interesting stuff, Walt. ?
Well folks, first let me apologize for my absence over the past almost two months. Work and home life has gotten crazy. Things are starting to settle down, so I need to re-engage all of my friends here. Hopefully I will be able to check in more frequently.

The good news is that I have a new grandbaby daughter named Rose who is now going on a month old. She is healthy, eats all the time, and is growing like a weed.
Walt my friend. Nice to hear from you! Congrats on the birth of your granddaughter!
Well folks, first let me apologize for my absence over the past almost two months. Work and home life has gotten crazy. Things are starting to settle down, so I need to re-engage all of my friends here. Hopefully I will be able to check in more frequently.

The good news is that I have a new grandbaby daughter named Rose who is now going on a month old. She is healthy, eats all the time, and is growing like a weed.

So happy to have you check in Walt! I was thinking about you the other day and wondered if everything was okay. Thought I might have to send a Marine squad or two to provide assistance.

Happy to hear about the granddaughter...and what a beautiful name! I am sure she is the Jewel of the family right now.

Glad things are normalizing a bit. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
Great to hear from you Walt.

Glad things are easing down for you. Huge congratulations on your granddaughter!
Walt my friend. Nice to hear from you! Congrats on the birth of your granddaughter!

Thanks Chad! She is a momma's girl. If she is awake, she wants to be eating.

So happy to have you check in Walt! I was thinking about you the other day and wondered if everything was okay. Thought I might have to send a Marine squad or two to provide assistance.

Happy to hear about the granddaughter...and what a beautiful name! I am sure she is the Jewel of the family right now.

Glad things are normalizing a bit. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help!

I would love to say that all is well here, but that is probably stretching the truth a bit. However, things are manageable, and everyone seems to be healthy. So it could be a lot worse.

Great to hear from you Walt.

Glad things are easing down for you. Huge congratulations on your granddaughter!

Thanks Chris. I have missed all of you guys.
Hey Walt, glad to hear that things are starting to settle down to manageable levels at least.

And super congrats on your new granddaughter! Great name!
Congratulations on the family addition. Nothing better than those gummy smiles!
Great seeing you back Walt!

Congratulations on the birth of your Grand Daughter!