The Shaving Cadre

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MarkB's Basses, Shaves & Other Obsessions

Sadly never went to a real barbershop when I was younger, or even now for that matter. At this point I don’t think I could trust someone enough to shave me nicely, knowing I can do it myself, lol.
Sadly never went to a real barbershop when I was younger, or even now for that matter. At this point I don’t think I could trust someone enough to shave me nicely, knowing I can do it myself, lol.
I don't recall them ever shaving anyone. The closest they would come was applying the warm shaving cream from the machine to the back of the neck and hitting that with a razor.
Pinaud Clubman is a time machine in a bottle. How can you NOT love the stuff??!?!
Right?!? The local place where I get my hair cut still uses both Clubman(aftershave AND talc thank-you-very-much) and Master Bay Rum. It's owned by a younger guy too.
Good morning everyone!!

Barbershop Week Day 3

!!! WARNING !!!
Heretical content ahead!!!

Moving on into other peoples' interpretation of what "Barbershop" scent means. Today I went with CBL's Barbershop soap. I always love the performance of the CBL soaps. The lather is very slick and cushioning and provides a nice base. My only complaint is the scent, or rather the lack of scent in the soaps. The website states this soap's scent is inspired by YSL's Rive Gauche & Azzaro Pour Homme. But what I detect with my nose is not comparable to either. Actually I hardly smell anything other than what I assume is the soap base (FTR I get the same with the other CBL soaps I have as well*). Ultimately it's about the soap's performance but as I said earlier, I like to be engulfed in the scent of whichever soap I use. And despite the excellent shaves I get from CBL soaps, I'm always a little disappointed afterward.


RazoRock Preshave Cube - Charcoal & Lime
CBL "Barbershop" Soap
Stirling Soap Co. High Mountain White Brush
Merkur Futur
Personna Med Prep Blade
Fine "American Blend" Splash

YSL Rive Gauche Edt
*However I do get a good dose of rose in the Black Rose Oud but really nothing else that's listed for that soap
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I'm having gig withdrawals.. Played our last show in October. We purposefully avoid planning shows around the holidays. One, because so much is going on in peoples' lives that shows almost become paid practices (not that there's anything wrong with that but I miss the crowd interaction). Two, college football's playoff games. I live in Alabama where "College Football" is listed as a religion option on most pertinent documents (I'm a big fan myself so I too like to watch the games).

Still, I'll be glad to get back on stage. We're taking this time to learn new songs and get our new drummer up to speed on the song list. Think it's gonna work out really well. He can sing so we're trying to add some four-part harmonies on some songs. We've also bought a lighting rig we're going to be debuting at our next show.

Come on January 24th & 25th 2020!!!
What I'm hearing is a Cadre video exclusive bass solo concert from Mark's living room is in the works.
But what I detect with my nose is not comparable to either. Actually I hardly smell anything other than what I assume is the soap base
I don’t get YSL RG at all either, though I’ve not tried APH. I just get soap base and spicy light talc. Still love it though personally!
What?!?! How can that be? Bay Rum is a very traditional Barbershop scent.
Barbershop just means talc/powdery/fresh to me.
Barbershop Week Day 4 - Stirling Soap Co. "Barbershop"

This scent IMHO is closer to a "barbershop" scent than the CBL soap yesterday. Of course the soap's performance is stellar but focusing primarily on the scent, what immediately jumps out to me is a powdery musk, with a slightly sweet vanilla accord (tonka bean?). This aroma is very rich. There are other notes in there, some spice that calls to mind Avon's "Tai Winds" as well as hints of bay rum & sandalwood in the base. Overall this is a great soap and a great representation (again IMO) of a "barbershop" scent.


RazoRock Preshave Cube - Charcoal & Lime
Stirling Soap Co. "Barbershop" Soap
Stirling Soap Co. High Mountain White Badger Brush
Merkur Futur
Personna Med Prep Blade
Stirling Soap Co. "Barbershop" Splash

Stirling Soap Co. "Barbershop" EdT
Mmm Stirling Barbershop is pretty nice! I’m realizing you’ve got a lot of scent sets! Do sets comprise most of your den, or is that just what’s coming out of it recently?
Mmm Stirling Barbershop is pretty nice! I’m realizing you’ve got a lot of scent sets! Do sets comprise most of your den, or is that just what’s coming out of it recently?
Yeah, sets do take up the lion's share of my den. I do have soaps that are stand-alone scents and have to find splashes and colognes that work with them (I like to try to keep a level of continuity scent-wise among my soaps, splashes and frags). I get frustrated sometimes with soaps like Noble Otter's "The Noir Et Vanille" because they make a matching splash but it's never in stock! In fact practically nothing on their website is in stock and hasn't been for quite a while. I'm beginning to wonder if they're still in business.
But yeah if I can find a soap with matching splash and cologne, I'll typically spring for the whole set.
I hate to be a Scrooge but I am just NOT feeling Christmas this year... I haven't put out any decorations.. No tree.. No wreath on the door.. No lights around the house... I neither listened to any Christmas music nor have I watched any Christmas movies (although I may watch "Die Hard", yes it IS a Christmas movie ;) ).