2 June, 2022
Good morning Cadre! Hope you had a pleasant evening.
Today's Morning Music segment I'm featuring a few personal hits from the 90's. I have a love/hate relationship with 90's music. A lot of great music came out that decade along with a LOT of absolute crap. I joke that I listened to more Jazz in the 90's than at any other time in my life. But bands like Dream Theater and Fates Warning along with King Crimson kept me from giving up on the decade entirely. So here are a trio of songs from each band mentioned. Just for fun post up some of you favorite 90's songs. Curious to hear them!
New soap day! Picked up First Line Shave's "90's Rewind Vol. 1" which is based on Calvin Klein's "CK One". This was the first time I got introduced to the concept of "unisex" frags and to be honest, was a little dubious at first. But I liked the scent a eventually picked up a bottle. The soap smells pretty dang close too! Medium light scent strength out of the tub but gets stronger when lathered. The lather is excellent! Thick and yogurt-like with great slip and cushion. Three passes and I finished with the matching splash (+ skin food) and a spray of CK One. Excellent!
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Good morning Cadre! Hope you had a pleasant evening.
Today's Morning Music segment I'm featuring a few personal hits from the 90's. I have a love/hate relationship with 90's music. A lot of great music came out that decade along with a LOT of absolute crap. I joke that I listened to more Jazz in the 90's than at any other time in my life. But bands like Dream Theater and Fates Warning along with King Crimson kept me from giving up on the decade entirely. So here are a trio of songs from each band mentioned. Just for fun post up some of you favorite 90's songs. Curious to hear them!
New soap day! Picked up First Line Shave's "90's Rewind Vol. 1" which is based on Calvin Klein's "CK One". This was the first time I got introduced to the concept of "unisex" frags and to be honest, was a little dubious at first. But I liked the scent a eventually picked up a bottle. The soap smells pretty dang close too! Medium light scent strength out of the tub but gets stronger when lathered. The lather is excellent! Thick and yogurt-like with great slip and cushion. Three passes and I finished with the matching splash (+ skin food) and a spray of CK One. Excellent!
Hope you have a wonderful day.