12 March, 2022
Good evening gentlemen.
Back home as of yesterday evening.. Wanted to post an update but was exhausted from the week in Florida and the 12 hour trip back (more on that in a minute).
Firstly, my father is doing MUCH better. He was in the ICU when we first arrived, sedated, intubated, being treated for pneumonia and kidney failure & being fed through a tube. But he improved dramatically over the course of the week. When we left he was out of the ICU and in a regular room. All the IVs and tubes had been removed and he was eating solid food again and able to take his medication orally. He still had a ways to go yet. His kidneys are still not working like they should and he has to have dialysis. We're hoping his kidney function will improve and he wont have to go through it any more. Also he's basically been in a bed since February 14th so he'll be sent from the hospital when discharged to an inpatient rehab/physical therapy facility for a couple of weeks and eventually back home. I can attest from first-hand experience, being home, in a familiar space is such a boon to one's recovery both physically and mentally. We all (my brother and sister went down with my wife and I) made him a deal that when he's home, all healed up and feeling better, we'd all come back down and have a real vacation with him.
Now, the drive back... The ride down wasn't that bad, but the ride back?

OMG it was tortuous! We had to drive through the same storm that dropped a tornado in Ocala FL! Rain coming in sideways! Wind blowing trucks and big rigs all over the interstate (I-75). It was nerve-wracking! And then the physical pain! YIKES! My back and hip were killing me in addition the nerve pain which was constant. It was like fire on my feet and red-hot ice picks being shoved into my toes! Neither drugs nor frequent rest stops helps alleviate it. I was SO glad to get back home. I basically put the luggage in the garage, hobbled inside, took a fist-full of pills and crawled into bed. I woke up this morning feeling like I had been beaten with a baseball bat! Haven't done much today. I showered but didn't shave. So, it should be a great one tomorrow!
Speaking of shaves, I took my hanging travel kit along with the Tatara Masamune and the Wild West Brushworks "Gold Coast" synth. For software, I chose lightly-scented and no-scented products. These being Noble Otter's "Bare" shave soap and the Nancy Boy "Signature" shave cream and balm. I chose these firstly because I knew I'd be spending a lot of time in the hospital and didn't want to use anything that would have been too strong and secondly, so that should the worst have happened, I wouldn't have had a particular scent/aroma to remind me of it in the future.
So, from the bottom of my heart I want to say thanks for all the thoughts, prayers and healing vibes gentlemen! I'll never be able to express how much I appreciate it.