@dangerousdon told me about this podcast as a recommendation for leadership stuff. The first episode I listened to was kinda traumatic because Dakota Meyer was talking about probably the worst time in his life. I was not prepared to hear the pain in his voice. But it's encouragement to talk about the bad stuff I see and feel because of my job. Maybe not exactly leadership stuff in the episode but it definitely applied to me.
I did tell you that a lot of them will be on the heavy side. I hope it didn't bring too much in you. Listen to several of them...even look at the show notes and pick and choose if you will. Sometimes he dissects literature, sometimes he uses his military experience and others, sometimes he goes off script. There was one I listened to a while back where he interviewed a Vietnam Special Forces Vet. His name escapes me right now. But during his fantastic retelling of horrific events, there was a segment that he and Jocko started discussing about "Extreme Ownership." My wife was listening at the time and became hooked. Anyway...The extreme ownership really hit home with me. I wasn't expecting to really learn much fro the personal account...but there it was, and man it was powerful. My guess is there are tidbits in that podcast that you listened to that while you may not have said outright that you learned something...we always learn from other's experiences. The Jocko Podcast is just downright the best leadership learning tool I have ever come across. I hope you can gleam from it!