The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Nice shave. I have a vie long horsehair that deals me fits. It’s currently vacationing in a drawer.
I think it's cool to have because of my Hispanic heritage, but it's going right back in the drawer.
Thanks for making me feel old Ben. I had to look up what silly bands were
The only reason I know about them was because some kid was talking about them in a Factbook group I'm in, and I consulted with my Google Fu out of curiosity. You're not a whole lot older than I am. Haha
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Merkur 37C
  • Blade: Treet Silver (2)
  • Brush: Brush: Rick Montalvo "Pea Soup" with Maggard 26mm 2 band SHD fan knot
  • Soap: Eleven/DFS collab
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Eleven/DFS collab
  • Music: Better Off - Milk
Well, it finally happened, I had to do CPR on a baby for the first time yesterday morning. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as I thought it would. It's pretty crummy, but we did all we could. But today is a new day with more opportunities to help more people.

Continuing with the same metal stuff. It works. Notable that the blade hasn't rusted. These are the most stainless carbon steel blades I've used so far.

I love this brush, you already know.

I've been itching to try Eleven since Paolo rebranded. I want to say this is a new formula apart from the Sapone Di Paolo base, but I can't remember right now. I've also never visited DFS that I can remember.

So right off the bat, I got ze tingles, but it was very tolerable. This is quite a thirsty soap. I actually wasn't able to really hydrate it properly due to tons constraints, but I still got a damn good creamy, slick lather. The actual shave was uneventful and resulted in an dfs oddly enough. My face feels amazing. And I've already gotten a compliment on the scent at work.


Better Off is probably one of the more accessable bands that I listen to. Funny story about how I found them. I basically bought this record based on the cover art, then I listened to the first single on the record and knew I did a good job. Haha. They have a grungy sound, but a lot more ambient. I'm not sure how to describe it better than that. Just know that there is no screaming, so listen without fear of an instant headache.

Have a great Friday, everybody!
Shave soap and splash twinsies today as I took it for a spin as well. Scent reminded me of Henri Et Victoria Cognac and Cuban cigars but a little lighter. I DIG it. Have a good day Ben
Shave soap and splash twinsies today as I took it for a spin as well. Scent reminded me of Henri Et Victoria Cognac and Cuban cigars but a little lighter. I DIG it. Have a good day Ben
It smells like something in my den, but I didn't think about it until you mentioned cigars. I think it has a hint of Moon Soaps Havana. That might be what my nose is picking up. I like it too. It's actually a little refreshing in this Houston humidity.
Sorry you had a rough shift yesterday. That’s a heavy burden to shoulder. It’s good you continue to be ready to help though. When I imagine the times before real mobile medical services...yikes! Thanks for what you do.

Good shave today!
Sorry you had a rough shift yesterday. That’s a heavy burden to shoulder. It’s good you continue to be ready to help though. When I imagine the times before real mobile medical services...yikes! Thanks for what you do.

Good shave today!
It's really not that stressful anymore if I'm being honest. The approach in my head is, "oh, well, that's not good, uhhhh, okay.....uhhhh, alright let's fix it," then get to work. I usually have a little smirk when that's going through my mind, which isn't always appropriate. Lol. EMS is still pretty archaic when it comes to some things, but it's come a long way in the last ~50 years.
I know most jobs have the ups and downs of stress, but thanks for manning the front lines.

Oh ... nice shave too.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Merkur 37C
  • Blade: Treet Silver (3)
  • Brush: Prometheus Handcrafts "Easter"with 24mm Whipped Dog boar knot
  • Soap: Declaration Grooming/Chatillon Lux Unconditional Surrender
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Declaration Grooming/Chatillon Lux Unconditional Surrender
  • Music: Emarosa - 131
Happy Sunday, I'm not at work and you probably aren't either! I started the day pretending that I was going to work because nobody communicates. I got to work to find everything worked out like planned and I came back home to return to my slumber.

Same metal stuff. I know I'm impressed with these blades not rusting, but every other carbon blade I've used starts spotting after the first use, even after I dry them. I've been drying these, and still they remain spotless.

I've been meaning to use this brush again because the knot needs to be broken in badly. Frankly, it's awful at lathering right now, but not quite as bad as the Vie-Long.

Today's software was picked because it smells amazing, and I'm going to a coworker's wedding. I could've gone with a couple of different cologne dupes, but this one has a special place in my heart...and nose.

I had a predictably uneventful shave. The blade was tugging on the first pass, so it'll be tossed before my next shave. No irritation, no weepers, nothing. Just a really good shave.


Emarosa is a very talented band that is on their third vocalist. Bradley can sing, and sing very well. I got a chance to see them a couple of years ago and I was not disappointed. I have a few pictures of Bradley crowd surfing and banging on a snare simultaneously. The live energy is better than on this record. Again, another accessable band for the cadre, free of screaming.

It is noteworthy that I placed a Stirling order yesterday that I can't wait to receive. And I bought an Ever Ready 200T on the bay for a fun restoration project.

I hope everybody has been having a great weekend.