- Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
- Razor: Schick EverSharp G-8
- Blade: Supply (2)
- Brush: Shavemac Tortoise, 24mm something badger
- Soap: B&M Leviathan
- Aftershave: Thayer's Original, B&M Leviathan
- Music: Issues - Beautiful Oblivion
It's free for all Sunday and I've been wanting to use Leviathan for a couple of weeks. This is my treat for resisting the temptation of using stuff from the passaround box while I had it. I'll be using one of those soaps next Sunday for sure. I've noticed that my shaves with the jectah are faster now. It also can't be a coincidence that I've also been blooming my soaps. Faster loading, faster lathering, faster shaving. I actually made it to work at the time that I've always been aiming for and failing to achieve. DFS and a great scent, even though it doesn't match the weather just yet.

This is the new Issues album and it's already highly regarded for its "brave" departure from their previous works. The old stuff is filled with screaming, but not so much this album. It's going to take a little getting used to, but I like it so far. It's got a little funk in it, with heavy down-tuned guitars.
Quick mention. I PIFed my partner some stuff, including a sample size tub of CBL Dragon's Blood, which he loves. He walked in bragging that he was BBS. Another one converted.
I'm off to fix my truck and do the other stuff I mentioned. Thanks for reading, Cadre. Have a great Sunday.