- Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
- Razor: Karve, OC C plate
- Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (2)
- Brush: Lancaster Razor Works Fly Fishing 3, 26mm synthetic
- Soap: Institut Karite Extra Gentle
- Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Pinaud Clubman
- Music: blink-182 - blink-182
- EdT: Paco Rabanne Pour Homme
I have done everything that I need to do today, including dropping off a suit at my tailor to get basically everything let out because I've gained a little weight since I bought the damn thing almost a year ago. It's not going to break my bank too bad, but it's a reminder that I need to hit the gym; I could use some strength training anyway. I also made it out to the post office to send
@Dave in KY some Proline B-20 blades to try out because of science. I've seen a couple of Cadre gents rave about them so I was disappointed to find that they weren't working for me. If nothing else, the blades can make a tour of the membership or something, I don't know, that's Dave's problem now.

I also took care of some financial stuff this weekend so I can stop hemorrhaging my money. Lots of productivity in the past few days, although it doesn't really feel like it. It's going to be a relatively busy week going forward. Tomorrow I'm off to Safelite to get my windshield repaired a bit so that there is no possible cracking involved. Then I have a training on Wednesday and Thursday pertaining to maintenance of my ambulance, specifically the generator and electrical system that is currently plaguing our fleet. Then back to work on Friday for the rest of my work tour.
Back to the regular grind of the 3017ing. This brush is new....ish. I haven't used it before because it didn't have any hair, which I installed last night. It was another case of the handle being bored too deep for my purposes, but I improvised again and added two nickels to raise the knot a bit; it was also bored a little too wide, but that's not as big a deal. This handle was one of four specially made in collaboration with Talbot Shaving's Chittenango Creek. Part of the proceeds went to help veterans heal through fly fishing, which I can get behind without question. I wish I went out fishing a lot more often, it's a great distraction from reality for the duration of the failed attempt to catch fish. There is a fly lure in the handle, along with a couple of rocks, which is awesome. Enough about this beautiful brush. I chased and I was cursed and rewarded. There were a few weepers. I got full on BBS. I think there were dolphins involved? I dunno, I never understood what that was all about. My face is smooth, that's about it. I applied some Thayer's and decided to check with some alum, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. More Thayer's, then Iced Clubman. I finished up with a spritz of my EdT of the day. A bit on the fragrance. I fully understand why a few members say that it's a bit of an older man's scent. I definitely get the vintage vibe to it, and at one point I told Venessa that this is probably what men smelled like in the early 80's. That being said, I thoroughly enjoy it, it feels classic and classy without being overstepping any bounds.
Ah, the perfection that is the self-titled album, easily the highest point in their career. This is the greatest album they will ever release and they will forever be chasing the success that they had when they released this. That might be too bold a statement, but that's just how I feel. Of course that doesn't mean that I think their other works are trash, but this is the best of what they've release.......to date.
Matilda is showing me some love today, which is a little weird, so I'm gonna go enjoy it. She's just like me and doesn't really display affection too often, which is something that Venessa isn't too fond of, understandably. I still haven't nailed down the reason behind my behavior, but it's probably related to a defense mechanism I developed in my teens. As I type this I realize that it's something that I'm gonna need to work on going forward because Venessa deserves nothing less than everything I have in me. Anyway, I'm off to enjoy the thunderstorm that just arrived. Thanks for reading, Cadre. Enjoy the rest of your Monday.