The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Admittedly, I've never seen that movie. I'm not a fan of 80's metal of any variation. Drugs, sex, and rock and roll has never appealed to me for some reason.
don't get sick or injured because healthcare in this country sucks
Man...don't get me started! I would actually argue that we have great health care in the US. We actually have two issues. First is that western medical practices focus too much on treating symptoms and not addressing the underlying issue. And Secondly, our insurance industry really sucks. I am lucky enough to work for my state and have great insurance. Maybe not what it was about 10 years ago...but it is pretty good nonetheless. Others are not as fortunate. I do want to preface this with I am not an advocate for universal health care or socialized medicine. I think as a country we can do better than that.

My partner walked in to talk in the middle of my shave and called me a hipster for whatever reason.
Hey I was wet shaving before wet shaving was cool! 🤪
Man...don't get me started! I would actually argue that we have great health care in the US. We actually have two issues. First is that western medical practices focus too much on treating symptoms and not addressing the underlying issue. And Secondly, our insurance industry really sucks. I am lucky enough to work for my state and have great insurance. Maybe not what it was about 10 years ago...but it is pretty good nonetheless. Others are not as fortunate. I do want to preface this with I am not an advocate for universal health care or socialized medicine. I think as a country we can do better than that.
Agreed. But it's a tall order to fix both of those things. I'd ramble on about the things that need to be fixed, but it's like beating a dead horse. We'll get it all sorted someday.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Cornell 5/8, probably
  • Razor: Schick I1
  • Blade: probably a Supply on its nth use
  • Brush: The milk glass boar one
  • Soap: Soap Commander Liberty
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Soap Commander Liberty
  • Music: Andrés - Heroes, Villains, and All That Jazz
I was able to stop by my apartment and get a proper shower and shave. You bet your tail I took advantage of the opportunity. Of course this was all before I was sent home by my chief for rest. If he hadn't said anything, I would still be at work powering through the week...and physically and mentally drained. This week has taken a lot out of me. I'm just a few days away from being a certified firefighter, I had my fingerprints digitized for a background check, so the only thing after that is paying the application fee. I've talked to the bosses about going to get my hazmat technician cert, but they told me to calm the hell down and finish my paramedic and get my Class B DL first. It's weird not having something hanging over my head. Back to the hazmat stuff. I told my partner this morning and he had nothing but negative things to comment on; he thinks the physically demanding aspect of the course and responsibilities are too much for me...after seeing me do absolutely nothing physically demanding in a year. I've come to realize that he's the reason why I'm selling myself short with fire stuff, with all the negativity. I'm gonna bust my tail to be a world class paramedic and an elite firefighter. To hell with that negative ass.

Being home with a little more time that I've had all week I decided to grab the Cornell. About a minute on leather and I'm off to the races. Liberty is such a pleasant scent. I could've hydrated it bit more, but it still worked out. I went with a single wtg pass with no drama. I figured I would get the practice in when I should. The last 2.5 passes were with the jectah. I'll call it BBS-. No complaints.

I don't remember what I did this morning, but I'm pretty sure I forgot to take a picture of my setup. Oops?

Andrés makes some fun music. The Latin influence is very apparent in the song I pasted above. At around the 2:00 minute mark there's a wonderful break that showcases that Latin influence and it's awesome. A few expletives are sprinkled in, but I think we're all adults here...on paper. I'm looking at you, @bentheduck!

I slept 5 hours when I got home from work and I'm still tired, but I'm better off and feeling a lot better. @Majorrich sent me a prize for being the closest value to his weight gain on vacation. There's some other new stuff that I have posted in the mail call area.

I just realized that I started washing my uniforms when I got home and they've been in the washer for 5 hours, so I'm just gonna slide on over and put them in the dryer. Thanks for reading my rant, my nonsense, and your continued kindness and support. You guys are the best.
Ya heck man, just finish up this stuff and enjoy life for a while. Plenty of time to move on to more.
Ya heck man, just finish up this stuff and enjoy life for a while. Plenty of time to move on to more.
I feel like I have way too much free time right now, so that was the motivating factor. But you're right, I need to slow things down for a couple of months to work on wedding details and catch my breath.
Glad you caught a break man! You deserve one once in a while, don’t sell yourself short in that regard either. Otherwise, you keep on plugging-away at your certs as long as you like.
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Glad you caught a break man! You deserve one once in a while, don’t sell yourself short in that regard either. Otherwise, you keep on plugging away at your certs as long as you like.
That has been one of my weaknesses for as long as I've been doing that. It's easy to get caught up in the allure of OT. The work-life balance is never quite fully balanced, but it's something I'll try to work on over the next couple of years.

Just don’t over-hydrate before hitting the rack. Lol
You tell me after I chug two bottles of water! Geez! 🤣
First that was a great journal posting! I love it when the cadre is feeling passionate or emotional about something because get to see a side that we normally don't get to see. Love it!

I told my partner this morning and he had nothing but negative things to comment on; he thinks the physically demanding aspect of the course and responsibilities are too much for me...after seeing me do absolutely nothing physically demanding in a year. I've come to realize that he's the reason why I'm selling myself short with fire stuff, with all the negativity. I'm gonna bust my tail to be a world class paramedic and an elite firefighter. To hell with that negative ass.

DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!!! Who the hell is he to decide what you are physically able to accomplish. In my experience, physical ability is rarely the culprit to failure. We beat ourselves. So if you want to get your Haz-Mat Certification...then get your damn Haz-Mat Certification. I know you have to work with the use his negativity to fuel your fire. I have done a ton of things in my life that people have only read about in books. I have accomplished many things in the military and in my personal life that most would run away from. I may not be the man I used to be...but damn it...those are my experiences. Mr. The Duck...make your own damn experiences and tell the rest of the world to sod off. You think those guys who make it through BUDS training and become Navy SEALS listen to all the negativity that surrounded them? Absolutely not. You think the Special Forces guy in that green beret listen to all the negativity before he went to his training? Hell NO! You think those Air Force Combat Controllers (@HandleBarberDave ) listen to those that say that getting that downed pilot is futile? Nope. You think that Marine Corps Force Recon guy says that there is no way he can get back to the lines? That is a big HELL NO!!! Only you can determine if a training, job, certification, position is for you. The rest of the world can just GO AWAY!!!

Sorry for the rant about your rant. But these are the things I hate most in this world.

By the way...excellent shave! 🤪
You're damn right, Don! I can easily see him fading away into a corner of envy. He keeps making excuses for not doing what is asked of him, while the rest of the shift is grinding away and getting it done without complaints or excuses.