The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

Saw this scent on their website this morning. If A&E wasn't going to be coming out with some more soon I likely would have ordered it.
Geez, I almost made a viciously morbid joke before I realized that it might offend a lot of people. Haha.

I'll clean it up, Chris.
Saw this scent on their website this morning. If A&E wasn't going to be coming out with some more soon I likely would have ordered it.
I was originally interested in picking up FOMO on April Fool's Day, but I gave it a quick thought and decided that I wasn't going to let FOMO get in the way of my Spicebomb obsession.
Gracias! I'm at the end of paramedic school and I can't wait to finish so I can have my life back.
I'm sure that's intense. I know how you feel, I'm working full time and in online school full time, so free time is at a premium right now, and will be for another 129 days (9/9/19)...
I'm sure that's intense. I know how you feel, I'm working full time and in online school full time, so free time is at a premium right now, and will be for another 129 days (9/9/19)...
It's decently intense. It's more time consuming than it is intense.
I know that feeling too well. I did EMT school full time, work full time, and volunteered at my fire department with the rest of my time. Keep pushing through, you're almost there, brother!
Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
Razor: Rockwell 6S, R3
Blade: Treet Silver, third use
Brush: That Darn Rob "Milk Glass" 26mm boar
Soap: Dr. Jon's - Reggie's Deep Space Punch
Aftershave: Pomp's Not Dead - Shaves The Day
Music: Saves The Day - Through Being Cool

Today is the start of my work week and it started with some nonsense that has now been sorted.

Keeping with the same metal stuff combination that has produced some of my best shaves. This blade has somehow not rusted yet.

This boar knot keeps getting better and better as it breaks in, which has taken about a year so far. I did the soaking in fridge technique and it yielded slightly positive results. Just using seems to be more effective in breaking it in.

It's stormy today and I figured that it would be humid between showers, so I went with something that has menthol. Reggie's Deep Space Punch is a pretty straight forward fruit punch scent. While not super appropriate in a professional setting, it's Saturday...I think, and therefore more easy going.

Shaves The Day is made by Edwin at Pomp's Not Dead (Houston, TX). I'm happy to support a local artisan with hardcore ethos. Up until a couple of months ago he was mostly producing hair products, primarily pomade. The name is a play on Saves The Day, an OG pop punk band from the late 90's. The scent is a little fruity and florally, making it a decent match for Reggie's Deep Space Punch.

The shave was uneventful and resulted in another damn fine shave, almost bbs. I focused on technique, which seems to be the trick to getting such incredible shaves.


I already touched on Saves The Day, but I'll add a bit more. They became popular around the time that "emo" started taking its reign. By the way, I hate that term, always have; blues and country are pretty "emo" too. Moving on. Yeah, the lyrics are about teenage heartbreak and angst, so naturally I started listening to them when I was in high school. I have fond memories of listening to them with my senior friends when I was a freshman. Those friends helped shape my taste in music.

It'll become a little more apparent in the future, but I love music. I've had music in my head for as long as I can remember. I played trombone and tuba in band, and I took music theory on high school just because. I also pretend to play guitar, and played bass in a band before I got too cool to drive 30 minutes to practice.

Anyway, I hope you've had a relaxing start to your weekend.

May the 4th be with you, nerds.
Really great post! I have to admit that even though I venture that I am bit older than you, I have listened to my share of Saves the Day. A couple songs resonated with me during that time and I revisit them from time to time. Boar brushes when broken in are really nice lather monsters. It's a shame I don't use mine more often. And what is great about boar brushes is they don't break the bank! Your brush is a thing of beauty!
I'm still afraid of my boar brush from the shedding issues I had with it. Even though it's stopped shedding for the most part, I'm still always thinking that if I don't let it soak long enough pre shave it's going to start again. I should probably just get over it and start using it more regularly lol
I always get a kick out of listening to the radio when songs from high school pop up. Makes for a great sing along lol!
It'll become a little more apparent in the future, but I love music. I've had music in my head for as long as I can remember. I played trombone and tuba in band, and I took music theory on high school just because. I also pretend to play guitar, and played bass in a band before I got too cool to drive 30 minutes to practice.

Very nice! I played Trumpet, French Horn/Marching horn, and euphonium/marching baritone in HS unfortunately i didn't keep up with them after that. I have tired to learn guitar a few times but i find that i really like Playing music but i absolutely hate practicing. I think i just need to find something that just clicks for me.

I'm still afraid of my boar brush from the shedding issues I had with it. Even though it's stopped shedding for the most part, I'm still always thinking that if I don't let it soak long enough pre shave it's going to start again. I should probably just get over it and start using it more regularly lol
if you shower before you shave just soak it during your shower. that is plenty long enough
Very nice! I played Trumpet, French Horn/Marching horn, and euphonium/marching baritone in HS unfortunately i didn't keep up with them after that. I have tired to learn guitar a few times but i find that i really like Playing music but i absolutely hate practicing. I think i just need to find something that just clicks for me.
Luckily for me most punk songs are a combination of 3 to 4 power chords, so I had an easy start. Start with something simple like that.

if you shower before you shave just soak it during your shower. that is plenty long enough
This is exactly what I do, @SteveChuckFrank.
Luckily for me most punk songs are a combination of 3 to 4 power chords, so I had an easy start. Start with something simple like that.
yeah i unfortunately find myself drawn to the songs with complex picking. Most often at high speeds lol. I am sure i will try again at some point although i have been thinking lately about trying a keyboard maybe.
So I'm a little conflicted on soaking boars. My Whipped Dog knot came with instructions saying not to soak it because it messes with the glue holding the knot together, but it's worthless without soaking it. My solution was to not dunk the whole thing in water. It seems to have worked out so far.