- Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
- Razor: Schick I1 (eye-uno)
- Blade: Supply (2)
- Brush: that Darn Rob Gaea, 26mm something
- Soap: CBL Delux Vegan Aristocrat 2, B1
- Aftershave: Thayer's Original, modern Old Spice
- Music: The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation
- Pomade: That German pomade that I use every now and then
Man, I am exhausted. We had a structure fire at 9pm on my last shift which beat us all to hell. Unfortunately we lost two puppers in the blaze. I made my way straight to the Safety Cats to hug them when I got home last night. Oh yeah, I worked 12 hours OT due to short staffing. So a total of 36 hours on the clock running calls and putting out metaphorical fires because I seem to be the only one that knows what's going on these days.
I decided to keep with the theme of the week and grabbed at one of the soaps that Chris sent me. I might be a guinea pig for this particular soap, probably not, but let me think I am. I'll be honest, I wasn't paying too much attention to the scent or performance. That being said, the scent was at the very least not offensive. I loaded up with the whatever synthetic knot and got some really foamy stuff. I tried to push past it by lathering up anyway, but I wanted to give it a decent try so I went back and loaded for a few more seconds. Much better lather resulted, my brush was too wet to start, not a problem. Like I said, I wasn't paying too much attention to the performance, but nothing negative stuck out to me. The jectah did its thang. I accidentally almost got BBS. Seriously. I thought it was dfs-ish until I felt around while driving. Oops? The immediate post shave was nice. I threw on the Thayer's for good measure and I felt like smelling modern Old Spice today. I'm thrilled with my accidental BBS-.
No picture today, too tired to arrange everything.
I've posted about The Wonder Years before. Quick recap, they're my spirit animals. They're millennials just like me, but they're pissed off. Just like the singer, "Soupy," I feel that we're not given enough credit for what we've accomplished. We've grown up only knowing war, slumping economies, and growing poverty stricken population. The Gulf War happened a couple of years after I was born, Bosnia, other conflicts sprinkled in, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. You can't tell me we started all of this, and we're just trying to fix it the best we can with what we have. They say the Greatest Generation has come and gone, but they haven't seen what we're capable of yet.
Alright, back to work. Thanks for reading my nonsense about my generation if you made it that far down through my wall of text. My Friday is here and it's Friday. Let's finish the week off strong, Cadre.