The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Nice entry and Really nice Photo. I've always liked Ska(I too was a HS band geek), I even helped my band director at the end of my senior year put together the next years ska themed Marching show.
What a nerd! Haha. That's actually really cool, but that's the impression that I get.

Awesome shave today and seems like the Rockwell 6s is working out for you. I haven't tried the Wizamet blades, but I love the Polsilver which are basically the same blade!

Ugh! Hurricane season...don't remind me!
Let me tell you, Don. Wizamet is the real deal. I love my Polsilvers, but this takes it up a notch. I'll send you a few when my eventual order comes in. Shaving is believing.

Let's hope for a tame hurricane season, but be prepared!

Glad it worked as well for you too. I was starting to wonder if I was over selling but they are smoooooooth and sharp for sure. I honestly think they are a step up from current Pol Silver.
Dave, you're the man. I completely agree.

Great update today! Those Wizamet blades are quickly taking over the shave journals! Good stuff!

Your talk about paperwork made me think - do you have to file paperwork for each call you get sent out to? Like a report?
Absolutely. We have to write a report for every single patient contact, and that report is legally binding and part of your permanent medical record. No pressure to spell things correctly or anything.

Nice couple of shaves! I agree with the Green Day comment. I lost interest in the band a long time ago, but Kerplunk is one of my favorite records...I didn't even realize they were still putting out new material!
I'm a huge fan of Dookie. When I Come Around was the first punk song I can remember hearing in my life.
Actually the funny thing is you referenced one of the 4 songs we used. i don't remember the 4th but the other 2 were Don't speak and Enter Porkman
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Rockwell 6S, R4
  • Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium (2)
  • Brush: Ever Ready 200T, TGN 22mm silvertip fan
  • Soap: Declaration Grooming Taxes
  • Aftershave: Thayer's, Declaration Grooming Taxes
  • Music: Goldfinger - Stomping Ground
  • Pomade: Rumble 59 Schmiere Zombie SE (Strong hold)
It's been one heck of a day. I'm just now getting a little free time to type this up. We've been busy counting medications and supplies for the first of the month check off, which is a comb through for expired stuff for replacement. A bit of a more serious run that I can't elaborate on because the hippos are watching me, and a slightly less serious one after that. My paramedic paperwork is sent off for further evaluation and I'll hopefully hear back by the end of the week.

Same metal stuff. I'm in love with this blade, so I ordered 200 of them from somewhere in the planet.

This knot doesn't have a whole lot of backbone, but it does have the fan aspect going for it, which is nice. I think I'm going to really like this combination.

No real rhyme or reason to picking Taxes, just felt like it last night when I was getting my stuff ready. The performance is on point, so why not.

Another great shave in the books. The blade is amazing, the soap performed flawlessly, and I drove to work with another near bbs.


You can never go wrong with Goldfinger. A little punk and a little ska to get me going.

Matilda and Emma peeked in a few times. They were too busy being cute.

I think it's about time for me to return to whatever it is I'm supposed to do at work when I'm not running calls.

Bonus cat picture!
Ahh inventory days...I used to have to do that when I worked in the grocery business; waking up at the butt crack of dawn, when proper people are sleeping, looking over and scanning every darn thing in the warehouse and on the sales floor...ugh.
Ahh inventory days...I used to have to do that when I worked in the grocery business; waking up at the butt crack of dawn, when proper people are sleeping, looking over and scanning every darn thing in the warehouse and on the sales floor...ugh.
It's the worst. I bet you don't even miss it.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: Schick Eversharp G-8
  • Blade: Supply (5?)
  • Brush: Prometheus Handcrafts Easter, 24mm Whipped Dog boar
  • Soap: LNHC Coconut Oud
  • Aftershave: Thayer's, Sapone Di Paolo Creamoso
  • Music: Four Year Strong - Explains It All
  • Pomade: none today
My last shift ended a little dramatically, but I didn't get in trouble, so it's cool. This is my second time writing this journal entry up due to reasons, and I don't feel like typing up the drama details and I doubt anybody cares. Moving on.

I grabbed this metal stuff because it was already assembled and I didn't want to use the Wizamet on a one pass shave. No other reasoning behind it.

I'm desperately trying to break this knot in because I know it has some serious potential. It's already soft, but I know it has more amazingness locked away.

The smell of this soap is devine. My fellow Cadre members did not let me down. I couldn't resist using it.

I had a mediocre shave because I'm pretty sure the blade is dead. There was a little tugging and it just didn't feel right anymore. Not a big deal I have a couple of other blades to try out anyway. The soap performed magically, but I feel I would need to use a different brush next time to unlock it's full potential. Overall despite the mediocrity it was a drama free one pass shave.

No picture today, I was in a bit of a rush to get out the door and I wanted something to shave tomorrow.

This album is perfect for those who love 90's hits. They're all covers of stuff that I remember listening to on Casey Kasem's Top 40 when I was a kid.

Emma sat patiently and watched me from the doorway.

I just got back from the outlet mall/treating Venessa to a couple of new articles of clothing. She's been putting up with my nonsense so I felt she needed to be shown a little appreciation.

It's movie time and I must depart. I did get something in the mail today, but I'll post it in the mail call thread tomorrow. I hope everybody is having a great day.
Of course we care...about all the juicy drama details!

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BTW I see very little in here about hydration other than this shower thing...
Just because you asked.

I told a junior firefighter to stop messing around with the truck that we don't use and leaks like a sieve, "I'll get to it in a bit." I told him to go check off his assigned unit, ze ambulance, he said he was going to do this nonsense first. I told him to do it again, he replied with, "don't tell me what to do." Normally I'm pretty cool, but that pissed me off. I told him to follow me to the captains office and he got to talk to my captain, then his acting captain, the acting chief, and then the fire marshal. He shut up after that. He made it seem like I asked him to commit murder. Ridiculous.

@GearNoir and @Dave in KY stay hydrated
Good for you for not taking that. There’s got to be a little pecking order if the junior folks want to learn the ropes. You weren’t asking him to do something wrong or inappropriate, so...
bummer on the blade and drama but Awsome on the soap. I have 2 of lisa's heading my way shortly. Green Irish Tweed and Haute Leather.

Hey sometimes you just have to put your foot down with the newbies.

Stay Hydrated my friends
Good for you for not taking that. There’s got to be a little pecking order if the junior folks want to learn the ropes. You weren’t asking him to do something wrong or inappropriate, so...
He's been talking back to all of us like he's the one in charge because he's a lieutenant at another department, but he's absolutely at the bottom of the list of seniority at my department. His rank at a different department means nothing to us and he lacks all the qualities of a good leader. I only asked him to do his job.

Stay Hydrated my friends
No, you!
I won't rehash the drama of yesterday...but being in the military I had all sorts of issues like that. I will say that organizations that have a firm chain of command make the job so much easier when people get out of hand!

Glad you like the Coconut Oud...that stuff is to die for. I have a couple tubs of the older version but I am still in need of the newer stuff!

Going back a few shaves. You are can't go wrong with some Goldfinger! I'm not all that familiar with their newer stuff. Looks like they had a hiatus between 2008 and 2017. Anyway...showing my age here...I saw them in concert in Hawaii back in the 90s. Took my girlfriend's brother to his first show. Had a really great time and that is one of the concerts that I remember the most! It was a really good show!