The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Schick Eversharp G8
  • Blade: Supply (2)
  • Brush: Prometheus Handcrafts "Easter" 24mm Whipped Dog boar
  • Soap: CBL Clubman Beta 3.0 (March 2017)
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Witch Hazel, Pinaud Clubman
  • Music: Circa Survive - Blue Sky Noise
I'm feeling 100% better. Dehydration will KILL you, I'm telling you! Aside from that I'm getting a lot of stuff done today. It's amazing what can be accomplished when I force my soul crushing anxiety to the side. I'm making progress on my paramedic stuff so I can officially finish, arranging my HAZMAT refresher class so I can get that crap out of the way too, AND I'm officially recertified until 2023, I won't need that long because I'll be a paramedic long before that, but at least I can keep my job for now. I'll be going out for a haircut, cat food, and to ship out a couple of straights to @uacowboy to get some primping done.

Same metal stuff as my last shave. Now that I have a right side up blade in there, it's time to see what this baby can do!

I reset the knot after I "accidentally" pulled it out. I put in a couple of coins to raise it up a bit, and it looks normal now! It looked disproportionate before, which kinda bothered me.

Aha! A wild CBL soap has appeared! Yes, I have before you a beta version of Chris' Clubman soap. I'll have to get the most recent version to compare. To my nose it smells nothing like Clubman, but I'm sure there's a perfectly logical reason for that. My guess is that it's aged Clubman, which I don't have to compare to.

The results! I went a little crazy today and aimed for bbs. I got close. I got a few nicks here and there, but no irritation. I'll have to use another CBL soap tomorrow, but it doesn't really feel a whole lot different from the current version. Really the only thing I can pick out is the residual slickness isn't as strong as the current version. Overall, I am a very happy camper!

Matilda and Emma didn't seem too interested in hanging out during my shave today. I could hear them being terroristic babies in the other room.


I've been listening to Circa Survive since my sophomore year in high school and they're still cranking out the good stuff. Fair warning that's probably definitely too late, Anthony Green is a powerful vocalist. They have plenty of more ambient tunes in their catalog and you should definitely check them out.

I'm hungry so I will eat. I hope everybody is having a stupid phenomenal day and week.
Congrats on the recertification! 👯‍♀️💃🕺👯‍♀️
Gracias, Sam. I hope you might've enjoyed my weird musical selection of the day!

Glad the recert is done!

I see what you did there! :cool:
I swear I plan these things! None of it is by accident! It's important stuff, though. My city has a couple of hazmat facilities and the next city over has a few more. My area has a devastating history of hazardous materials, look up the Texas City ship explosion when you get a second.
I would have never matched the voice to the singer, especially after seeing his pseudo-football player neck.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Schick Eversharp G8
  • Blade: Supply (3)
  • Brush: Ever Ready 100, 22mm Boss? knot
  • Soap: CBL Old Spice Beta 3.3
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Witch Hazel, Old Spice (modern)
  • Music: Crime In Stereo - The Troubled Stateside
  • Pomade: Don Juan Hair Grease (heavy hold, high shine)
Woo! It's my Monday and things are already going awry and I've only been here 20 minutes. My ambulance in at Station 2, where Medic 2 normally lives, but it's broken, along with our other reserve ambulances. Only one amberlamps today! To boot, the outlets in the back of the ambulance weren't working, but I fixed that by resetting the breaker. Today is a trainwreck, but it'll be alright because I thrive in chaos, although it might not be the healthiest.

Same metal stuff that was ridiculously efficient last shave. I am very pleased with how my 'Jectah is performing.

The only reason I'm using this combination of knot and handle is because the knot is pretty solidly in there without being set. I put I think 15 pennies in the handle to give it more weight.

More CBL beta stuff! This one does smell a little more like it's namesake. I'm not sure where in the progression this is, but I'm sure it's getting a little closer to where we are today.

I had a great shave until I realized that I only have 5 minutes until I had to leave. I made it through 2 passes before I threw on some lather for the last pass. I smell good and my face feels amazing. Again the only thing that I can pick out that's lacking a little is residual slickness, but I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not hydrating my lather enough, which is entirely possible.


Crime In Stereo is a melodic hardcore band from Long Island. I like their music today, that's pretty much it. I believe they're working on releasing something new this year, but I can't recall.

This pomade smells lightly of bay rum. I should've applied more because it's not holding anything down right now, and there's no shine. That's my bad, I was in a rush. Side note, it's produced by Lockhart, so once I apply it properly it should be a great product.

Matilda and Emma popped in a couple of times to make sure I didn't accidentally murder myself. They're good cats. We let them sleep with us last and they didn't cause a ruckus, they just looked cute. I miss them already.

I'm off to fight death or the fire breathing dragon. (people who say that stuff seriously make me laugh) My partner and I are cracking wildly inappropriate jokes and making the best of the rolling disaster that is today. Have a wonderful day, Cadre.
In-ject-aaahs rule, just in case you didn't know :love:

With the Lockhart, try running a damp/wet comb through your hair to see if that helps out.