The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

Pre-shave: Warm shower
Razor: PAA DOC
Blade: Astra green
Brush: I completely forgot who made it. Yikes.
Soap: The name escapes me too
Aftershave: they're all in storage
Frag: the Burning Barbershop one
Music: Angels and Airwaves

Hey guys, long time. Been absurdly busy. The 3 jobs have me bouncing around like a dang pinball. The house ordeal has been one hell of an ordeal. 1 positive test for mold, cleaned, then another positive test for another type of mold. I'm tired of buying this house, but the end is in sight. Hopefully we're closing the middle of this month.

Living in a hotel for a month has certain challenges in terms of grooming. For instance, Venessa has her stuff everywhere. The DOC is interesting. I'm still figuring out if I like it, but it's at least efficient and moderately comfortable.

On to other updates. One of my guys is in the ICU and it is the absolute worst feeling knowing that there's not a damn thing I can do to help him. I definitely made him laugh the last time I texted him. He's a Marine and I told him that he'd have crayons waiting for him; there must've been a mistake because I now have 1,664 crayons for him...I only ordered 832. I'm hoping everything turns out alright, but we'll see where this all goes. I hope you're all well and healthy. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Well look who the cat dragged in? Glad things are well with you and Vanessa. And hoping for the best for your buddy.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: Ze Vector
  • Blade: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the one that was already in there from before we moved
  • Brush: Knothead
  • Soap: Ethos Colonia
  • Aftershave: Ethos Colonia
  • Frag: forgot
  • Music: Knocked Loose - Laugh Tracks
I finally own a house. It was a grueling marathon of incompetence and lies that ended up costing us a lot more money than it should've. But it's done. Now we have to unpack and get the last of the appliances - I'm lucky to be able to wash my clothes at work.

My first shave in my own bathroom. The damn light bulbs are half burned out, but I still had plenty light to see. Honestly I kinda grabbed the best products of which I had already unpacked and put on my designated shelves. Venessa was kind enough to let me have the shelves in the closet to put all my crap on, which is 100% shaving stuff. I'm already running out of space. Ooops. I had an uneventful 4 pass shave. It felt good to finally have the things I desired, not so much the things that I had to settle for because everything was packed.

Knocked Loose will certainly wake you up.

Last Friday sucked. My friend ended up passing. I'm in the "grin and bear through it" phase of dealing with it. I spent most of my time with this department with him. We talked a lot of trash and stupid jokes. We saw horrible things and shared amazing moments. I've been missing him since he went to the hospital, but now I'll be missing him for the rest of my life. He'd definitely want us all to get over it, but I think even he knows that's not how things work. Jackass. I think I might donate all the crayons I bought for him to an elementary school in his name and make an annual thing of it; maybe it'll inspire the next generation of crayon eaters. Anyway. I hope you're all doing well. Stay safe, it's kinda messed up out there these days. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Last Friday sucked. My friend ended up passing. I'm in the "grin and bear through it" phase of dealing with it. I spent most of my time with this department with him. We talked a lot of trash and stupid jokes. We saw horrible things and shared amazing moments. I've been missing him since he went to the hospital, but now I'll be missing him for the rest of my life. He'd definitely want us all to get over it, but I think even he knows that's not how things work. Jackass. I think I might donate all the crayons I bought for him to an elementary school in his name and make an annual thing of it; maybe it'll inspire the next generation of crayon eaters. Anyway. I hope you're all doing well. Stay safe, it's kinda messed up out there these days. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
One of my best friends took his own life back in 2019 and it caught everyone off guard. Over 2 years later there isn't a day that goes by where I don't miss him. But I can say that each day it gets just a little bit easier,

Hang in there brother, thinking of you all during this tough time.
It’s good to see you back online brother! Congrats on the new house. Lies, warts and all it is your home.

I hate to hear that about your friend. It is never easy to let go and you will have to grieve. I have also lost good friends over the years and sometimes random things trigger memories of them. The loss doesn’t go away, but is manageable. And the crayon donation is a great idea. Be careful out there and stay hydrated.