The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

You are too young (Yeah...I went there...sorry) to be seriously stressed out like that. I am finding that as I get older...some of that stress I was able to just power through is really taking it's toll. Not a first responder, but I can bet some of the stress I dealt with in the Military is similar. Figure out a way to manage it. If it's a little time off then so be it. But it needs to be dealt with. Thinking about you will get there.
Not been actively post for awhile, but I do try to read journals. Ben, my thoughts and prayers are with you, brother (as well as other first responders). What you do daily is heroic enough, without the added pandemic. Try to get some down time (points finger at self as well) to recharge. While I am not at the level of stress/work you are, I am the primary care-giver for my wife, and if I run myself into the ground, she will be left without good help. Hang in there, we can get through this. Like the airlines tell us, put your mask on first, then assist others, which I translate to making sure I get rested before going back to the grind to help others.
Thanks all for the words of encouragement. I just jumped on to tell you guys that I got today off. My last shift was also very restful. I don't think anybody realized how badly I needed some time off, including myself. It's been a long, hard year for this wet shaving duck.

I sincerely thank all of you for the thoughts and prayers, and checking in on me (even those under witness protection *cough* @MilkCrate)
A few years ago, I hadn't realized that I needed a break until about 2 weeks AFTER I returned from a week vacation. We get so used to the go-go-go that we fall into the "boiling frog" syndrome and don't understand how close to being burned out we actually are.

Take care of yourself; It's the only one of you that you have.
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  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: Feather Super, new
  • Brush: I can't for the life of me remember
  • Soap: CBL the monkey one
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Icy Velva
  • Frag: Mugler Alien Man
  • Music: probably Taking Back Sunday - New Again
I had 8 days off. I feel mostly rejuvenated at about 95%. The trip home was cool as I got to hang out with one of my best friends for the first time in a couple of years. Also, I got the Moderna vaccine. So that's a thing. To the shave!

You'd think that I'd remember the names of these soaps, but no. I have a feeling this trend will continue. But the shave went well. The fresh blade made quick work of my whiskers. By the way, I killed Barrbarr. I think that's a total of 4 the last half of the year. My drawer is starting to look a little more spacious.

I had a lot of time on the way back to listen to pretty much all the music TBS released, with the exception of the demo. I almost lost my voice singing along.

I finished my Gucci Glock 19 a couple of weeks ago and I went to the range to test it out yesterday. My time there was less than enjoyable because of a malfunction with the extractor. I fixed it when I got home, but still. Looks like I need to practice my marksmanship too. But that's a topic for another day. I'm back at work for a 72 hour shift (I can hear the collective groan lol) but it feels good to be back at it again. It feels good getting back doing what I love. That being said, I'm making it a point to take more time off for my mental health in 2021. Because reasons. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
I love everything about this post! Okay...almost everything. Glad you took some time off. It's important to do this...especially in your line of work. If you don't take care of can't take care of others.

I would love to get to the range and do some shooting. Unfortunately that is not in the cards right now. I am trying to hold on to whatever ammo I have at this point because it is nearly impossible to find almost any ammo right now.