The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Red Tip
  • Blade: Gillette Super Thin (???)
  • Brush: Graydog PIF
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Right Handed Giant
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Brut
  • Frag: none
  • Music: The Aquabats! - The Fury if the Aquabats!
I've been trying to buy a pair of boots for work and it's turning out to be more of a hassle than I initially thought. My feet have gotten wider so I've had to figure out how to buy wider shoes on the trial. I'm 0/2 so far. I swear I'll get it on the next go. At least returning things from Amazon is easy.

Another great shave. My guestimation is that I'm at about 30% left. Time has flown by. I went ATG under my chin with less than desirable results, but that's alright, I cleaned up with the Wunderbar. Ahhhhh, much better.

Just good, fun music. @dangerousdon, listen to them for a fun time. Are they incredibly cheesy lyrics? Absolutely, but I appreciate the fun and imagination they put into the music. This was also the first and last album to feature Travis Barker on the kit, and right before he left for blink 182.

I'm about to get a haircut. I've been meaning to be a little more regular than once a month. It wasn't so much a financial thing, but honestly having a little extra walking around money certainly does help. That and having today off certainly helps. I went by work to pick up a check and complain that somebody who gets paid more than I do doesn't know what they're doing. Man, that's a rabbit hole I don't want to go down today, so I'll finish up here. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Red Tip
  • Blade: Gillette Super Thin (???)
  • Brush: Graydog PIF
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Right Handed Giant
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Brut
  • Frag: none
  • Music: The Aquabats! - The Fury if the Aquabats!
I've been trying to buy a pair of boots for work and it's turning out to be more of a hassle than I initially thought. My feet have gotten wider so I've had to figure out how to buy wider shoes on the trial. I'm 0/2 so far. I swear I'll get it on the next go. At least returning things from Amazon is easy.

Another great shave. My guestimation is that I'm at about 30% left. Time has flown by. I went ATG under my chin with less than desirable results, but that's alright, I cleaned up with the Wunderbar. Ahhhhh, much better.

Just good, fun music. @dangerousdon, listen to them for a fun time. Are they incredibly cheesy lyrics? Absolutely, but I appreciate the fun and imagination they put into the music. This was also the first and last album to feature Travis Barker on the kit, and right before he left for blink 182.

I'm about to get a haircut. I've been meaning to be a little more regular than once a month. It wasn't so much a financial thing, but honestly having a little extra walking around money certainly does help. That and having today off certainly helps. I went by work to pick up a check and complain that somebody who gets paid more than I do doesn't know what they're doing. Man, that's a rabbit hole I don't want to go down today, so I'll finish up here. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Okay...totally dig that song and am now looking them up!

Here's a song I kind of dig...

And another one...

Aquabats! The surf punk Guar?
They're super heroes! They actually had a children's show for a couple of seasons. Never seen it, but it's on my list of things to do.
Okay...totally dig that song and am now looking them up!

Here's a song I kind of dig...

And another one...

I haven't listened to Gorgol Bordello in YEARS. I forgot how fun the music was.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Wunderbar
  • Blade: 7 O'clock Platinum thingy
  • Brush: The red, white, and blue one
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Right Handed Giant
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Brut
  • Frag: Paco Rabanne Pour Homme
  • Music: I Am The Avalanche - I Am The Avalanche
Long time no see. It's been a hectic few weeks. I'm finally off FTO at the part time, so I'm a little less stressed. There's stuff that happened that I completely forgot. But I guess things are going well.

The end is in sight. No ring yet, but I can see a hint of black showing through a thin layer of soap. I give it another week. It would've been done by now, but I strayed a few times since my last entry. Oh well. I have no idea what will be next other than finishing off my Stirling Gentleman, which about as thin as Right Handed Giant is currently. I'll cross that bridge later.

Bobby Hill ate my picture.

This album sounds a little dated, distinctly from the early 2000's, but it's fun.

I went home last week and it was super relaxing. I slept on my mom's couch despite there being a bed available for me. I pretty much only slept and watched King Of The Hill. Venessa is good. The cats are good. And to quote the only milk crate I know (@MilkCrate), life is good. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Vector/Merkur Bakelite
  • Blade: 7 O'clock Platinum thingy
  • Brush: The one with the fly lure in it
  • Soap: B&M Latha Taiga
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, B&M Latha Taiga
  • Frag: Penhaligon's The Tragedy Of Lord George
  • Music: Rufio
I'm dragging you know what this wonderful morning. I was tossing and turning all night and I don't know why. It's whatever. I'm hoping for a little downtime to rest my eyes at some point.

It's relatively cold so I figured I'd go with something a little more fitting. While I can use Taiga all year long because of how much I love it, it really shines in autumn and winter with the cooler weather. I was in a rush and didn't get the lather as good as I wanted, but i got the job done. The Vector with a regular Feather blade doesn't quite cut it (I made a funny) when going ATG on my neck so I followed up with the bakelite which I didn't expect to be as aggressive as it is. Lord George is one hell of a scent. I splurged on a few Penhaligon's samples on eBay and I don't regret it at all. This is a full bottle buy at some point.

Just some music to pass the time, I wasn't super into it today because of the time crunch.

I have a student today and I get to show him the ropes. Teaching is really one of my favorite parts of my job. I think that's it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
I have and it generally works, but if I take it too late I am hell to deal with in the morning. I really blame Venessa because I was asleep by 8 until she woke me up to ask 50000 questions about health insurance.

Well, it's a good thing you got the Health insurance confusion cleared up, since you'll need it to go see the doctor about your insomnia. [emoji1787]
I have and it generally works, but if I take it too late I am hell to deal with in the morning. I really blame Venessa because I was asleep by 8 until she woke me up to ask 50000 questions about health insurance.
You can "think it"...(not really, they can hear us think) but don't ever blame her in writing...ESPECIALLY AFTER SHE JUST ASKED YOU 50,000 QUESTIONS ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE!
You can "think it"...(not really, they can hear us think) but don't ever blame her in writing...ESPECIALLY AFTER SHE JUST ASKED YOU 50,000 QUESTIONS ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE!
I figure I'm safe for at least the rest of the year. She can't kill me too soon or it'll be way too obvious. :ROFLMAO:
Well, it's a good thing you got the Health insurance confusion cleared up, since you'll need it to go see the doctor about your insomnia. [emoji1787]
Hope you can get some rest next break Ben! Nice Penhaligons find...hadn’t heard of that one before!