The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Rockwell 6S, R6
  • Blade: Wizamet??? (???)
  • Brush: Paladin
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Right Handed Giant
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Brut
  • Frag: Acqua di Parma Colonia
  • Music: bilmuri - taco
I'm at the part time today for my last "training" shift. I already asked the last couple of questions that I had about how things are done. I'm anxious to not feel like a student anymore. Hey, it's payday!

It's interesting the things that you realize and recognize when using the same stuff for a few days. This soap is pretty dang hard, which I guess I knew, but never really thought about. Great shave today. I hadn't grabbed AdP in quite a while.


Different album, same great sound.

*Groan* I'm not even at the full time and I'm already getting phone calls. The lack of accountability is showing its ugly head. Whatever. I'll deal with that crap later. That's it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Man, I had a bad last shift. Really, really bad. I saw some stuff no human should ever see, but it comes with the job.
So do you all do any kind of intentional debrief to cope with the secondary / vicarious trauma? I know that the culture in many disciplines is to say there is no time for that and that it is "part of the job," but vicarious and secondary trauma can produce PTSD just like primary experiences can. Thank you for the work you do!
So do you all do any kind of intentional debrief to cope with the secondary / vicarious trauma? I know that the culture in many disciplines is to say there is no time for that and that it is "part of the job," but vicarious and secondary trauma can produce PTSD just like primary experiences can. Thank you for the work you do!
Yes and no. We talked about an the circumstances leading up to that event, but not what my partner and I saw. There's nothing that says that we can't talk about it every again. I actually don't have too much issue with the image, it's something I prepared myself for long ago, but I'd still prefer not to have seen that. I also deal with my trauma in my own way, never with alcohol or drugs, though. I learned by watching other people that I don't want to go down that path. Ever.

You're absolutely right about the culture. My dad, a 20+ year paramedic before he died a few years ago, was definitely of that, "be a man, tough it out," frame of mind. But it's slowly starting to turn around collectively. There's a chapter in each of my EMS books that briefly goes over stress, depression, and all that stuff with suggestions on how not to handle it. There's also the Code Green Campaign that tries to bring mental health awareness into the forefront for us. The social stigma definitely plays a big role in how we handle depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations. Nobody wants to be perceived as weak after a heroic effort, even if literally everybody is doing everything they can to help you get help. You can lead a horse to water, as they say.
Thanks for sharing that info. Good to know things are changing. It helps to think of intentional debriefing as sharpening a saw. You can be heroic, but only if you are sharp.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Rockwell 6S, R6
  • Blade: Wizamet??? (???)
  • Brush: Paladin
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Right Handed Giant
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Brut
  • Frag: Spicebomb
  • Music: Counterparts - The Difference Between Hell and Home
I had a restful 2 days off and I'm back at work. I'm really dragging today, but I've crawled home from worse. The old man was getting on my nerves this morning, but built a wall and got over it. Life goes on.

Good shave today. I've pretty much got everything dialed in and hitting on all cylinders. I'm still getting a couple of weepers here and there, but that doesn't really concern me. I made a mark on the container last week and I can now fully see it, which is promising, not that this soap is a chore to use.

You know what, no pictures until I'm done with this. The Dave's gotta be getting kinda full.

I don't remember what made me listen to this album, but screaming aside, I enjoy the lyrics.

I normally don't try to push people into buying big things, but I genuinely feel my partner needs a new(er) truck. He keeps saying he's going to push his F-250 to 500k, but little things keep breaking. We had to go out and get him a new battery last week because the old one randomly died. Ultimately it's his money, but I feel he deserves something reliable, he's worked hard enough. I think that's it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
I’ll just leave this here

I’ll just leave this here

I was wondering what the notes were going to be! Thanks for dropping this off, and happy belated birthday!