The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

Between me and Jaime Escalante, I don’t think holding people to very high standards is a bad thing, but you have to be cognizant of the fact they are going to fail a lot at’s the grace and mercy with which you handle their moments of failure that will make the difference.
Your bestie is most wise and has given you good council. We all learn and grow at different speeds. Also remember to temper your confidence with humility.

A good shave to start the day. Be careful out there.
That last thing is a really hard thing for me to remember, but it's getting easier with every mistake I make.

Between me and Jaime Escalante, I don’t think holding people to very high standards is a bad thing, but you have to be cognizant of the fact they are going to fail a lot at’s the grace and mercy with which you handle their moments of failure that will make the difference.
I can see both sides of that. In this business people are very uncomfortable with failure and some will never learn how to handle it. Fortunately for me, I've done a lot of learning these past few years and try to pass that on. I can only hope that I make enough of an impression to keep the momentum going to learn how to accept failure. I'd like to think there's a method to my madness sometimes.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: jectah
  • Blade: Schick, 1
  • Brush: Stirling boar
  • Soap: Stirling Gentleman
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Stirling Gentleman balm
  • Frag: Pure Havane
  • Music: Bayside - Interrobang
What a day. It hasn't been busy, but it's been busy. My last shift went well and my student thanked me and mentioned that he learned a lot from me. That made me happy. My sightly different approach to teaching seems to have made a difference. Being rigorous but reassuring might be the ticket.

Stirling Gentlemen has been sitting out on my counter for a couple of weeks and it finally got the nod. I got an expectedly lovely lather with the boar. I ultimately decided not to go ATG on my neck to avoid the chronic weepers and that was the ticket. I figured I might as well try to let whatever is going on around there heal up. DFS.

The helicopter ate my picture.

Good music. There's something about Bayside that makes their guitar tones very dark and it intrigues me.

Just got back from a debriefing on my first serious car wreck as a paramedic. We had to cut the patient out of the car. The cops thought he might be dead, but he was talking when I saw him last. I think we did a damn fine job despite the many errors made by the voices who tell us where to go. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Wunderbar
  • Blade: Wizamet, 1
  • Brush: HCS Klenzo
  • Soap: CBL Tonsorial Insurgent
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Chilly Clubman
  • Frag: Spicebomb
  • Music: A Day To Remember - Homesick
That last shift almost killed me, y'all. The tally was 6 reports, the first and last being by far the easiest to finish, and everything else requiring lots of detail. I definitely felt like Nicholas Cage in Bringing Out The Dead when he was upset about another trauma call. The next crew was still finding blood in the truck at shift change.

I've been all over the place with my settings recently. I think I might just trash the Extro Comesi and move on with my life. I have too many other better products to settle for a scent that's just meh for me with average performance. But Insurgent is my jam and worth beak jamming. I feel that I need to use a synthetic knot every so often to give me something to aim for when using a natural fiber knot. I finished up with some Chilly Clubman because reasons. I think I might need to add a bit more WS23 because I don't remember getting any cooling, which is an interesting thing because that means that WS23 has the potential to lose potency. I'll have to do more science to confirm...I might just not having been paying attention this morning.

A Dave ate my picture.

I randomly remembered that I saw ADTR when I was in college back home. I was about 5 weeks removed from fracturing my big toe, which was healing nicely. I had several people jump and land on that toe throughout all the performances. I was in PAIN by the end of the show, but I still had fun.

I'm at the part time gig today for a 24. I feel like I'm getting better conditioned for what I'm assuming will be my future schedule. One way or another I'll be working every other day for 7 days, then 2 days off before it starts again. It sounds like a lot...and it is, but I'm definitely a lot less stressed when I'm at the part time, so it's not nearly as bad. I hung out with my aunt and cousins for the first time in about a year last night. We had a damn good time catching up. I also got to meet my new baby cousin. My aunt got to pick my brain a bit on the stuff I do at work. She used to ask my dad about all the terrible things he saw at work. I'm not as open to talking about that stuff in a glorifying manner, but I'll tell her stuff with enough vagueness to keep myself from bringing up old stuff that bothers me. I think that's enough rambling. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Good talk, stop back by later ... jk!

Great update, it sounds like things are coming together nicely. And getting family time is always a bonus. I need to add Insurgent and Rock the Casbah to my shopping list. Have a great day!
Sorry you had a rough shift. That’s gotta be a heavy load to carry around at times, glad you could let some of it out talking to family. Not a lot of folks have the capacity or ability to just absorb that kind of thing and then let it roll off their shoulders later.

Glad you’re enjoying the part time!
Good talk, stop back by later ... jk!

Great update, it sounds like things are coming together nicely. And getting family time is always a bonus. I need to add Insurgent and Rock the Casbah to my shopping list. Have a great day!
Go get you some, Chris has a couple pucks of Insurgent left if I remember correctly. I don't remember about Casbah.

Sorry you had a rough shift. That’s gotta be a heavy load to carry around at times, glad you could let some of it out talking to family. Not a lot of folks have the capacity or ability to just absorb that kind of thing and then let it roll off their shoulders later.

Glad you’re enjoying the part time!
It's a blessing and a curse. I still haven't figured out how to not let the same thing happen to stuff outside of work. I'm still growing into the man I need to be.

Go easier on the new recruits........or at least hide the evidence better.


Have a good day Ben
How'd you know about the rookies...oh crap, you didn't and now you do. Oops. 🤪 Thanks, Dave.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Jectah
  • Blade: Chick, 2
  • Brush: Sorrentino Gratitude
  • Soap: Stirling Dirty South Shavers 2019
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Stirling Dirty South Shavers 2019 splash, Monkey Butt
  • Frag: the splash is plenty, thank you very much
  • Music: bilmuri - Rich Sips
Back at work. I'm grumpy because reasons, but I'll get over it. Sometimes people eat ramen raw because that's their thing, doesn't necessarily mean they acting erratically. I digest. My part time shift went well except that I can't start an IV there to save my life. Stuff like that comes in waves, so I'm not worried about it, it's just funny that I can do it going down the road at 75 at my full time, but changing the zip code magically makes a difference.

I kinda just grabbed whatever. I was too worried about where the cats were to be concerned with what products I was using. The jectah was sitting right there too. Quick and easy shave. Monkey Butt to finish.

Another Dave ate my picture, not the same one.

I've been jamming this dude for the past few days when driving to work. Good tunes for sure.

Apparently there's a storm getting ready to potentially come over to my corner of Texas. I'm hoping it turns away and dies in the Gulf, avoiding Texas and Louisiana entirely. I guess I'll find out what the plan is for work once we get a little closer to potential landfall. This has been a wild year for the Gulf of Mexico. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Dude, different latitude means you need to adjust the angle of the needle.
B,....e s8fe Bx..en................................sorry, had photo paper in my mouth.......
How'd it taste? I bet your wife's baked goods are 100000000000% better.

Monkey Butt for the win! Be careful out there!
You got it! Gotta stay healthy to help you cam your truck up!

New environment jitters perhaps? I’m sure it’ll pass quickly!
I don't think so. I'm pretty even keeled in any environment. Just been bad luck and crappy veins.

Dude, different latitude means you need to adjust the angle of the needle.
:unsure: so what angle do you use? 5464680°????