The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: Feather Professional Super
  • Brush: HCS Merit
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Right Handed Giant
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Chilly Brut
  • Frag: Mercedes-Benz Man Grey
  • Music: bilmuri - Bilmuri and Friends
Man, I had a bad last shift. Really, really bad. I saw some stuff no human should ever see, but it comes with the job. I'm not so much bothered by what I saw, but the events leading up to it. So many miscommunications, and I was pretty much left on an island. I haven't quite decided on how I'm going to address being left on an island, but whatever I decide will not be received very well, but I have my captain's blessing.

Yeah, I've decided to move on from EC. The beginning of the end for RHG is in the books. The scent is lovely and I don't foresee it getting old the way that the EC did. I didn't get the lather that I wanted because of a time crunch, but I still got a lovely shave. I noticed a couple of weepers on my neck last shave so I decided to not to ATG on my neck. I needed a brainless shave with all the stuff on my mind and I got what I needed. No Monkey Butt today because I thought it would've got rained off before too long and I was right.

I'll get around to doing pictures again soon, I just need to wake up a little earlier.

The trend of the muri continues. This is a cover album from what I can tell. There are only a couple of tunes that I recognize, but they're all fairly catchy.

About that rain! The storm surge pretty much made it impossible to get to the hospital on Galveston, which isn't really the worst thing ever, but I might effect a couple of situations. It hasn't been brought up yet, but I'm assuming I'll get mandatory OT for the duration of the storm. The storm bands are sporadic, but I can see that starting to add up in terms of flooding. I don't really care as long as I can make my next shift on training at the part time. Anyway. I know I mentioned seeing some pretty heavy stuff last shift, but I'm doing alright, I promise. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Rockwell 6S, R6
  • Blade: Wizamet??? (???)
  • Brush: Paladin
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Right Handed Giant
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Brut
  • Frag: none
  • Music: A Day To Remember - Attack of the Killer B-Sides
The past couple of shifts have been a lot better. I also didn't have to deal with the old man either shift, resulting in a lot less stress.

I've used this setup for pretty much 3 days straight. Somewhere along the line in the past couple of days I decided that I'm not going to change anything about this setup until I'm done with this soap. The Paladin hardly got any use, so it'll be cool to really test it out for an extended period of time. It had also been easy to forget how nice a shave I get from the 6S and arguably the damn best blade in my den. We're going with the tried and true combination, and results speak for themselves.

I took a picture.

Just some fun music to kill the time.

Back to the part time tomorrow for my last day of "training." I'm excited to get this stuff behind me because it seriously gives me flashbacks of being a student. I think that's about it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Glad to hear it. Keep smiling, Ben!
Ear to ear when my patients thank me for being so kind. That's what makes all the ugly things easier to deal with.

Good to hear the stress level has gone down.
Thanks, Tim. It won't last forever, but I'm enjoying it while I can.

It's just sad that anyone should see what we've seen. I'm still working at the unseeing while still being honorable to the memories, if that makes sense. Be well @bentheduck , and please know that you have some prayers going up for you.
Baby steps, my man. I appreciate the prayers.