The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

Oh, no. Chargers. I jumped on the wagon in 06, and haven't jumped off since. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything close to resembling Patriots gear.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Rockwell 6S, R6
  • Blade: Timor, new
  • Brush: SV/TSC
  • Soap: Oleo/ETHOS Dragonsbeard
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Oleo/ETHOS Dragonsbeard splash
  • Frag: TF Tobacco Oud
  • Music: none
I've been playing video games since I woke up. I've taken a liking to a game titled Squad. As the name suggests, it's a squad based modern 1st person shooter that requires a ton of communication to be victorious. Play as a team, win as a team. I still suck, but I'm having fun learning the ins and outs.

I don't remember who sent me these blades, it might have been @Graybeard57, maybe not. I figured they've been sitting around for about a year, so it's as good a time as any to try them out. The only think I know about them is that they are definitely not meant to go in the 6S with the R6. To my skin, it was a little harsh, and not super duper sharp. It got the job done, but it wasn't the most comfortable shave ever, although not even in the same ballpark as the worst. This probably sits with Feather blades in terms of comfortability. I'm interested in doing a little science to see if I have a razor that works well with these blades. Science! I had a couple of weepers, but nothing serious. Venessa calling and mentioning date night was the inspiration for this selection of software. I smell delicious. Still a bit of funk in the knot, but it was only slightly noticeable.


I've really enjoyed kicking back today. There was nothing on my calendar and no honey-do's, so why not play video games all day. Maybe I'll take Venessa out tomorrow so we can get out for some fresh air. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: apparently a dead one
  • Brush: Greydog
  • Soap: CBL Tonsorial The Monkey Puck
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Skin Bracer
  • Frag: Mercedes-Benz Man Grey
  • Music: Coheed and Cambria - The Second Stage Turbine Blade
I'm finally back. I spent pretty much all 4 days off playing video games. Squad is getting easier to play. Fun times and frustrating times.

I've been wanting to use this soap for quite a while. I haven't seen anybody else use it that I can think of. The scent distinctly reminds me of Smarties before the banana note peaks out just enough to distinguish itself from the neroli. Neroli adds a touch of bitterness to take some of the sweetness from the banana. There's also a slight hint of cooling from the WS5 Chris added. The Tonsorial base speaks for itself by now. The blade was pretty dead. My wtg pass went smooth, but everything else resulted in weepers galore. I was still bleeding well after my shave, and even after some alum. Geez. That blade got tossed after the shave.


I remember jamming this album on the way to school when I was in high school. That's a weird sentence. I actually prefer this one to most of their other releases.

It's the first of the month and we've checked just about everything. It'll be about 10 more minutes of work to get everything wrapped up. My partner and intern demanded that I eat because I was grumpy. Fruit Loops with marshmallows. Yum. That's pretty much it for today. I'll make it a point to catch up on everybody's journal throughout the day. I. Am. Behind. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Ouch...dead blade?! Well that is no way to get your shave on. Sorry to hear the shave didn't go so well. I am sure the "grumpy gus" was banished with your snacky! Keep your stick on the ice Hermano!