The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

The rest of you, what the hell just happened? I went to go help mawmaw and I came back to this disaster! You'd think I'd expect it by now, but no. I'm so proud of you.

Oh ... wait a sec :unsure:
Hope the weather doesn’t screw things over too much! Be safe out there!
Thanks. I'll try. I'm absolutely getting mandatory OT. It's starting to get a little real. Even if we don't get a direct hit, it's still going to suck. And I left my floaties at home. :cry:
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Wunderbar
  • Blade: GSB, new
  • Brush: SV/TSC
  • Soap: SV Stella Alpina
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, SV Stella Alpina
  • Frag: I don't remember
  • Music: I don't remember
Late day shave before heading into work. I managed to cut my lip. Like my actual lip, which surprisingly didn't bleed very long or bother me over the past couple of days.

More on the brush later.


  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: pretty much not the one in the picture
  • Blade: kinda not sharp/really sharp
  • Brush: SV/TSC
  • Soap: First Line Shave - Dapper Man
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, First Line Shave - Dapper Man splash
  • Frag: First Line Shave - Dapper Man EdT
  • Music: none
I'm back again after a long 36 hours. I got called in to work for the hurricane, which I'm sure you're all aware missed my corner of Texas. I feel for SWLA, it's awful. The worst thing about natural disasters is that there's nothing you can do, but try to prepare and take it.

I started with the Dubl Duck, but it was far from sharp, although not tuggy; it just wasn't very good at cutting. I switched up to my Wade & Butcher Long Bow. I think that may be my favorite razor so far - I love the heft behind it. New to me is this software. I wasn't super sure what to expect, but it did the trick. This is absolutely a summer scent that I wish had been released a couple of months ago. It's supposed to be an Amouge Beach Hut Man dupe. I can't tell you how accurate it is, but it's a really nice scent that reminds me of going to South Padre for some reason. I made sure to really hydrate my lather, and I was rewarded. The Long Bow glided with ease through my 36 hour growth. That's about as far into the performance I'll go because I still have no idea what else I'm supposed to look for. One thing to note about the splash is that it has aloe vera juice, which makes the splash a little thicker than I was expecting, but it was really nice on the face. Oh yeah, the brush is devine. There's still a little funk in it after two uses, but I don't expect it to last too much longer. The knot has held together too, with absolutely no loss of hair strands.


Hurricane staffing was a mixed bag of marbles. It was a dry run that identified a few problems in the system that will be tweaked. And then there was all the drama. People complained about this and that, demanded to know every single detail. That's frustrating. We all have to take 4 NIMS classes as a requirement for hiring (National Incident Management System) so that we're generally aware of the structure of an incident. We're in operations, and at the bottom of the chart, which means we're on a need-to-know basis, and there's a lot of crap we don't need to know in order to do our jobs effectively. Would it have been nice? I guess? I don't give a crap about what Public Works does as long as they get their job done, it's my job to do paramedic stuff and put fires out. Too many people are trying to be chiefs. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Hang in there, Ben. As you climb the promotional ladder (and you will), there's still a lot on a need to know basis and not much actual decision making empowerment until you get near the top. And when you're at the top, there's a helluva lot of responsibility that goes along with the position.
Hang in there, Ben. As you climb the promotional ladder (and you will), there's still a lot on a need to know basis and not much actual decision making empowerment until you get near the top. And when you're at the top, there's a helluva lot of responsibility that goes along with the position.
I'll keep on keeping on, Sam. My captain already started talking to me about an obvious promotional opportunity in at most 2 years when the old man retires. That's going to be a huge leap in responsibility if/when I get promoted to that position.
Have to travel to any affected areas?
Nope. My department isn't currently part of a task force, so there's no opportunity to deploy. That's going to be something I push for in a couple of years when we have more established paramedics and a wider range of resources to share with an affected area.
If it were me I’d wear it. And bring my sharpened tomahawk. We gotta start polishing back. If I was a Redskins fan ugh. I’d break into fed ex field and paint FU like the do the BLM crap in the streets. Wankers caved.
If it were me I’d wear it. And bring my sharpened tomahawk. We gotta start polishing back. If I was a Redskins fan ugh. I’d break into fed ex field and paint FU like the do the BLM crap in the streets. Wankers caved.
Are there still Redskins fans?

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Technically now they are the “Washington Football Team”. The owner ought to name them something stupid Like the “Washington Moist Doughnuts” Or “K Street Douchebags”
Technically now they are the “Washington Football Team”. The owner ought to name them something stupid Like the “Washington Moist Doughnuts” Or “K Street Douchebags”
If he really cared about his fans he'd sell the team. He's a disaster of an owner.

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