The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Holler if you need any pointers. Bon chance!
I got it done this afternoon by just following this thread and guessing on a few things. The only issue was that I could only find 400 and 600 grit sandpaper, so the shine is not quite where I wanted it. There are a few areas that could have been better, but not too bad for my first attempt. I put in a 2-band badger I found for a good price. Once the silicon I used for the knot sets up, I will see how it lathers. FADFD235-1E6D-47D8-9BD4-1F8E0C1126E6.jpeg
I got it done this afternoon by just following this thread and guessing on a few things. The only issue was that I could only find 400 and 600 grit sandpaper, so the shine is not quite where I wanted it. There are a few areas that could have been better, but not too bad for my first attempt. I put in a 2-band badger I found for a good price. Once the silicon I used for the knot sets up, I will see how it lathers. View attachment 32096
Not bad. I got a pack of sandpaper from Amazon that I believe goes from 400 to 5000 or something like that. I hope the sharp edges didn't get you too. Also, sorry I enabled you getting into badgers. :ROFLMAO:
Not bad. I got a pack of sandpaper from Amazon that I believe goes from 400 to 5000 or something like that. I hope the sharp edges didn't get you too. Also, sorry I enabled you getting into badgers. :ROFLMAO:
I will check into the sandpaper on Amazon. I didn’t have any issues with sharp edges. No worries on the enablement, this badger knot was priced right for the quality it is. Can’t wait till Tuesday to try it out.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: RR Wunderbar
  • Blade: brand spanking new 7 o'clock Permasharp Stainless
  • Brush: HCS C-MON
  • Soap: Extro Comesi Bay Rum
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Icy Velva?
  • Frag: Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb
  • Music: girlfriends - California single
I got woken up for a commercial fire alarm and figured the middle of the night was as good a time as any to do today's entry. Today was all go, no stop, but not actually busy in terms of ambulance stuff. My intern is coming along decently well. There's still some stuff he needs to work on, but he'll be alright. I've made it a point to share the things that I had problems with when I was in his shoes 9 months ago. Delegation is absolutely something I struggled with, and I'll be sure to emphasize that he doesn't have to feel like he has to do everything by himself. Man, 9 months feels like a lifetime, and I've learned plenty myself.

I don't know what my nose was doing this morning other than making this soap smell really medicinal for some reason. I pushed the not super great smell out of my head and pushed on. The new blade was much more comfortable than the dead Wizamet, but maybe a touch too harsh, even for a slant. I ended the routine BBS and proceeded to douse myself in Spicebomb. That's some damn good juice. I say that knowing that I'll probably continue to sleep on it; I just have a stable of incredible smelling toilet water and perfumes.


I stumbled onto girlfriends before I fell asleep a couple of hours ago. California is one catchy song. I love a good comeback story, and Travis Mills seems to be on the verge of a solid one with this new band of his. I'm looking forward to the full album release.

I have an appointment with the part time HR first thing in the morning to get payroll stuff taken care of, so I'm getting super close to starting. I don't think I could put the words together to express how much I love my job. The frustration with everybody not feeling the same way is starting to fade with the realization that not everybody is cut out for this business for whatever reasons. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Great read Ben! Nice song choice and that brush looks incredible. I'm glad to read that things at work are looking better bud.
Only 9 months! Feels like you’re a seasoned vet already!
I don't think I'd say that just yet, but I feel like I got thrown in the deep end only to look down and realize that I can...just. stand. up. Maybe I got taller or somebody drained the Gulf of Mexico.

Great read Ben! Nice song choice and that brush looks incredible. I'm glad to read that things at work are looking better bud.
Thanks, Pat. I thought you might enjoy the song. I can't say things are necessarily better, but I'm doing a better job of putting the blinders on. Getting mad at people for not having their heart in it is kinda dumb and a waste of energy.
Dude...I am so behind on your journal I am kind of embarrassed. I'll get to it...eventually. But good stuff from yesterday. I really like that cover art on the soap also!

It's awesome that you really enjoy what you do. Not many of us can truly say that. Just keep that feeling and remember it when things don't go as planned. That way you can get back to it. You do important stuff and I envy you for that. Keep up the good spirits!
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: RR Wunderbar
  • Blade: brand spanking new 7 o'clock Permasharp Stainless
  • Brush: HCS C-MON
  • Soap: Extro Comesi Bay Rum
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Icy Velva?
  • Frag: Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb
  • Music: girlfriends - California single
I got woken up for a commercial fire alarm and figured the middle of the night was as good a time as any to do today's entry. Today was all go, no stop, but not actually busy in terms of ambulance stuff. My intern is coming along decently well. There's still some stuff he needs to work on, but he'll be alright. I've made it a point to share the things that I had problems with when I was in his shoes 9 months ago. Delegation is absolutely something I struggled with, and I'll be sure to emphasize that he doesn't have to feel like he has to do everything by himself. Man, 9 months feels like a lifetime, and I've learned plenty myself.

I don't know what my nose was doing this morning other than making this soap smell really medicinal for some reason. I pushed the not super great smell out of my head and pushed on. The new blade was much more comfortable than the dead Wizamet, but maybe a touch too harsh, even for a slant. I ended the routine BBS and proceeded to douse myself in Spicebomb. That's some damn good juice. I say that knowing that I'll probably continue to sleep on it; I just have a stable of incredible smelling toilet water and perfumes.

View attachment 32333

I stumbled onto girlfriends before I fell asleep a couple of hours ago. California is one catchy song. I love a good comeback story, and Travis Mills seems to be on the verge of a solid one with this new band of his. I'm looking forward to the full album release.

I have an appointment with the part time HR first thing in the morning to get payroll stuff taken care of, so I'm getting super close to starting. I don't think I could put the words together to express how much I love my job. The frustration with everybody not feeling the same way is starting to fade with the realization that not everybody is cut out for this business for whatever reasons. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Love the style/look of that C-mon brush!
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: Feather
  • Brush: HSC Klenzo
  • Soap: CBL Tonsorial Club CBL
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Chilly Clubman
  • Frag: Thierry Mugler - Pure Havane
  • Music: Issues - Beautiful Oblivion
I made it to the second page. Oops. I'm back again! I had a mostly restful 3 days off. I made it to HR in time and I am officially employed as a part timer. My first day, orientation day, is on Monday. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. It's a whole new group of boys and girls to get to know, that's pretty much the only thing that's got me shook.

This was a bit of a lazy selection of software. Club CBL sits out on the counter collecting dust, along with Chilly Clubman. I figured it was about time to change that because I didn't feel like looking through my drawer. Honestly, that's pretty much all of my shaves recently. I've been trying to kill of the Master Barber sample and the Extro Comesi, and switching between the two has oddly been enough variety for me. Anyway. The light Clubman scent did the trick and the Vector got me BBS. Finishing with Chilly Clubman is always a treat for me. I definitely doused myself in Pure Havane, so much so that it kinda got cloying. I aired myself out on the way to work, and eventually got to an acceptable level of scent strength. I got compliments instantly when I got here. It has since dried down to a lovely sweet tobacco with some stuff I can't quite pick out. I love it.


There's something about the low end of this album that just hits me. Actually I think this is along the lines of my style of bass play, just, uhhhh, I'm nowhere as good and not nearly as advanced.

I finally got word on my hazmat skills, and I'll be doing them over three days next week. That makes next week a really busy week for me. Orientation day, one day off, hazmat, hazmat/work, hazmat, two days off, then back to the old schedule. I'm already tired, but it'll be cool to get that finished up. I bought the book so I'll be studying everything again before I take the state exam. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Hope this new group of folks at the part time are a bunch of doers like you!

Good luck with the Hazmat stuff!
I'm hoping things go well. A large portion of the personnel is made up of my neighboring department that we don't get along with very well. I personally don't have any issues with anybody, but that doesn't mean that they won't give me crap.

Regarding Rule #2; What about if the guys double dog dare you?
Rich, you're starting to get into grey areas with that question. As long as chief isn't watching, I don't see an issue.
It's a whole new group of boys and girls to get to know, that's pretty much the only thing that's got me shook.
The first thing you do is walk up to the biggest and baddest person there and and before you say knock the crap out of them before they see what's coming! Then you become the boss! Oh, wait...those are prison rules. Yeah, you probably shouldn't do that.
The first thing you do is walk up to the biggest and baddest person there and and before you say knock the crap out of them before they see what's coming! Then you become the boss! Oh, wait...those are prison rules. Yeah, you probably shouldn't do that.
I don't know, I can see that working out alright. I definitely wouldn't have a job after that, but nobody would mess with me. :ROFLMAO: