The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Nice shave Ben! Glad to have you back at it out there. Kinda cool you get to do your stuff alongside the person that helped teach ya, I guess!
Stay safe my friend!
All I can do is try, and I will.

Nice shave Ben! Glad to have you back at it out there. Kinda cool you get to do your stuff alongside the person that helped teach ya, I guess!
It's actually super cool. There's only one other instructor I'd love to work with and it's my first EMT instructor. He's a doctor now so that would be super cool.

Ben, breathe in breathe Out breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out. Now go raise some ruckus 😂
All I needed was a short nap. The student that stayed with us was a treat. Lots of learning experiences and was super attentive. That made my day.
Bruce is a man of wisdom and experience!
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Dovo Forestal, Super Speed
  • Blade: probably a sharp one?
  • Brush: GB Decadance
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Spitfire
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Noble Otter Flying Hide
  • Frag: none
  • Music: New Found Glory - Forever and Ever x Infinity
One of my coworkers likes to remind us that good things don't last forever, and bad things don't last forever. To say that my frustration is growing is an understatement. We had a mechanical problem first thing in the morning yesterday, so I made the call to take the truck out of service so we can fix it. That action was met with unwarranted suggestions from the other truck consisting of two probationary employees so that they wouldn't have to be first up and run a call for me. We got the problem fixed in less time than estimated before any calls we dropped. The other truck proceeded to get slammed, with I'm assuming what was a sign from the EMS gods to shut up and do your job. I'm gonna talk to my captain about all my observations. I'm getting tired of all the whining and selfish actions that undermine the mission.

I wasn't going to shave today, but I needed some therapeutic alone time with some carbon steel. Spitfire and Flying Hide are vastly different types of leather, and in hindsight, I could've picked a better pairing for a splash, but I don't have a time machine and it doesn't really bother me. The Forestal isn't as sharp as I remembered, so I'll have to work on that in the next few days. At the end of the day, I'm BBS and I smell great.

“He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.” Aristotle

Going back to the topic of students, one of my coworkers has picked me to be his preceptor during his internship. His reason is because he feels that I'm going to grill him on everything and ensure that he knows what he needs to know to be a successful paramedic. I'm humbled that my hard work and enthusiasm is being highlighted by people choosing to learn from me directly. This is probably the first of many. I hope you're all well. Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations, Cadre.
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The folks in the first paragraph are doing a job and collecting a cheque. The chap in the last paragraph is interested in a fulfilling career in a vocation or service. There's a monstrous difference between the two.
And it's only widening. Upwards and onwards I suppose.
Newbies got some trial by fire eh? :oops:

Does being someone’s preceptor give you permission to yell at them like a drill sergeant? :unsure:
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Duck Trac II
  • Blade: Gillette Trac II, new
  • Brush: Sorrentino Gratitude #1
  • Soap: Phoenix and Beau Right Handed Giant
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Brut
  • Frag: none
  • Music: the sound of wet shavers gasping
Today is a new day! I got an email first thing this morning from the part time job. I've been cleared to do my drug test and physical, which I'll do tomorrow. I'm excited that starting there is getting a lot closer. The former coworker that helped get me the job is a police officer in that city, and I'm sure she's going to have a hoot having me around to help her out in a pinch; it's a bit relieving knowing that I'll have one of my mentors nearby if I get stuck on a serious call too.

I know, I know, I used a cart. IT WAS FOR SCIENCE! Sorry for yelling. This was also meant to go with this month's theme of classic shaves. I'm fairly certain I wasn't alive yet during the height of Brut, and I don't think my dad ever used it, or really any other older person I knew growing up. I enjoy the scent, but this, along with Paco Rabanne Pour Homme, is what I imagine the 80's smelled like. *On to the shave already!* Alright, so I got this soap from a former Cadre member based on his thoughts of, "it's a more well-rounded Brut." I agree to a certain extent. There's something a little off, but I guess that's why they called it an homage. The performance is pretty average, scent strength along with it. *Get to the damn cart already!* I was afraid that the cart was going to slide around on the head because there's nothing to lock it in place, but nothing came of it. Ultimately, it was a decent shave. I can't say that I was wowed or that I'm going to sell off all of my gear to go back to carts, but it'll work in a pinch or while traveling, as so many have suggested. 4 passes didn't irritate my skin too much initially, but I felt the burn when I applied the Brut. Almost BBS.


I hope you're all well today. Thanks for gasping, Cadre.