The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

What a beautiful example. I love them stock on the outside, with a couple of extra ponies under the hood.

You got it brother. Original motor is in the garage and a Vortec is under the hood.

This will be the next bit to drop in for a few more horses.

You got it brother. Original motor is in the garage and a Vortec is under the hood.

This will be the next bit to drop in for a few more horses.

When are you planning to get that in? I'm totally down to go up there and help you out.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: RR Wunderbar
  • Blade: Wizamet (1)
  • Brush: TDR Milkglass
  • Soap: CBL Tonsorial Insurgency
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Bootleggers Icy Velva
  • Frag: Tom Ford Costa Azzurra
  • Music: Like Moths To Flames - When We Don't Exist
Back at work and I'm already pissed off. I'll keep my comments to myself because the topic is incredibly divisive at the moment. It's getting harder to keep my cool. Additionally, a coworker is getting really petty with his authority and that's getting old too. I guess he's not afraid of consequences because he just does whatever he wants, and is setting a piss poor example for his shift. That's fine and all, but I have to pick up after them on a regular basis.

I hadn't used the Wunderbar and it's a wunder why because this thing is amazing. See what I did there? I might be grumpy, but I haven't lost my dumb sense of humor. I had to reload for my last pass because the boar wasn't really doing too well this morning. I'll use another one tomorrow for science. BBS FTW. I forgot Monkey Butt in the fuss about getting out the door earlier than usual. Costa Azzurra is an interesting scent. It's like an aquatic woody, spicy thing. Never smelled anything like it before. I like it, but not enough for a full bottle.

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

I'm a huge fan of the breakdowns in these songs. The lyrical content is meh, and a bit whiny.

I have a small project for today; gotta install a door handle on the medical supply room. It's pretty annoying that the handle has been sitting around for 4 days without anybody touching it. The deadbolt was installed, but it's not doing any good if the key is sitting inside the room with the door unlocked. It's like I work with children. Half of the department can't close the door behind them, the other half walks into the door assuming that the door was left open. Alright, I'll shut up now. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Ben...there is a lot of stupidity going around these days. And I think we are all feeling the pressures from it. So...I could be wrong...but with the lack of attention to things that need to be done around the shop and certain co-workers running amuck with attitudes and sounds like there is actually lack of guidance coming down from your leadership. Yeah...I get it...everyone should act and work a certain way...but the truth is that while some work well by just knowing what they need to do...and they do it...others need to be managed. And some even need to be micro-managed. It's sad...but it happens. Problems arise when management doesn't know how to recognize this. So yes...employees should be able to recognize things that need to be done...but that doesn't happen always and sometimes they do recognize...but still don't do anything. That's when the leadership needs to step in.

Sorry...I am going through my issues at work also...and seem to be ranting and raving lately! 🤪

There is always tomorrow...right?
Glad they have someone responsible to keep an eye on them, whether they’re cognizant of it or not. Thanks for doing what you do Ben!
Ben...there is a lot of stupidity going around these days. And I think we are all feeling the pressures from it. So...I could be wrong...but with the lack of attention to things that need to be done around the shop and certain co-workers running amuck with attitudes and sounds like there is actually lack of guidance coming down from your leadership. Yeah...I get it...everyone should act and work a certain way...but the truth is that while some work well by just knowing what they need to do...and they do it...others need to be managed. And some even need to be micro-managed. It's sad...but it happens. Problems arise when management doesn't know how to recognize this. So yes...employees should be able to recognize things that need to be done...but that doesn't happen always and sometimes they do recognize...but still don't do anything. That's when the leadership needs to step in.

Sorry...I am going through my issues at work also...and seem to be ranting and raving lately! 🤪

There is always tomorrow...right?
You speak the truth, Dangerous Don! Our leadershipers need to get it together before they miss us when we're gone.

If I lived around there I’d have “I’ll wait for Ben” tattooed on my chest in case I was in an accident when you were off shift.
Probably a bad life choice to get the tattoo, but I'll sit back and eat my popcorn.

Glad they have someone responsible to keep an eye on them, whether they’re cognizant of it or not. Thanks for doing what you do Ben!
Who, me? I'm not responsible, I'm grumpy! 🤪 Thanks, Chris.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Wade & Butcher 7/8, RR Wunderbar
  • Blade: Wizamet (2)
  • Brush: Graydog PIF
  • Soap: CBL Tonsorial California Sunrise
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Bootleggers Icy Velva
  • Frag: Mercedes-Benz Grey Man
  • Music: Joyner Lucas
I just got back from an outing with some former co-workers. It was a good time.

I shaved last night with the Rockwell 6S, R1 to take a bit off before bed. I failed to realize that it would not remove very much if anything at all. Calling it mild would be an offense to a standard Weishi razor. I decided that today called for a straight razor shave to make of for last night. I've been itching to use this soap and it was so worth the wait. The scent is as wonderful and creamy as the lather it accompanied. Additionally, I figured out a way to get some of the harder spots to shave. The only trouble I had was going atg on my chin, the stubble is so thick and stubborn that it's almost impossible to cut down. I cleaned up my chin with the Wunderbar. BBS for easily the best shave I've had with a straight so far, and work no drama.


I don't actually remember what I listened to, but Joyner Lucas doesn't sound too far off.

Another day closer to going back to work. I agreed to go to a get-together tomorrow with the same group that I hung out with earlier, but I'm not super sure I want to go. I'm okay with having fun, but I also want to be responsible. I think I'll ultimately err on the side of being responsible with my health. It's unlikely that anybody will be sick, but there's always just the slightest chance. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Well, you wrote that yesterday which means tomorrow is today. Which means you're busy with a cadre zoom call!
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Ze Vector
  • Blade: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Brush: Stirling boar
  • Soap: Extro Comesi Bay Rum w/ Koolada
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Derby City Winter Reserve
  • Frag: Viktor and Rolf Spicebomb
  • Music: blink-182
Hey, long time no post here. I shaved here and there since my last entry. I'm back at work and it's going better than I expected so far. My last shift started alright, then went to shambles after sunset. There was one particular call where I had to put a fire out then do paramedic stuff. I was not a huge fan of the reason why I had to do paramedic things, though. I'm hoping for a better day.

I was craving some bay rum today and I totally forgot that I had this one hidden away in the drawer. The performance is pretty average for me, but I think it has a lovely scent that's really well balanced and blended. While bay rum isn't generally my jam, I really appreciate how not in your face each of the notes are, and I really enjoyed my shave for that reason. The Vector was collecting dust. Sad face. I was looking for a quick effortless shave and I got that. BBS FTW. Winter Reserve is a real winner. I guess Kentucky isn't too bad.

Dave ate my picture. You figure out which one, probably the one with jpeg breath.

I get super nostalgic every time I listen to this album. This will always have a special place in my heart. The things they did really sets this album apart from all their others and from anything anybody else was doing at the time.

My paramedic instructor is now on my shift. I was expecting more enthusiasm from him, but I actually know a secret that would explain why he's not super into it today. I have an advanced EMT student today, so that's cool. I actually had two students here, but I sent the other one away because he's already pissed us off with a careless and dangerous action committed, and I'm not in the mood to babysit. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.