The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

Trying deserves cake!

Hope the refurbishment comes to pass! How long do the mobile units usually last?
Trying deserves cake!
View attachment 30298

Hope the refurbishment comes to pass! How long do the mobile units usually last?
I'm 98% sure it's going to happen. It just has to be budgeted. It depends on the service. The first company I worked for had a truck with over a million miles on it. It was designated the Ebola truck because it was easily the most expendable. The first out ambulances are 6 years old I think. They'll be on the board for refurbishment the year after next...maybe. This is all super fluid.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Gem push button
  • Blade: PAL, new
  • Brush: TSC 2nd Anniversary
  • Soap: CBL Master Barber Back-alley Barber
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, half nothing, half B&M Terror balm
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Silverstein - A Beautiful Place To Drown
The shift started alright and ended with lots of water. Power went out at 5:10, followed by a call for a power line on fire. Surely the heavy rain put that out because I couldn't find anything. I ended up staying late to help out because today's shift is at minimum staffing, which isn't fun.

A final science for this soap. I was looking at PSF. This is some seriously good stuff. I compared it to a half application of the balm, mostly because I was curious about how to apply it. No pump kinda tripped me up, but I resorted back to the old days of canned goo to remind me of how to apply this stuff. The balm is only slightly better to my senses. I'll admit that it's not my best science, but it is a science nonetheless.

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."

Dinner is ready! Tomorrow is the last day of the tour. It'll be a wet one again probably, but that's alright. Hopefully my fire boots are slightly more dry. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Firemen attending a “fire” in the rain? Is that like a car wash washing cars in the rain? :unsure:

Probably not...the way you talked about it reminded me of it though lol. I used to have a car washing job and had those shifts in the rain and dead of winter :ROFLMAO:
Nice read Ben I hope the shift tomorrow is a little more dry!
Thanks Pat. It's looking like there'll be more rain. Oh well. It is what it is.

Firemen attending a “fire” in the rain? Is that like a car wash washing cars in the rain? :unsure:

Probably not...the way you talked about it reminded me of it though lol. I used to have a car washing job and had those shifts in the rain and dead of winter :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, I guess, kinda. :ROFLMAO: somebody has to do it!

Hey, in my younger days and I was super proud of my Mustang I would still wash it in drizzle. I’d tell people it might be wet, but it’s clean and wet!
One of my...uhhhhh...not as brightly lit co-workers decided that he was going to wash his car in the rain a couple if weeks ago. He doesn't drive a mustang so it was kinda dumb.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Gem push button
  • Blade: PAL (1)
  • Brush: Pea Soup
  • Soap: Stirling Triumph w/ WS23
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Stirling Triumph, Monkey Butt
  • Frag: none
  • Music: NIGHTLIFE - Salt & Acid
It's been a busy day. I have some complaints, but I'll keep them to myself on here because I've already expressed them to my captain. As upset as I am, I'm glad that at least one person is accepting responsibility. That's a good start and I'm hoping that will have a positive cascading effect. And there are scattered showers coming throughout the day.

I've had this set sitting on my counter for a couple of weeks, and it kept getting pushed aside by videos and CBL experiments. Today was it's fine to shine. I added a few dozen pinches of WS23. This is a nice fresh scent for summer, and the cooling really brought it home. I missed a couple of spots under my nose with the push button, but I cleaned that up with the Vector. DFS.

"Luckily, my neck broke my fall."

I keep forgetting about this band. They didn't get the coverage they deserved.

I really missed being on the ambulance. It's been like riding a bike. I spent the majority of the last three weeks on the engine, so I haven't had many chances to do my thing. I'm having a blast so far. Everybody else thinks I'm crazy. Oh look, the sun is out. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Glad you’re back on the ambulance! Let em think you’re crazy...just have fun, give a disturbed cackle now and then too.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: RR WUnderbar
  • Blade: Wizamet, new
  • Brush: DS Cosmetic green/blue
  • Soap: Stirling Weekend In Malibu w/ WS23
  • Aftershave: Stirling Weekend In Malibu
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Moderat - Last Time Single
Day 2 of now 3 off. I got an email from the most boss of bosses, aka my chief. We're going back to the 24/72 schedule because reasons that don't need to be discussed here. We were desperately trying to avoid this happening, but it became a matter outside of our hands. The schedule will be reevaluated at the end of August. This also slams on the brakes for the part time job, although I don't think they're close to having me start just yet; I think we'd both like the opportunity, though.

I shaved outside today! The video will be uploaded later today, it's rendering right now, and upload immediately after that. To be honest, I was really dreading this video, I think that was pretty obvious in my lack of enthusiasm. But my dread was wholly unfounded. I genuinely had a nice time shaving outside. The weather was right and complied. I think the scent really added another dynamic to the shave too. I might actually do this again just for fun. I thought I had nicked myself, but there was no blood, sooooo I guess I didn't. I'm BBS despite not having a mirror.


There's a lot going on in this song, just listen closely. I know electronic music gets a bad rap because of how obnoxious dubstep was a few years ago, but this is completely different from that crap.

We're looking at having a quite a bit of rain coming in over the next few days. COVID-19 really lulled us to sleep this hurricane season, I completely forgot about hurricanes with all the pandemic fuss. This is really going to add another dynamic into this situation. I'm hoping it doesn't do too much damage. 2020 is really getting worse by the day. One of my fraternity brothers told me that one of the guys he worked with a few years ago died. It's starting to get a little too close for comfort. I think we're all looking for the bright side. Let's continue to grit through this crap, there's a possibility of a vaccine on the horizon. We can get into how monumental the vaccine work is once it's done and we're done with this crap. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading and watching, Cadre.
I was perusing Corvettes on Facebook and am shocked how inexpensive C4’s are. But when I mentioned picking one up for a winter car, I got cut off at the knees.
I'm sure momma wasn't super crazy about you getting your Vette to begin with. :ROFLMAO:

I didn't know I wanted one until Dave brought it up. I think I'd still like to get a decent C10 pickup to fix up before getting a sports car.