The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Weck Sextoblade, Gillette Super Speed
  • Blade: Personna (1), Superinox Bolzano (???)
  • Brush: GB Decadence
  • Soap: Spearhead Shaving Lavender and Vanilla
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Soap Commander Devotion
  • Frag: none
  • Music: *film rolling*
I don't remember what I did yesterday.

I did the scared to shave and new to me video that Kyle tagged me to do. Spoiler alert I tagged @Cvargo (he'll do it tomorrow probably) and @GearNoir. I kinda cheated, but for self-preservation. I have quite literally bad blood with the Weck Sextoblade (pretend that Don said that). I only did one pass to ensure that I had enough blood to finish my shave. I really like this soap base, and I definitely agree with the redditors that say that it outperforms the price point (~$13). Yeah, I kinda paid attention to performance for the second time in my life. It was super easy to lather, great slickness, great cushion that made it easier to forget the demon blade pressed against my face, and damn decent scent strength. I have no rating for it because ratings for people who like doing math on their day off. I will likely never have a rating system because I don't care about performance as long as it isn't awful.


I think this video is a lot better than the last. I changed up the camera angle for the better, I feel. And the bs content flows out a lot easier with tons less awkward silence. I actually had fun making this one, aside from the death trap scraping skin cells off my face. We have a training tomorrow on a device that makes CPR a lot easier. I've used the LUCAS device before and it'll definitely reduce the number of people necessary for that particular task because the machine does the compressions and doesn't get tired and is very consistent, unlike my human LUCAS firefighters. I think that's it for today, the video is uploading right now. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading and watching, Cadre.
Well you are the second person to tag me LOL!

So uh it'll happen SOON!!! You joining our call tonight?
Well you are the second person to tag me LOL!

So uh it'll happen SOON!!! You joining our call tonight?
Damn it. I thought that might happen with me not being caught up on videos.

Probably not. Venessa gives me ojo when I do. :ROFLMAO: I'll pencil myself in for the August calls, though.
Haven’t seen the video yet, if it’s up. I’m assuming new-to-me/scared-to-shave? I was one of the first tagged...just haven’t done it yet :ROFLMAO:

Thanks for adding to the pressure!:ROFLMAO:

Hope it was a good day!
Haven’t seen the video yet, if it’s up. I’m assuming new-to-me/scared-to-shave? I was one of the first tagged...just haven’t done it yet :ROFLMAO:

Thanks for adding to the pressure!:ROFLMAO:

Hope it was a good day!
It's up, and yes! :ROFLMAO: I'm super behind on all the videos, so I had no clue both of you already got tagged. Oh well. Get to it, mister!
Looking forward to the video a little later on today or tomorrow. Gots some chores to get done first before the rain theoretically hits this afternoon.B12
Looking forward to the video a little later on today or tomorrow. Gots some chores to get done first before the rain theoretically hits this afternoon.B12
Enjoy the rain! Hopefully it cools you guys down to less than 3000000°K
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Wunderbar
  • Blade: GSB that was trashed after the shave
  • Brush: Sorrentino Gratitude #1
  • Soap: CBL Master Barber Back-alley Barber
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Fine American Blend
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Our Last Night
I just got back from buying some stupid expensive 5.11 shorts for work. They're comfortable at least. My task for the day was figure out how to get Venessa's smartwatch fixed. Looks like the problem isn't covered by the warranty for some stupid reason, I don't think anything about this watch is covered by warranty actually. Luckily, I'm spite of that lack of warranty the repair shouldn't be too extravagant. The damn thing just needs some new adhesive. Fossil sucks.

I shaved yesterday, but that doesn't matter. Chris added this sample in work my order of deliciousness. I asked him a couple of questions yesterday pertaining to this sample. I'll keep that conversation between us so that we don't get into a telephone game and I end up promising that it'll make you levitate. Chris is better at describing his products anyway. What I can tell you definitively is what I experienced today. This stuff is ridiculously easy to lather. I loaded with a slightly damp knot (synthetic), which was easy enough. What blew me away is that I only needed to lightly dip my brush once to get an incredibly voluminous, creamy lather. I think I added another light dip for good measure, but it wasn't really needed. The slickness was fantastic. I definitely feel like it did a good job of adding a bit of protection from this gnarly razor. Residual slickness was fantastic. That was the extent of me paying attention today. I would've gone without the balm, but I wanted to smell good for my venture out of the apartment. BBS. I'll pay attention to post shave tomorrow. It's looking like we're all in for a real treat.

"I looked up 'fubar' in the German dictionary and there's no fubar in here."

Tomorrow is my Cadre Monday if that were a thing. Venessa is working so I'll be home alone with the cats. I might kick back with a sixer of Shiner Bock and watch movies all day. That sounds like a great plan to me. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
5.11 has some great looking gear/clothing, but yea, expensive AF. I loved their size-zip boots - comfortable, light, fairly water resistant and slip resistant...soles didn’t last too long, but still very nice.
5.11 has some great looking gear/clothing, but yea, expensive AF. I loved their size-zip boots - comfortable, light, fairly water resistant and slip resistant...soles didn’t last too long, but still very nice.
I've never had a pair of their boots. I prefer pull on boots, which reminds me of my next big purchase. Red Wing boots! They discontinued the pair that I have so now I have to figure out how to dye the replacement pair.