The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Nice Shave Ben and some really great gear! Noble Otter makes some quality soap for sure. I need to pick up a new tub at some point. You got the truck duty thing! No one more capable! Have a great day, night, or whatever your workday is!
Nice Shave Ben and some really great gear! Noble Otter makes some quality soap for sure. I need to pick up a new tub at some point. You got the truck duty thing! No one more capable! Have a great day, night, or whatever your workday is!
I've been hearing a lot of good things about their Orbit flavor and I'm halfway tempted to try Hamami out of curiosity. And thank you for the kind words.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Jectah
  • Blade: Chinese Schick, new
  • Brush: Paladin High-Rise Beehive
  • Soap: Henri et Victoria Coconut
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Henri et Victoria Coconut balm, Monkey Butt
  • Frag: Mercedes-benz Man Grey
  • Music: Andres - Once Upon A Time In Bakersfield
Work was work. There were a couple of interesting things, but I can't talk about them. I'm back again today with the usual suspects. And I just stumbled onto a disaster. My drug bag is in shambles. Looks like I have my task for the day.

I'm going with the theme of the month today. While the scent isn't exactly cooling, it is refreshing. This isn't close to being a straightforward coconut, is definitely closer to being a piña colada, so I rolled with it by adding a healthy heaping of WS23. My concoction turned out wonderfully. Geez Louise, I added A LOT of WS23 because my face was freezing the entire shave, but it was a comfortable freezing, if that makes sense. I hadn't picked up the Jectah in quite some time and I kinda missed it. Turns out it hard to remember you have something if it literally drop something out of sight for months. DFS for the day. Mercedes-Benz is actually a damn fine pairing.

"Was always kinda partial to Roy Rogers actually. I really like those sequined shirts."

We've already got some nonsense going on today. And I'll have to deal with a little more in a bit. But I'm wearing shorts and Vans (the shoes, Dave) at work because I woke up at 5:30 and it felt like 89 outside. It's currently 86 at 10:00am, feeling like 99 with the humidity. I'm not crazy about wearing shorts, but it's a necessary evil today. That's it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Roll with the punches, my friend. And enjoy your shaves!
Absolutely. I'm here to solve as many problems as possible while creating as few as humanly possible.

Ben is delivering mail today!
I'm about to post the most random mail call in TSC history of that's the case! Susan Smith sure ordered a lot of hairspray this week! 🤪:ROFLMAO:

Ben in shorts? Bad when it's the paramedic that's causing the heart palpitations.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: Gillette Aristocrat
  • Blade: Wizamet, new
  • Brush: Greydog
  • Soap: CBL Master Barber Green Valley Links (that I ruined with science)
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Bootlegger's Icy Velva
  • Frag: Acqua di Parma Colonia
  • Music: Dance Gavin Dance - Afterburner
The last day of the tour. I'm still getting used to being permanently assigned to not an ambulance.

I shaved yesterday, but didn't document it because it was a disaster. Nothing worked as planned to start. I switched out everything but the brush by the end of the shave. Ridiculous. Today was better, though. Mostly. I think I might toss this abomination. Drowning it in FW did wonders for the scent, but absolutely destroyed everything Chris made it to be except for how easily it lathers. Last time I used it the primary slickness was still there, but it was almost completely absent this time. Curious how chemistry works. I pulled through and got a DFS with the Aristocrat that had been sitting in a corner collecting dust. For shame.


Just felt like listening to the chaos that is DGD. They're really getting good at refining their style, as it's really dialed in these days.

The air is a little tense today with the possibility of major stuff going down, whether it be on the highway, in a house, or whatever. Other than that I'm going back to my roots and putting together a shift shirt. I wish you all a Happy Independence Day. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Soap: CBL Master Barber Green Valley Links (that I ruined with science)
I think I might toss this abomination. Drowning it in FW did wonders for the scent, but absolutely destroyed everything Chris made it to be except for how easily it lathers.
If it's so bad, then you need to 3017 it rather than toss it. Otherwise, you'll most likely forget the experiment and want to play with things again down the road.
If it's so bad, then you need to 3017 it rather than toss it. Otherwise, you'll most likely forget the experiment and want to play with things again down the road.
View attachment 28985
Evil. I like it. I've seriously thought about it. It's tons softer than the original product, so it'll go quick with a heavy load and a boar.

@bentheduck shift shirt? Do tell.
We're merging the heritages of our shift. A Mexican sugar skull with Irish colors. Above and below that image with be Irish Firefighters in respective Gaelic and Spanish words. It's actually coming along quite well so far. I just need to figure out a couple of tricks.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: Rockwell 6S, R5
  • Blade: either a Polsilver or Wizamet
  • Brush: Sorrentino Gratitude #1
  • Soap: Pannacrema Nuavia Rossa
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Chilly Clubman
  • Frag: Versace Eros
  • Music: none

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: RazoRock Wunderbar
  • Blade: GSB, new
  • Brush: Pea Soup
  • Soap: CBL Tonsorial Beta ROS
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Skin Bracer
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Coheed and Cambria - In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
My weekend has arrived. Wrapping up day two of four. Work was incredibly uneventful, just as I suspected. There was a leg of lamb throw in there somewhere, but not in a delicious way. I also finished up the shift shirt design last night and ordered a prototype. I'm super excited about that. I don't think I'll be posting the design until it's finalized.

I shaved yesterday and got BBS. I obviously didn't need a post shave, but I wanted something cooling.

Today's shave was absolutely just a test run for the new Wunderbar. This is exactly what I expected every slant to feel like before I realized that slants are just like every other type of razor, with varying aggressiveness and stuff. I only did one pass, but it was really comfortable. There's definitely a lot of blade feel, but it didn't feel like I was going to skin myself alive. I'm looking forward to a full shave tomorrow. ROS will forever be one of my favorites, I can't believe I was skeptical before I got some.

I can't think of any movies to quote and my phone ate my pictures again or whatever.

I watched a reaction video last night that was a little interesting. It was a producer giving his thoughts on this particular song. I like to watch stuff like that, particularly when the producer that produced the song goes back and gives insight into what the process was like and how he/she would do it now.

I watched a movie directed by Jonah Hill called Mid 90's. It was strange watching a theatrical version of a real life that I've seen myself. I had a friend throughout school, and it was almost exactly his life. I haven't seen him on a few years, the last time being at a bar back home. He looked like he was doing better, I hope he's doing well. Anyway, I think that's it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Good test run on the Wunderbar. Hope the full shave doesn’t disappoint! Hope you’re getting some R&R!