The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: Feather Pro (x++)
  • Brush: Graydog
  • Soap: Noble Otter Barrbarr
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Lavender, Noble Otter Barrbarr
  • Frag: Paco Rabbane Pour Homme
  • Music: Brand New - Deja Entendu
Back at work! I just sprayed down the administrative building with our kinda cool contraption that's really just an air pack with a paint fun attached. I'm on the truck by myself, which is driving my anxiety through the roof, but I have people nearby to help me if I get in a bind.

I took a look at the tub last night and figured that out might be easy to kill this soap. But there's no way I'll actually go through with that idea. That being said I bloomed this soap and it was so easy to load and lather. I knew that would be a thing, but still. I did a surprise guest appearance with the Wade and Butcher Long Bow with some meh results. I certainly appreciate the weight behind the blade, but that's something I'll need to get used to and adjust for because that thing was weighing down on my face. The rest of the shave was Vector. I'm proper BBS. Paco Rabbane to top it all off.


I kinda serenaded Venessa with this song last night. I forgot the beginning of the song, but that's alright, she didn't know that.

I'm sure I agreed to do something tomorrow with Venessa, but I already sorry l forgot. I'm going to get the doghouse ready for the inevitable. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
But yes, especially with three kids we have a shared google calendar with events, vacations, practices, games, meetings etc on it. Well, for when we did those types of things.
I don’t use calendars, I just forget stuff.
How does Mrs. Crate feel about this novel approach? :ROFLMAO:

Where'd you get your Wunderbar? One in some neighborhood BST's for $105 that myself and @mrdoug saw. Anyone else looking?
Straight from IB. Didn't feel like looking around too much for some reason.

But yes, especially with three kids we have a shared google calendar with events, vacations, practices, games, meetings etc on it. Well, for when we did those types of things.
I actually have my work schedule on my Google calendar, which is shared with Venessa. Guess who keeps asking if I'm working on [whatever day] anyway?
I actually have my work schedule on my Google calendar, which is shared with Venessa. Guess who keeps asking if I'm working on [whatever day] anyway?
That's because it's easier to ask you than look it up. But you can add your other plans to that calendar too. Keep yourself outta trouble ;)
My dump truck when all is said and done. Snow rigging and all is around that much too. Big Rig = Big $
I told em to leave out the seat warmers, but they said you would complain all day if your tushy was cold.