The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

Glad you made it OK! Hope it’s a good visit!
I think it will be. I have a couple of projects for my mom's house. This is going to be interesting.

Safe travels!
Thanks, Tim! We made it alive. Can't say the same about the turtle on 77. 😔

Sounds like a rough night. It will make you appreciate your all the more. Hope that today is brighter!
Absolutely, it does. It'll be as bright as my sister's smile. The little turd is always happy and it's pretty contagious.

That makes it a good day, IME. (y)
Ultimately, yes. But I could've gone without the 2am run for eye pain caused by getting pesticide in the patient's eye. Fun fact: Bayer doesn't always put first aid information on the container. Hazmat training really paid off.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: Fat Boy
  • Blade: Treet, new
  • Brush: APSC x Leo Frilot
  • Soap: Soap Commander Liberty
  • Aftershave: Soap Commander Liberty balm
  • Frag: none
  • Music: none
This lovely trip has gone sour. I'm fairly certain that I have to go back today because of work. Le sigh. Oh well.

I hadn't shaved in two days so this shave was overdue. It's hot here, so I figured I would pack a more summer scented set. The florals and coconut really lend themselves to this climate. I instantly drowned my load, resulting in a less than stellar lather, but I fought through it. Despite the poor lather, I really enjoyed the shave.

"There are three choices in this life: be good, get good, or give up.”

I decided to keep it quiet so my mom wouldn't have to deal with screaming. Son of the year award incoming!

The drive back is going to be so much fun! Not. I think that's about it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Not sure what they have to eat. Saw that they were trying to start some gardens. You know to be "self sustaining" Guess they figure in 2-3 months their little victory garden will provide hundreds of pounds of produce per square foot. None of em look like they ever walked through a farm. Much less worked on one. Oh well.
Also saw another news story of one guy that was surprised to find. That when he came back to his tent. His money, laptop and food was gone. When he complained about it online. He was told that he had made an "Unplanned donation" and that whoever took his stuff obviously needed it more than him. Then they praised him for doing a good deed. Nice way of looking at it.
A good pizza loaded with "all the meats" mmmmm. now i'm hungry. :eek:
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: iKon X3
  • Blade: Gillette Thin (4???)
  • Brush: Shavemac faux tortoise
  • Soap: Noble Otter Barrbarr
  • Aftershave: Thayer's lavender, Noble Otter Barrbarr
  • Frag: DS & Durga Burning Barbershop
  • Music: Citizen - As You Please
Sunday has arrived. This is my 5th consecutive day off and I'm ready to go back to work. Today I find myself getting Rona tested. Just a precaution, nothing to worry about. It'll be about a couple of hours wait. I have my Amazon Fire HD with me and I'm slowly reading Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I love it.

I remembered that today is barbershop day! I grabbed for Barrbarr. Yeah, yeah. It smells kinda like sugar cookies. It vaguely fits the barbershop genre to my nose. I feel like Noble Otter is underrated in terms of performance. By no means is it going to absolutely rock your socks off, but it's solid stuff. I forgot about the blade alignment problem for about half of the shave. I'm not sure why it took so long to notice. I had a lovely 3.5 pass shave. I keep forgetting how nice this knot is. I'll have to grab for it more and more often. I'm probably the only person in here that can enjoy Burning Barbershop, with the burning aspect of it fading away on the drive.


Citizen was leftover from the playlist on the drive home. Really relaxing music for me. YMMV.

There are people in here, but nobody seems to be going anywhere and it's been about an hour. People are demanding special privilege and it's irritating. Back to the book! Thanks for reading, Cadre. I hope you're all having an excellent Father's Day.
Thankfully it’s just a precaution. Stay Rona-free Hermano!

You should “demanding special privilege” too. You smell like cookies and burning stuff. That has to count for something.
Thankfully it’s just a precaution. Stay Rona-free Hermano!

You should “demanding special privilege” too. You smell like cookies and burning stuff. That has to count for something.
I guess my special privilege was that I got there at a good time. I only waited about an hour. Hardly enough time for the burning cookies to settle throughout the building!
I wouldn’t worry too much the Rona people can’t smell ya anyway...and if they can then they’re Rona free! WIN-WIN! for the ahhhhh, as @MilkCrate says...the WIN!

Remember the X3 blade alignment Hermano lest you FEEL the issue...
I wouldn’t worry too much the Rona people can’t smell ya anyway...and if they can then they’re Rona free! WIN-WIN! for the ahhhhh, as @MilkCrate says...the WIN!

Remember the X3 blade alignment Hermano lest you FEEL the issue...
I couldn't smell anything outside my mask so I just assumed nobody else could smell the cookie fire. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I hadn't changed the blade in so long that I completely forgot about the issue. :ROFLMAO: