The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Great looking setup! Keep up the strong work!
Thanks, Tim. Things are starting to slow down in my head again.

Well the recommendation is the important thing!
If you're into delicious tobacco and vanilla, RCITW is my recommendation. Lots of beak jamming with that flavor. (translation: flavour) But I think Morning Hike sounds delightful too. Doctrine if you're into Aventus clones.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: Feather Professional (1)
  • Brush: Vie Long 12705
  • Soap: Mike's Natural Coconut
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Chilly Clubman
  • Frag: Acqua di Parma Colonia
  • Music: Set Your Goals - This Will Be the Death of Us
Back on the engine and driving. Man, they had one hell of a busy shift yesterday, a lot busier than anybody expected. About half of the calls were in the neighboring city. Now that we're aware of the situation on Galveston; it seems that there's a massive beach party; we're a little more psychologically prepared.

I had a nice shave. I was thinking about it and I might be overdoing it a bit, so I took it a little easier...somehow. But something peculiar happened. @mrdoug very kindly PIFed this tub to me after finding that it irritated him a bit. Oddly enough...same. I have no clue what is up because the puck that I used a couple of weeks was completely irritation free. Maybe I've built up a sensitivity over the past few weeks? I powered through it because the performance was too good to waste and I didn't want to run the risk of getting close to showing up to work late. A good shave, despite the burning. I'll have to look up if there are any differences between the tub and the refill puck.


Upbeat music to get the day going right.

I don't think there's a lot to do today other than sharpen knives. I brought my stones to work so I can sharpen the butter knives to their former glory. I hope you all have a great Sunday. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Sort of caught up on your stuff Ben (I just read the last three entries...sorry). But honestly, it sounds like you have settled into your current roles at work very nicely and I don't hear the stress in your updates as much. Getting more sleep? The melatonin is helping? Sleep is the great de-stressor! Anyway...some really great shaves with some soaps I either haven't heard of before or haven't tried. Good stuff either way! Hope your humdrum day stays that way.
Sort of caught up on your stuff Ben (I just read the last three entries...sorry). But honestly, it sounds like you have settled into your current roles at work very nicely and I don't hear the stress in your updates as much. Getting more sleep? The melatonin is helping? Sleep is the great de-stressor! Anyway...some really great shaves with some soaps I either haven't heard of before or haven't tried. Good stuff either way! Hope your humdrum day stays that way.
Yeah, work has been a lot better this tour. The previous 3 shifts were a rolling disaster with all kinds of adversity and learning experiences. I'm definitely sleeping better. I hardly take any melatonin now.

Just let me know if you want to try a couple of them out and I'll send some samples your way when I send off your patches this week.

That would be hilarious!
The knives are a joke here. The one I'm working on was exactly as dull as a butter knife.
Yeah, work has been a lot better this tour. The previous 3 shifts were a rolling disaster with all kinds of adversity and learning experiences. I'm definitely sleeping better. I hardly take any melatonin now.

Just let me know if you want to try a couple of them out and I'll send some samples your way when I send off your patches this week.

Good to know you are sleeping better.

No need to send me some supplements. I picked up some myself. I have interesting results from them.
You have my attention, good sir. I'll keep an eye out for those posts.
Nothing to really post about. Just that the quality of sleep I have, I can't figure out. Sometimes I use a small dose and sleep like a baby. Other times the same dose and I get crappy sleep. Same with larger doses. Tried to pay attention to how late I drink and eat...or what I eat and drink. I just can't figure it out. I will say that when I take the stuff it is harder for me to wake up. Anyway...I am curious now as to how this works for me.
Nothing to really post about. Just that the quality of sleep I have, I can't figure out. Sometimes I use a small dose and sleep like a baby. Other times the same dose and I get crappy sleep. Same with larger doses. Tried to pay attention to how late I drink and eat...or what I eat and drink. I just can't figure it out. I will say that when I take the stuff it is harder for me to wake up. Anyway...I am curious now as to how this works for me.
I thought you were talking about soap. Lol. Oooops. I found that reducing my sugar intake, primarily sodas, really made it easier to get to bed at a reasonable hour. Also, I try really hard to practice good sleep hygiene. All lights are off by 10 at the latest, no TV, no music, no screens (I try). My ceiling fan gives me plenty of circulation of cool air and white noise. That's my recipe for sleep these days. Sprinkle in a couple of melatonin PRN when work is more stressful than usual and keeping me up.

That’s a bummer about the reaction to Mikes.
You win some, you lose some. Time for science!

Sorry about the irritation Ben. At least the performance of the soap was good!
It's good stuff for sure. No complaints about performance or scent.
A bunch of calls to a neighboring city hm? Do you have to reset each time and go back to your normal area after each call or do you camp in the area a while after just to be sure?
A bunch of calls to a neighboring city hm? Do you have to reset each time and go back to your normal area after each call or do you camp in the area a while after just to be sure?
Normally we go back to our station, but it sounded like we traded trucks all day. We'd give them one of ours, and a few minutes later we'd get one of theirs. The medic said that they would just scan their channel and start heading that way before they officially got the call because it was inevitable.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: iKon X3
  • Blade: Feather (3?)
  • Brush: WWB Bioluminescent
  • Soap: Stirling Pharaoh's Dreamsicle
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Stirling Pharaoh's Dreamsicle
  • Frag: Acqua di Parma Colonia
  • Music: AFI - Sing The Sorrow
Work was a little busy and certainly an experience. I made a little boo-boo, nothing significant came of my mistake, but is now burned into my memory so that it doesn't happen again in more serious circumstances. I'm gonna get on a soapbox at the end of this entry, just to get some thoughts out because I'm really scratching my head thinking of what I've heard and saw this morning and over a period of time.

I have some skin irritation around my mouth and I wasn't going to shave for the full 4 days off, but I needed a shave. I didn't think I was upset enough to require some lavender therapy so Pharaoh's Dreamsicle got the nod. You can't go wrong with any Stirling products, scents maybe, but not products. I'm really growing to love the X3 and it's grown to be what I expected from a slant from the start. It's fairly effortless, with occasions requiring me to pay attention to the angle, which isn't often. That was a wonderful shave, much needed to take my mind off my thoughts for a little bit because I was starting to go a little crazy.


Throwback to 8th grade. This album is absolutely timeless and an awesome listen.

Alright soapbox time. This morning we were hanging out and sharing opinions on everything from current events to patient care, and all kinds of other stuff. Pretty much everybody but myself was being critical of the current events, the details of which I will leave out because this isn't the place for that stuff and takes away from my thoughts anyway. Right before I left I was very critical of one of my coworkers for a mistake that I feel shouldn't have been made. The person I was talking to, who was boisterous during the previous conversations said that my criticism wasn't, "cool," in an almost whispered tone. That struck a nerve with me for two reasons; 1. That person was openly, and quite loudly comfortable criticizing people that person had never met, which is fine, I do it too from time to time, I'm human. 2. Are we not allowed to be critical of our peers? Even if I'm in the wrong, which is entirely possible, does that preclude me from being critical? That's really what bothered me, not so much the first point. My superiors are very critical of me, can the door not swing both ways? Every single one of my calls is under a microscope, EMS and fire. If I do something wrong, it is called out. Early on, when my chief first got hired, he had a meeting with each of us and asked our thoughts on the state of the department at the time. I really poured it on thick, I was very critical of the past administration and I think I conveyed my expectations well. Fast forward a few months, I'm talking to chief about how things were going, and although improving, still needed a lot more work. Could I offer up my thoughts in a different way? Absolutely. But when polishing metal, you won't get anywhere wiping the dust off with a dirty shop rag and walking way, you use abrasives when appropriate, effort, and lots of time to get a mirror finish. Maybe "critical" is the wrong word? Maybe I'm entirely out of line? I know people don't like being told that they've made a mistake, but if nobody tells you, there's potential for you to keep making those mistakes. That's more of a general statement that applies in all walks of life, not so much specific to my job. Man, I don't know, I just work here. I hope you're all having a good day. Thanks for letting me stand on my soapbox, Cadre.