The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Dovo Forestal
  • Blade: fresh
  • Brush: DS Cosmetic 26mm??? boar
  • Soap: Abate y la Mantia Don Jose
  • Aftershave: Alum, Thayer's Original, Abate y la Mantia Don Jose, SV Stella lpina
  • Frag: none
  • Music: New Found Glory
Last night was a bit of a blur. We made mojitos all night, which explains that phenomenon. There are about 200ml of Bacardi left. It had been a long time since either of us had gotten that intoxicated. It was nice to let loose, but it won't become a habit.

Because reasons I decided to ditch the DE I had picked out. The world will never know what my shave would've been like if I had used my Merkur 37C with a fresh Feather. While shopping for mixer stuff last night I stumbled upon the last carwash sponge. I feel like the sponge alone took my shave up a notch, even though it didn't do anything. I push myself a lot further by doing a 3 pass shave. I actually missed a couple of spots because I dunno. I clearly need more practice, but everything else is BBS. I had a surprisingly low amount of alum sting. I'm feeling good about how this shave went. Yeah Stella Alpina is going to be a buy too. My wallet hates you, @BarberDave.

My picture was ruined by my sudden audible. I have an actual reason for the first time in months!

I've been listening to the new....unreleased album, but I can't share the links...because they don't exist yet.

We rectified our hangovers by driving 30 minutes to get some pretty damn good barbeque. This is where my patient from a few weeks ago got the barbeque. Well worth the drive. I hope everybody is having a great Sunday. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Well if you’re going to do what you did, at least you did it with the right person :ROFLMAO:

Sounds like a good time was had though!
Been to the SV site and reluctantly willing to pay the cost of entry for the soap and splash but not paying over $20 shipping........ I'll wait and shave with Tundra Arctica tomorrow and be patient till it hits Maggards
Yeah that's a little steep for me. I didn't even bother looking on the SV site. I recently had an incredible experience with Maggard, so they'll be getting my business almost exclusively until Venessa tells me I can't buy anything anymore.
Am I accidentally a C.E.C. operative???? @BarberDave did I accidentally just join the dark side? And do you guys have pizza???
We are the Light, The Dark side are those 3017ing dudes, and Yes we have Pizza, Sushi, Blake's Green Chili Cheeseburgers and Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies.. There is no accident it is all by design.

The Matrix has you....

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Merkur 37C
  • Blade: Feather, new
  • Brush: The pink one
  • Soap: Zingari Man The Essentials
  • Aftershave: Alum, Thayer's Original, Zingari Man The Essentials balm
  • Frag: Cuba Gold I think?
  • Music: I forgot what I was listening to
I just got home from helping the bestie move. It wasn't a lot of stuff, but it was heavy. Luckily get new apartment is also ground level. It was a good bonding experience for those who helped out. Lunch was provided and it was tacos. Somewhere along the line we quoted one of our dispatchers by saying, "I like tacos." So that's where the idea came from. No ragrets because they were amazing.

I was running a little behind so I ditched the cutthroat shave. I keep expecting more from this razor and it's not living up to my imagination. It's at least very comfortable. Surprisingly I got a gnarly amount of alum feedback. Not super sure what that was all about.

Too much of a rush to grab a pic.

I don't remember what I listened to because it's been a long day.

I have nothing else to add to this entry. I hope you all had as good a day as circumstances allow. Thanks for reading, Cadre.