The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

I notice you didn’t straighten out the whole issue of having a wife and a fiancée.
That's easy! You need new glasses!

I both love and hate to hear that. I’ll at least end up with the black.

and probably the red as long as he is still out of the blue.
The Nera seems to be the least popular for whatever reason, so if you do end up grabbing one I'd be interested in your thoughts on the scent.
That's easy! You need new glasses!

The Nera seems to be the least popular for whatever reason, so if you do end up grabbing one I'd be interested in your thoughts on the scent.
When I get it (cause there’s no way I’m making it outa there with just a bottle of GTB) I’ll make up a sample and send it your way. My nose is only tuned to know if it’s a scent I like or not.
When I get it (cause there’s no way I’m making it outa there with just a bottle of GTB) I’ll make up a sample and send it your way. My nose is only tuned to know if it’s a scent I like or not.
That would be cool, thanks!
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: I forgot what generation of Schick injector
  • Blade: Probably a Proline
  • Brush: HCS Merit
  • Soap: B&M Latha Taiga
  • Aftershave: SV Tundra Arctica
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Counterparts - Tragedy Will Find Us
Not a lot going on today. I slept in...until noon. Venessa wants to go out and get the ingredients to make mojitos, but she's also asleep and I don't think people who are quite literally asleep can buy liquor. We'll see where this plan of hers goes around closing time.

I dumped quite a bit of WS-23 into the tub before I started lathering. Dude. That made this shave magical. The cooling really brings the scent to life to me because I think of winter when I think of this scent. Yes, I know forests exist all year long, not just during winter. I got a great shave in with the jectah. But I think the star of the shave is the AS. KJ sent a couple of SV AS samples along with the last stuff I bought from him and I never got around to trying them until Dave's Titan series. This is a buy for sure, and I have a tab open ready to pull the trigger. I know the soap is 4.1, but if it's anything remotely like what Dave describes, I'm in for a real treat. This is a phenomenal scent and I doubt that I'll get any objections from Venessa. It doesn't really pair with Taiga, but that's alright.


I think the video above is one of my all time favorite live videos. I can't wait to see Counterparts play again.

We're 1 and a half days into my 5 days off. I'm feeling better about the crap that happened. Talking about the topic in class doesn't really prepare you for the very real and overwhelming reality that you are both right and wrong at the exact same time and absolutely nothing you can say or do will change that. Tomorrow and Monday will consist of meeting with my shift to help the bestie pack and move to her new apartment. Pizza and beer will be involved. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
All Caught Up Ben, and WARNING once on SV Train, there are alot of dining cars LOL
Thanks for the warning AFTER I place my order. But you're absolutely right, I was looking up the other scents before Venessa took over my computer. Lololol
Man, the Mr Duck household doesn’t get rolling until the afternoon!