The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Kama 23, Gillette Fat Boy, 7
  • Blade: GSB (1)
  • Brush: WCS Deranged Edition
  • Soap: Zingari Man The Essentials
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, ZM The Essentials
  • Frag: none
  • Music: I probably listened to music.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Central Cutlery Co "Cornell", Gillette Fat Boy, 6
  • Blade: GSB (2)
  • Brush: Wild West Brushworks Pirate thing
  • Soap: Lisa's Barber Shoppe
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Lisa's Barber Shoppe balm
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Four Year Strong - Brain Pain
My last shift was long and tried my patience every step of the way. There was a bit of a nightmare scenario for a second. We got called out for some bs and a structure fire dropped while we were on scene, taking two firefighters out of the equation. To make things worse, the hospital delayed us because reasons. By the time we cleared the hospital and made the fire, everything was already done and put up. I slept all of yesterday to make up for only sleeping an hour or two at work.

I bet you're wondering why I listed two razors. Well, I'm trying to get back into learning how to use straights. These past two shaves consisted of slow and methodical wtg passes, using both hands. No blood. But I did notice a tiny chip in the Kama. That one will be out of service until I can buy a 12k Super Stone to complete my chosen progression. The Cornell was plenty sharp, but a little harsh. I'll need to give it a proper stropping when my new one comes in. In other science news, I found out that setting 7 is way too much for my face, and 6 is perfect.

Sorry, Dave.

Fun music.

I just got back from my backup barber, who sits next to my primary barber who was a little busy. Both guys are cool as heck and phenomenal barbers. That was my first haircut since March. My head feels lighter and I feel like I'll be more professional at work. It's amazing what a haircut will do. I think that's about it today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Good reads Ben. I have clippers, I could have hooked you up ... summer cut.
My guys are just a couple of miles closer (they're exactly half a mile away), but thanks. 🤣 My history with Van Zandt County is making me a little...afraid to go visit you too.
Remember to wear an EMT shirt and hang out the window yelling “Wee Woo” and you should be good.

Or we could meet in the middle somewhere.
Remember to wear an EMT shirt and hang out the window yelling “Wee Woo” and you should be good.

Or we could meet in the middle somewhere.
I wish it were that easy. He didn't even flinch when I said firefighter. 🤣

I'm down for that too. Hopefully things start getting back to normal soon.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Gillette Fat Boy, 6
  • Blade: The Treet blades that I have, new
  • Brush: HCS Klenzo
  • Soap: Dr. Jon's Reggie's Deep Space Punch
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Shaves the Day
  • Frag: Paco Rabbane Pour Homme
  • Music: Senses Fail - Still Searching
It's Sunday, I think, I guess? Things were actually in order today, except for some stuff that doesn't even make sense. There are already 52.9 pediatric etCO2 thingys on the truck, there doesn't need to be another 15 stowed away in the monitor. That's my only gripe for the day, which makes for a great day.

I picked a fun scent for today because reasons. Cold fruit punch on a beautiful Sunday, sounds amazing to me. The Treet blade surprised me in this razor. I fully expected it to be crap, I grabbed it because it was at the top of the pile. This was one hell of a combination. I'm barely not BBS with little effort and not irritation. Shaves the day and The Homie to top off an awesome shave.

Uhhhhhh. Sorry, Dave's??? I'm not entirely sure which one, though.

I hadn't listened to Senses Fail in a while. I'd like to see them perform again in the future.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing today other than attempting to take the crappy plastic stands off my whetstones. I guess that's it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Soap: Dr. Jon's Reggie's Deep Space Punch
I picked a fun scent for today because reasons. Cold fruit punch on a beautiful Sunday, sounds amazing to me.

Now that sounds like a GREAT soap scent! I have fond memories of drinking fruit punch while I lived in Hawaii!

Sounds like your day might actually be a realizing one...if you let it! Have a wonderful Sunday Ben!