The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

All Caught up Ben. Get yourself a Yardstick..... Paint it EMT Blue get some stick on decal letters that state "Stupid Stick" place on previously referred to "blue yard stick" when the above happens proceed to use "Stupid StickZ" to remind others of their actions, plus it makes you feel so much better. Just make sure you are playing Pink Floyd at the time..:p
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Gillette Fat Boy
  • Blade: GSB, new
  • Brush: Lancaster Brushworks
  • Soap: CBL Orange Dirt
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Chance Tha Rapper - Coloring Book
I got a few things in today that I'll probably end up putting in the mail call section by the time I finish typing this. I pretty much ended up sleeping all of yesterday. I spent a lot of today watching a series on USAF PJs, which is a very different take on paramedicine, mostly because it's a day gone completely wrong if I end up getting shot at. But while watching the series, my thoughts led to asking, what's life after doing high speed paramedicine? I'll have to ask @BarberDave someday when we both have time because I have several questions that almost certainly will lead to tangents on tangents and tangents and tangents, and you get the idea.

Orange Dirt is exactly what I knew I was getting. I have a mostly used up tub of RR Son of Zeus lying around so I was already familiar with the scent, and I'm very familiar with Chris' premium base, which is my preference to date, but Master Barber isn't too far behind. @Graybeard57's Fat Boy arrived today too. It's in immaculate condition and I love it. I put it on 5 and went to town for a super comfortable shave. I think 7 might ultimately be the perfect setting for me because I prefer a little more blade exposure. I opted for a 2 pass shave to leave something for tomorrow when I try out one of the other soaps that I got in.


I posted the instrumental version above because the normal version might be a little too offensive to some. Besides, it's a great chance to point out how good production can make or break a song, and it's more than just rappers talking about drugs and money, there's actually music behind it; and it's harder to make than you think.

It's also EMS Week 2020, queue the death hornets and Godzilla! This is a shout out to my brothers and sisters busting their tails for for-profit companies with no recognition, even through EMS Week. I worked for corporate EMS up until I got hired on with my department. No breaks, embarrassingly low pay, piss poor benefits, hardly any time off, and a bunch of corporate crap to deal with. I get recognition now because I'm a firefighter, but much to the chagrin to my department I consider myself a paramedic first. If you see a truck out on the road, be sure to shout Happy EMS Week out your window. I hope you're all well on this whatever day it is. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Ben , Nice Read and Ask away, it is surely a complete different animal from Combat conditions to working in a Department, however it is funny that I never "really" got taken out of commission in the field, other than a small stint in as a guest of Milosevic. It took me working in a regular Dept the ended my FF/EMT-P Career LOL
Great setup today! That Fatboy is indeed immaculate!

Thanks for the work you do Ben.
Thanks, Chris. Now go drink some water!

Ben , Nice Read and Ask away, it is surely a complete different animal from Combat conditions to working in a Department, however it is funny that I never "really" got taken out of commission in the field, other than a small stint in as a guest of Milosevic. It took me working in a regular Dept the ended my FF/EMT-P Career LOL
I'll write down a couple of questions as I go through the series. I'm not super crazy about the possibility of a damn wall falling on me and breaking my back or slipping a disk pulling a 40000000lb patient out of a tiny hallway, but I guess it'll be an injury of passion should it happen. 🤣 Happy EMS Week, old timer!

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's BEN !!!!!!! Thanks for doing what you do
I'm not entirely sure that all ducks are Ben, but I don't know enough ducks to refute that. 🤣 Thanks, Dave. You know what to do.
I have a full tub of Orange Dirt patiently waiting for me. Interestingly, I got my best shaves on the FB set on 7, though sometimes I'd dial it back to 6 if my whiskers were short. Glad you like it. (y)

Happy EMS Week, Ben!
That's very promising! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's shave now! And thanks! I don't think I wished you or Dave a Happy Nurse's Week, but pretend I did, because I thought about it. 🤪 Happy belated nurse's week!
Got some future patients for you. The video is worth a watch! Yeeeehaaa!!!
Dude, it was bananas last year. Auto-peds, ejections, ODs, assaults, anything you can think happened that weekend. The county had to call for standby mutual aid. I'm glad I don't have to work that area.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: Who knows anymore
  • Brush: HCS C-MON
  • Soap: CBL Ghost Lime
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Bootlegger's Arctic Lime
  • Frag: none
  • Music: New Found Glory - Forever and Ever x Infinity
The first call of the day came before end of shift for the off coming shift, and my partner was running behind for the first time ever. So I had to kidnap the EMT that was supposed to be getting off, and he was wearing shorts like he was at home. The little turd threw a hissy fit because I told him to put some pants on so we could respond. I was mad. Everybody has been getting way too comfortable around here. Just because admin isn't here doesn't mean it's a vacation.

Everybody else is using Ghost Lime so I figured why not. The ghost part of the product really hit the spot this morning. It was cold, but not too cold, and longer lasting. The heat index as I'm typing this at noon is 102, and it is nowhere near the hottest part of the day yet. I decided to chase a bit and got BBS in most spots. Valour hit the spot.


I maybe downloaded the leaked version of this album. I like it, but don't love it. I prefer the previous two albums. I pre-ordered the record and I'm definitely not cancelling it.

I'm 3 calls into the day so far. This is usually my call volume for the day, but this rate is super tolerable. We have a new guy starting today, and he's off to a great start. This isn't his first rodeo and he knows he has to earn it. He's going to be a phenomenal fit here on our shift. I think that's all my ranting and raving today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.