- Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
- Razor: Gillette Adjustable Slim L4
- Blade: Astra SP (1)
- Brush: Wild West Brushworks, the other other glowy one, 24mm 2 band badger
- Soap: Ariana and Evans Frozen Mojitos
- Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Stirling Soap Co Bay Rum
- Music: Issues - Black Diamonds EP
I wasn't going to shave today, but I've had this stuff lying out on my counter for too long and couldn't resist a quick shave. My captain invited my shift over for a BBQ, prompting me to shave. I'm definitely also just now deciding that shaving is my reward for getting a few recertification classes done today.
New to the cadre metal stuff. I've been shying away from the slim because I didn't really know how to use it until recently.
@dangerousdon reminded me, to paraphrase, not try to shave my face off with too much pressure. That has been a problem in the past with this particular razor. And what better blade to use than a trusty Astra SP when relearning a razor.
I kinda just grabbed the most tropicalish brush I have to go with everything else in the shave. I feel this might be one of my more underrated brushes because of the knot. It's a great general use knot.
I've been waiting to use this again for a while. It's a great refreshing scent that's making me crave a mojito. I've never had a mojito in my life, margaritas are more a thing where I'm from, but this is what I imagine they smell like. I threw in Bay Rum just because.
I had a very nice and effortless one pass shave. I was sure to hydrate my lather and it paid off, oh man did it pay off. The blade glided through the whiskers and I could barely tell it was working at all. The menthol in the soap was a nice touch and doesn't take away from the scent, at least for me.
I had a moderate burn when I applied the splash. Maybe it has more to do with alcohol content? I'll have to do some research and tests. I haven't had this happen with any other Stirling splashes, but I've also never had samples. Back to the splash. This is a very nice, classic scent. I don't think I liked the clove note the first time I tried it, but my nose has evolved and I feel it brings another dimension to the scent.
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Issues is a fun metalcore band. This band is the result of a split from another band, resulting in lots of drama. The two notable songs for me are Princeton Ave, which is about domestic abuse, and Her Monologue. Her Monologue blew my mind the first time I heard it; there's silence at the end, some singing, then one of my favorite Hispanic rappers, Snow That Product, starts doing her thing. That's not a collaboration anybody could've predicted.
I've got a lot to say for a simple one pass shave. Dang.
On the restoration project I ordered some sandpaper pads, Flitz, and Rub n Buff. I decided that I'm not going to alter the handle too much and put in a 22mm knot; I think there was a 20mm originally, but I'm going to leave the cup out to add a little space. I'll try to post progress pictures tomorrow.
I have one of my cats Emma begging for attention, so I'll end this here. I hope everybody had a productive week and is having a great start to the weekend.
Bonus cat picture
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