The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Nice shave Ben.

Why didn't you just use your sonic to fix the truck? it would have been much faster. :p
☝️ First, I didn't break it and I'm not allowed to fix things because I usually break things more.
☝️ Second, I left it at home.
Man, depressing album indeed! Wonder what inspired a musical trip like that?

Good shave Ben!
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Gillette Adjustable Slim L4
  • Blade: Astra SP (1)
  • Brush: Wild West Brushworks, the other other glowy one, 24mm 2 band badger
  • Soap: Ariana and Evans Frozen Mojitos
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Stirling Soap Co Bay Rum
  • Music: Issues - Black Diamonds EP
I wasn't going to shave today, but I've had this stuff lying out on my counter for too long and couldn't resist a quick shave. My captain invited my shift over for a BBQ, prompting me to shave. I'm definitely also just now deciding that shaving is my reward for getting a few recertification classes done today.

New to the cadre metal stuff. I've been shying away from the slim because I didn't really know how to use it until recently. @dangerousdon reminded me, to paraphrase, not try to shave my face off with too much pressure. That has been a problem in the past with this particular razor. And what better blade to use than a trusty Astra SP when relearning a razor.

I kinda just grabbed the most tropicalish brush I have to go with everything else in the shave. I feel this might be one of my more underrated brushes because of the knot. It's a great general use knot.

I've been waiting to use this again for a while. It's a great refreshing scent that's making me crave a mojito. I've never had a mojito in my life, margaritas are more a thing where I'm from, but this is what I imagine they smell like. I threw in Bay Rum just because.

I had a very nice and effortless one pass shave. I was sure to hydrate my lather and it paid off, oh man did it pay off. The blade glided through the whiskers and I could barely tell it was working at all. The menthol in the soap was a nice touch and doesn't take away from the scent, at least for me.

I had a moderate burn when I applied the splash. Maybe it has more to do with alcohol content? I'll have to do some research and tests. I haven't had this happen with any other Stirling splashes, but I've also never had samples. Back to the splash. This is a very nice, classic scent. I don't think I liked the clove note the first time I tried it, but my nose has evolved and I feel it brings another dimension to the scent.

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Issues is a fun metalcore band. This band is the result of a split from another band, resulting in lots of drama. The two notable songs for me are Princeton Ave, which is about domestic abuse, and Her Monologue. Her Monologue blew my mind the first time I heard it; there's silence at the end, some singing, then one of my favorite Hispanic rappers, Snow That Product, starts doing her thing. That's not a collaboration anybody could've predicted.

I've got a lot to say for a simple one pass shave. Dang.

On the restoration project I ordered some sandpaper pads, Flitz, and Rub n Buff. I decided that I'm not going to alter the handle too much and put in a 22mm knot; I think there was a 20mm originally, but I'm going to leave the cup out to add a little space. I'll try to post progress pictures tomorrow.

I have one of my cats Emma begging for attention, so I'll end this here. I hope everybody had a productive week and is having a great start to the weekend.

Bonus cat picture
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Hooray another SafetyCat!
Man, depressing album indeed! Wonder what inspired a musical trip like that?

Good shave Ben!
I haven't the slightest clue. Never thought about it, but I'm tempted to ask.

Hooray another SafetyCat!
Emma and Matilda aren't allowed in my bathroom because they're rambunctious, but we do have deep conversations about life through the door.
Progress report!

Ever Ready 100
I picked this one first because my favorite color is blue. No other reason.

This is what I started with on the 100. I washed it with some mild soap and then dipped it in Simple Green. Both of those things made a dent in the surface crud, but there was still plenty left. I was still able to scrape it off with my finger nail.

I was super dumb and tried to make a hole in the knot with my knife and stabbed myself with who knows how old bacteria. This is after a few minutes on the Dremel. Of course I did the customary damage, but it's significantly less than the first time. A few more minutes on the Dremel cleaned up the majority, and I finished it up with 320 grit.

This is the result after the 320 grit. As you can see, it's not perfectly round, which kinda bothers me. I'll likely end up getting it more reasonably round when I get home on Friday. This will do for now. Making it more round will also give me an opportunity to take a couple of millimeters off so I can safely put a 22mm knot in; it's about 21mm right now.

Just finished 320 grit on the outside. There was some persistent crud on there as well as discoloration from years of I don't know. I could probably clean it up a bit more, but it's fine for now. I also cleaned up my Dremel damage easily, not even a big deal.

And this is what happens when I start doing things without thinking. The 100 is barely visible now, so I'd like to find a way to fix that up, and I guess the rest of the stamping as well.

As always, thoughts, suggestions, and beer recommendations are very welcomed. I'm coming up on another four day break, so I'm gonna try to go searching for your beer recommendations.
Wierd that that brush is the 100. I figured the taller brush you got was the 100, because I have 100s that look just like it. I swear, E-R's numbering system makes no sense at all.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Rockwell 6S, R4
  • Blade: Polsilver (?????????)
  • Brush: Brush: That Darn Rob "Milk Glass" 26mm boar
  • Soap: Stirling Soap Co Kaboom
  • Aftershave: Stirling Soap Co Kaboom
  • Music: Turnstile - Space & Time
My Friday is magically here again! I can feel it in my bones that it's going to be a rough day. I'm partnered with the longest tenured firefighter here who isn't super interested in medicine by any stretch, and I'm not very high on the captain for this shift for reasons that don't need to be aired out. Aside from playing nice today, I'm just gonna keep my head low and do my job to the best of my abilities. It's going to be a great day!

Continuing with the same metal stuff combination. This blade can't be too old, but it's still chugging along, smooth and steady.

I felt like going boar today, so TDR was in my sights. I prefer this one over my Stirling boar, but that one is a champ too and a great value.

I love Spicebomb. That's it. Kaboom gives me my fix. Great scent, great performance.

I had a bit of a rushed shave, so I didn't enjoy it as much as I usually do. That being said, it was an easy 3 passes. There wasn't much growth to cut down, but it was quick work.


Turnstile did the dang trick this morning. I needed to move fast, so of course I threw on some east coast hardcore. This band will get you jumping for no damn reason. Highly recommend if you need to get moving in the morning. This is their latest release and is a banger.

Half of the station duties are done for the day, now to wait for the inevitable tones to go do the job. My compa(dre) at Station 2 comes in tonight so I'll have some actual help starting at 7. That being said, it's still going to be a great day.

Side note. I'm constantly blown away by the generosity and kindness of all the members. A few of you have offered to send me various things and it's greatly appreciated. I'm not very good at accepting gifts, so please don't be offended if I decline, I'm working on it.

I hope everything is well with you and your families, Cadre. Have a stupendous* day.

*No, I'm not calling you stupid. 🤣
Wierd that that brush is the 100. I figured the taller brush you got was the 100, because I have 100s that look just like it. I swear, E-R's numbering system makes no sense at all.
You ain't lying. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to the numbers that I can tell so far.
Hope the work week closes out smoothly! Good job being an adult about the less than savory shift pairing!
Hope the work week closes out smoothly! Good job being an adult about the less than savory shift pairing!
It isn't going very good at all. I just signed away my Sunday and I'm probably going to volunteer to work OT on Saturday. 48 hours. Kill me. Lol
It isn't going very good at all. I just signed away my Sunday and I'm probably going to volunteer to work OT on Saturday. 48 hours. Kill me. Lol
Well then, you definitely deserve to add some of that OT pay to your shave fund!
The brush is looking good Ben. you might stop by a hobby store and see if they have a really tiny paintbrush and some enamel paint to fill in the stamp on the bottom.

Also today is my friday as well and it has been the cherry on top of a week of crazy. didn't even get to brew my coffee until 930 and i started at 6!