The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

I saw some ads for that MJ/Bulls documentary...I’m afraid to watch. Happy I was able to watch MJ/Bulls during their heyday...don’t want anything to ruin that perception of greatness!

Did you say the gummies are over the counter?
I saw some ads for that MJ/Bulls documentary...I’m afraid to watch. Happy I was able to watch MJ/Bulls during their heyday...don’t want anything to ruin that perception of greatness!

Did you say the gummies are over the counter?
I don't think it tarnishes it at far. The only thing that's being talked about being tarnished is the GM who has since passed. The first two episodes were from MJ's growth into greatness and Pippen's animosity towards Jerry Krause, the GM. Next is Dennis Rodman, who was definitely an outsider throughout the 6th championship run. It's super interesting hearing their direct thoughts on the events that they lived through, the greatness that unfolded because of their hard work in the face of massive, overreaching egos.

They certainly are. They're about $10 here, but I'm not sure what that is in California dollars.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: Super Feather (????)
  • Brush: WWB Bioluminescent
  • Soap: Wholly Kaw Merchant of Tobacco
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Pomp's Not Dead Shaves the Day
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Dance Gavin Dance - Afterburner
I'm at work again! The basic on the off going shift messaged me at 5:38 this morning begging me for relief, so "we can go to sleep." I looked at the call log, and they had a super tolerable shift. Crybaby. On top of that, they left me with no oxygen on the truck. I guess they were too tired to fix that too. That guy was also the first to leave. He doesn't know what tired is, he probably never will with the crappy attitude that he has. Sissy.

This blade is super rough. I should've changed it, but I was curious how far I could push it. It'll be swapped out the next time I use it. Now that I've gotten a few uses out of the soap, I figured out that I just like the scent, and won't be a full purchase. It's pleasant for the most part, but I was really hoping for more tobacco when I bought the sample. Rough blade and ehhhh scent aside, I'm accidentally almost BBS. I thought about cooling Shaves the Day, but it's one of those scents that is just refreshing on its own.


This is what I wanted to listen to yesterday, but forgot. The song above is my favorite so far is seems to be the only one with some power behind it that I can remember off the top of my head. The other songs are relatively chill, with more funk inspiration, mixed in with their usual post hardcore sound. I like it!

I'm done looking over my truck and fixing the things that were unsatisfactory. There are a few things I can get done today that I'll address as the day goes by, but they don't include exams. I can read the book, but because the exams are timed, I can't rely on not being interrupted by my job. I hope you're all well and having a great weekend. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Gillette red tip
  • Blade: 7 o'clock Permasharp Stainless (2)
  • Brush: Stirling boar
  • Soap: Wholly Kaw Merchant of Tobacco
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Ginger's Garden Dragon's Blood
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Hidden In Plain View - Life In Dreaming
I got a decent night of sleep for the first time in a while. I experimented with the melatonin intake. 3 gummies works best for me. I slept well and woke up at 7am, which is better than 2pm, or so I'm told. I started watching The Last Dance on ESPN. What a hell of a story to tell, coming from the horses' mouths. I'm really looking forward to watching the rest as the episodes come out. I missed watching that generation of basketball, and I'm still not a huge basketball fan, but there's a lore behind MJ and the Bulls, and it's fascinating.

As I copy and pasted the lineup for today I realized that I didn't state what soap I'm using. Surprise! Now you do. I had been seeing a lot of Stirling boar uses recently so I pulled me out. It didn't work out as well as I had hoped, but I still enjoyed the shave.

The other Dave ate my picture, he just doesn't know it yet.

Just random music at this point because I forgot that there's a new album out that I want to listen to while I shave.

I should be doing exams, but I started watching Chernobyl. I'm already horrified. I've read up on the event continuously for years, but it seems like there are new details each time. I feel for the firefighters. They had a crap job from the start with no idea what they were running in to fight. I have the luxury of learning from the mistakes that were made that morning, and everything that has happened since. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
This entire post just detailed exactly how old I am! I was a teenager for the Chernobyl Incident and I was a Piston's fan in high school so I watched plenty of MJ in his prime! Man am I old!

I saw some ads for that MJ/Bulls documentary...I’m afraid to watch. Happy I was able to watch MJ/Bulls during their heyday...don’t want anything to ruin that perception of greatness!
Wait? How Old are you?

Dennis Rodman

The most Underrated player in the NBA at the time and the most Overrated player in the NBA at the time. Underrated when is was with the Pistons (86-93) and Overrated when he was with the Bulls (95-98). Why was he overrated? Because he became who we know Dennis Rodman as today. Great player...horrible person.
@bentheduck I understand your need and/or want to help out and do more than your part. But guys like "the basic" you describe need to learn. He either needs to be spun up (obviously by someone on his shift) or he needs to toughen up. Help out when it's prudent, but don't put yourself out or at a disadvantage by taking up his slack. If he didn't know what it is to be a fireman/paramedic/EMT/whambulance driver...then he needs to learn.

Get some sleep man! We all know and appreciate the work you do!
This entire post just detailed exactly how old I am! I was a teenager for the Chernobyl Incident and I was a Piston's fan in high school so I watched plenty of MJ in his prime! Man am I old!

Wait? How Old are you?

The most Underrated player in the NBA at the time and the most Overrated player in the NBA at the time. Underrated when is was with the Pistons (86-93) and Overrated when he was with the Bulls (95-98). Why was he overrated? Because he became who we know Dennis Rodman as today. Great player...horrible person.
Yup. You're old. 🤪

@bentheduck I understand your need and/or want to help out and do more than your part. But guys like "the basic" you describe need to learn. He either needs to be spun up (obviously by someone on his shift) or he needs to toughen up. Help out when it's prudent, but don't put yourself out or at a disadvantage by taking up his slack. If he didn't know what it is to be a fireman/paramedic/EMT/whambulance driver...then he needs to learn.

Get some sleep man! We all know and appreciate the work you do!
Thing is, he will never learn. I've had issues with him before. He used to leave his partner high and dry to fill up the water tank on our brush truck that leaked like a sieve at the time. I told him to go do his job and he got fussy with me. I'm tired of the excuses, so it's just easier for my shift to pick up the slack so that we know we're taken care of and nothing is missing. He doesn't want to be any of those things, he just wants the shirt and to play hero on TV. There's no fixing that attitude.
Thing is, he will never learn. I've had issues with him before. He used to leave his partner high and dry to fill up the water tank on our brush truck that leaked like a sieve at the time. I told him to go do his job and he got fussy with me. I'm tired of the excuses, so it's just easier for my shift to pick up the slack so that we know we're taken care of and nothing is missing. He doesn't want to be any of those things, he just wants the shirt and to play hero on TV. There's no fixing that attitude.
I understand where you are coming from...I have plenty of experience in this department too. But sometimes...people need to sink or swim on their own merit.
I understand where you are coming from...I have plenty of experience in this department too. But sometimes...people need to sink or swim on their own merit.
Or sink and spend some time underwater until they are motivated to learn to swim. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone, and by extension everyone they affect, is to let them shoot themselves in the foot....a lot if necessary.
I just keep thinking what if you got a call right we you got on shift and were missing something critical. You know like oxygen. Dude could cost someone their life.
They didn't bother checking the main all shift, despite having a respiratory call. I got an empty portable too. I think I'll email my EMS captain, my captain, and their engineer about it. I'm pretty cool about stuff, but no oxygen is a big deal to me, and a big deal given the circumstances of Rona.

Or sink and spend some time underwater until they are motivated to learn to swim. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone, and by extension everyone they affect, is to let them shoot themselves in the foot....a lot if necessary.
I see it both ways. I'm super nonconfrontational so letting people shoot themselves in the foot is usually my game, but Don has a good point. Today they forget the oxygen, tomorrow they lose the controlled drugs. They need to be held accountable for potentially leaving me in a bind, and maybe, hopefully the behavior changes.