The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

In the Baton Rouge area...we have actually had a significant increase in fires AND a significant increase in serial arson. You read that right...multiple serial arson. Isn't that crazy? I'm with you...not sure what is going on. I guess people think that while businesses and other buildings are's their time to set fires. The funny thing about this is that some of the buildings that were set on fire was from this Methodist Church complex. Crazy Times we live in I tell you!

Glad you are getting some sleep at least.
Seriously? These are the days that I profess that a "good-old-fashioned-beating"....sorts out many a miscreant...just sayin...
It's times like these. That Darwin gets a chance to catch up. And cleanse the gene pool. C'mon these people should not be passing on their stupidity to the next generation.
Phrase my grandfather used to say. "Life is hard. But it's harder if your stupid. Pay attention!"
I agree. I try to be as not stupid as possible.

Seriously? These are the days that I profess that a "good-old-fashioned-beating"....sorts out many a miscreant...just sayin...
If it's done the right way, absolutely.
Me too but I still had to google miscreant 🤪
That WAS funny...LOL
Ed and his fancy Canadian edumacation! I thought he said something about my momma! 🤪:ROFLMAO:
:cry: Now my Brothers with the exception of the occasional "u" we add to words in English up here in the True White North...we same, same in most respects. I am sure your Momma is a lovely person Ben...(if she is angry, I'll be hiding in my bunker for the foreseeable future)....
:cry: Now my Brothers with the exception of the occasional "u" we add to words in English up here in the True White North...we same, same in most respects. I am sure your Momma is a lovely person Ben...(if she is angry, I'll be hiding in my bunker for the foreseeable future)....
I think you're safe. She's never thrown a chancla at me, so I doubt she'll throw one at you. :ROFLMAO:
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Fatip Grande
  • Blade: 7 o'clock Permasharp Stainless
  • Brush: Eric Sorrentino Gratitude
  • Soap: Wholly Kaw
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Pinaud Whiskey Reserve
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Punchline - Just Say Yes
Yesterday just kinda sucked all the way through. I think it's time for a mental health break, but that's not really an option right now. I can't use the word that perfectly describes my first call, so I'll just call it a medical mystery. I love my partner, but his inexperience can really hinder me in stressful moments. We haven't gotten our telepathic communication yet, so he kinda just stands there waiting for me to tell him what to do. Mel came out to help me with this call and things went a lot smoother after she got there. Long story, short, nobody knows why he started seizing, including the hospital. My next, also my last, call involved a guy who was throwing up because reasons. I did everything I could to help him and he was still an ass to me. I thought about going back in to cuss him out, but it wasn't worth my time and not very professional. That guy really pissed me off and I accidentally let my frustration out on Venessa. She's getting a serious apology when she gets home.

I'm gonna start going through my samples because reasons. I started with Merchant of Tobacco because why not. I know WK scents are generally polarizing, and this one is no different. I can't figure out if I like it, really like it, or love it. I'm a huge tobacco fan, but there's obviously more going on than just tobacco. I'll figure it out over the next few shaves. I also shaved my mustache, which is exactly why I grabbed the Grande. The impressively aggressive nature of the razor made cutting down my mustache a breeze. There's something therapeutic about shaving my mustache because I feel like a weight has been lifted.

Dave ate my picture, he just doesn't know it yet because he hasn't read this just yet.

The song above has a lot of sentimental value. There's a person in my phone book who is named Ghostie. No need to delve into why that's her name.

Mel called me last night to ask for my opinion on how she treated her patient. She's one of my mentors and I've of my best friends, and to say that it's a big deal for her to ask my opinion is an understatement. But that was reassurance that I know what I'm doing and to stop worrying. I need a nap. I'll end my ranting and raving to get that taken care of; I didn't sleep very well last night because of how upset I was. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
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Oh man, someone need to makes some fresh cookies for his girl
Bruce is throwing out some good pointers here.
Final tip: if you're cleaning a basement floor before resurfacing, do not use flammable solvents near water heaters and furnaces with electronic ignitions.

BTW, these tips come from real-life examples I encountered while doing OR burn trauma cases. I put them in the "Foolish" category; I will not cite examples from the "Tragic" category. Burns are horrific injuries requiring months of painful recovery.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Gillette red tip
  • Blade: 7 o'clock Permasharp Stainless (2)
  • Brush: Stirling boar
  • Soap: Wholly Kaw Merchant of Tobacco
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Ginger's Garden Dragon's Blood
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Hidden In Plain View - Life In Dreaming
I got a decent night of sleep for the first time in a while. I experimented with the melatonin intake. 3 gummies works best for me. I slept well and woke up at 7am, which is better than 2pm, or so I'm told. I started watching The Last Dance on ESPN. What a hell of a story to tell, coming from the horses' mouths. I'm really looking forward to watching the rest as the episodes come out. I missed watching that generation of basketball, and I'm still not a huge basketball fan, but there's a lore behind MJ and the Bulls, and it's fascinating.

As I copy and pasted the lineup for today I realized that I didn't state what soap I'm using. Surprise! Now you do. I had been seeing a lot of Stirling boar uses recently so I pulled me out. It didn't work out as well as I had hoped, but I still enjoyed the shave.

The other Dave ate my picture, he just doesn't know it yet.

Just random music at this point because I forgot that there's a new album out that I want to listen to while I shave.

I should be doing exams, but I started watching Chernobyl. I'm already horrified. I've read up on the event continuously for years, but it seems like there are new details each time. I feel for the firefighters. They had a crap job from the start with no idea what they were running in to fight. I have the luxury of learning from the mistakes that were made that morning, and everything that has happened since. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.