The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

If that's a test I'm reading and DID catch that 😜 And how come your soap and splash doesn't have the eyes that flop around?😎
You passed! 🤪 They do.....just not in a single frame like above. :ROFLMAO: Oh wait, I think you're trying to get me to make another video! I'm not falling for!

That brush looks pretty awesome!
Thanks, it was my first of Heritage Collection Shaving. Neil has one hell of a setup replicating vintage brushes.
You need to stop judging me right now, Bruce! Lol. But it definitely wasn't worth all the hassle. I only did it because I don't like asking my mom got money, even if it's just a couple of bucks. And I know enough about computers to make the viruses go away.
Not judging. I've always suspected my sons' and wife's Limewire downloads led to a virus that just wouldn't go away. It led me to buy a Mac-mini (just add monitor/keyboard/mouse), which is still going strong 10 years later. We have since become a Mac family, with an iMac and MacBook added to the mix, plus the phones. Never had a problem with any of them, other than the MacBook's battery slowly dying.
Not judging. I've always suspected my sons' and wife's Limewire downloads led to a virus that just wouldn't go away. It led me to buy a Mac-mini (just add monitor/keyboard/mouse), which is still going strong 10 years later. We have since become a Mac family, with an iMac and MacBook added to the mix, plus the phones. Never had a problem with any of them, other than the MacBook's battery slowly dying.
As much as I hate Apple, they did something extraordinary when it came to building the OS around Unix. I doubt too many people realize that's why they hardly get viruses. I've thought about modifying my PC to make it possible to triple boot Windows, a flavor of Linux, and MacOS.

Two hours on a call hm? Must have been pretty crazy!

Deep breath Ben...deep breath.
The previous crew had a super gnarly wreck around 4a. I saw what was left of the car getting loaded up when I was driving to work. They went out of service to clean up the back after they left the hospital and never called back in, dispatch just doesn't have any brain cells. It doesn't take that long to clean a damn ambulance.
I've thought about modifying my PC to make it possible to triple boot Windows, a flavor of Linux, and MacOS.
I once considered putting Red Hat Linux on a pc, but read several articles about the potential difficulties it could bring, so I chickened out. It was also pretty bare-boned at the time.
I once considered putting Red Hat Linux on a pc, but read several articles about the potential difficulties it could bring, so I chickened out. It was also pretty bare-boned at the time.
Like Tim said, Mint is pretty good on easing the transition. I personally started with Ubuntu, but I have Debian installed right now. I got a lot of practice with it because I kept breaking things.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Super Speed
  • Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium (3)
  • Brush: Leo Frilot x AP Shave Co 22mm Gelousy fan
  • Soap: Lisa's Barber Shoppe
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Lisa's Barber Shoppe balm
  • Frag: none
  • Music: RX Bandits - ...And the Battle Begun
So my last shift turned out to be crap. We were hardly busy, but I had one hell of a call. Can you believe some lady tried to die on me? The audacity. There's only one more thing I could've done, but that thing wouldn't have helped at all because of how sick she was. She was clinically dead for a few minutes about 20 minutes after I left the hospital. It's jarring seeing somebody crash that fast, that hard. The nurse that I left her with gave me the rundown of what happened as I was finishing up dropping off some bs chest pain call. I didn't sleep all night thinking about the things that I missed. One of my old partners assured me that I'm doing fine, even if I hadn't missed the couple of things that I did, she needed way more than my hands and medicine. Oh yeah, I kinda went off on a tangent. The last I heard she's alive and on a vent, and a billion times healthier than when I dropped her off. I'm alright seeing dead people, but this is super different. Live and learn I guess.

How about that first paragraph for an Easter entry. This brush came on Friday and I instantly fell in love with it when I was washing the badger funk out. Son of a gun, Andrew wasn't kidding about the gel tips. What a dream. Lisa's didn't disappoint, which doesn't surprise me. Venessa approves of the scent so that makes KJ the only person on the face of the planet that doesn't. 🤪 I only did one pass because I'm not doing anything today.


Classic RX Bandits. This is the last song on that album and it's fitting. Powerful.

We just finished watching Sonic. I enjoyed it, but I can definitely sense that it was marketed for kids, but kids at heart. I'll be home alone tomorrow and I'll finally be able to get some school work done. The governor makes it seem like the state is going to open up by the end of the month whether it's safe to do so or not. I'll leave my political views out of this. I think that's it for today. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.