The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

In the Marine Corps we would do what is called "take him out to the tree-line." Of course there was no's just a weird way of saying corrective action...which is a polite way of saying...whoop that ass!

Well then...maybe you need to be tacken to the tree-line! 🤪

Don't sweat it man! it won't be the last time some know it all paramedic-fireman will spout off to him! 🙃

Yes...tour of the station Please!

There has to be more to this story!

By the way Mr. The you watch Tacoma FD?
I thought about it, but he's usually pretty good about realizing his mistakes.

For sure I won't be the last one, but we have a good working relationship and I'd like to keep it that way. He was a Corpsman back in the day so he's super pro medic and gives us some great learning opportunities, especially me.

I'll get around to a picture tour next week.

It's just a stupid thing we say. If we hear a strange noise we'll scream out, "is that you, Bubba?" He never answers, though. He's a shy fella.

Yes. And no, I don't have a gambling problem. It's a nice break from all the serious shows like Chicago Fire. It's the fire version of Sirens!
He was a Corpsman back in the day
So...refer back to my statement about the tree-line! 🤪

The Corpsmen I knew from my Marine days were the best bunch of guys I have ever known. Mad respect for them. They had to do everything we did as Marines and then still had to do what they did as Navy Corpsmen! If I was in a bad situation and had to pair up with someone and the only people around were a bunch of servicemen from various branches and a Corpsman...I would probably pick Doc. Seriously...that is how much respect I have for those guys!
Monday-Friday on a Thursday? :unsure: 🤯

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Sorry you had a lover’s tiff with your mistress...I mean partner. You guys are under a lot of pressure for sure.
It's life. He's just having some growing pains. No big deal as long as he keeps learning from his mistakes. I see so much of myself when I first started in him. I think that makes sense.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Red Tip. I'm too lazy to flip it over to check the date code. Definitely made between 1776 and 2020, probably.
  • Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium, fresh
  • Brush: Pea Soup
  • Soap: Summer Break Soaps International Studies
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Summer Break Soaps International Studies
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Trophy Eyes - The American Dream
I was up until 5am playing The Division 2 and I surprisingly woke up before 5pm. I'm not super sure why I decided to start playing video games on my computer again, although, that is exactly what I built it to do. But I digest. Work was super tolerable and I actually slept through the night for the first time in a long time, including at home. The first call of the next morning was interesting...apparently somebody climbed on top of the railroad crossing thingy...purposefully. I ended up not going because I had already been relieved by the oncoming shift. That's pretty much it.

This is a LE set from Summer Break, made for a Russian shaving forum and they were kind enough to allow SB to release the leftovers for anybody not part of that particular forum. First off, Venessa really likes it, which I wasn't expecting. Off the tub I get neroli and basil. Venessa mentioned that she really likes basil and has no idea what neroli smells like...even after I described it; I guess I could've made her smell Fourth and Pine. So yeah, I only got neroli and basil the entire shave, which I'm not complaining about, it smells great. I suspect the other notes are somewhere in the background balancing the accord out so that I'm not bombarded with an herb garden. This is also my first use with their latest soap base, which worked??? I'm not super big on taking note of performance stuff, so I never pay attention. It lathered up and did what it's supposed to do. They also apparently released a new splash base too. I guess that works too.


I just started listening to this album today. I wasn't super stoked on their direction, but it's growing on me.

I have exactly one month to finish all of my hazmat tech exams, so guess what I'll be doing if Venessa ever stops bothering me?! I got a 50 on the first exam without the book or knowing the content, which is kind of impressive if you consider that I didn't even know how to access the thing about an hour before I took the exam. I'll be redoing that exam shortly. I'm gonna get on that now. I hope everybody is well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
That’s some serious gaming! I think I did that a couple times at overnighters. Sure is a rough wake up lol.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: I'm not super sure
  • Brush: TDR Aquamarine
  • Soap: Chisel Face Ghost Town Barber
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, GTB
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Andres - Once Upon A Time In Bakersfield
This morning is brought to you by an hour of sleep because I'm cursed. I had to kinda wake up early yesterday for a conference call to wish my sister-in-law a happy birthday at an ungodly hour. Honestly it only sucked because I was up until 5 playing The Division 2. Poor life choice, but I digest. I really tried last night, I was sleepy, but the z's escaped my grasp. I arrived at work to find a piece of my ambulance is missing, courtesy of the most inexperienced person we have. And if you're missing your nitroglycerin, I'm sure it's one of the 50 bottles I found in my ambulance this morning. I don't know who keeps putting extra supplies on my truck, but that person severely overestimates how many times a day we give aspirin and nitro.

I'm a believer. I need a full set of GTB. The pomade, EdT, sunglasses, keychain, necklace, the whole deal. And I don't know what the performance was like with the previous soap base, but I'm digging this one. It's slick as hell and super easy to lather, although it's a little thirsty, but what soap isn't these days. I'm not entirely sure what blade I put in, but it was a little uncomfortable, so I think I said the Feather Pros were like that for me when I first used the one Dave sent me. Despite the blade not being super great I decided to chase and I was rewarded for my bravery. I'm proper BBS for like the third time in my life. My face is smooth and I smell amazing.


This album has been out since Halloween and I've slept on it since then. I relate to some of the lyrical content. I love where I am in life, but part of me will always wonder where I would be if I had applied myself and got my degree.

Not a whole lot to get done today except my job. I'm ready for nap time, which comes at lunchtime. Scratch that, we're going to fix some small engines because the other shifts like breaking things and not fixing them. My partner said it feels like a Friday, and that's because it's essentially Friday every time we come to work. Oh yeah, I knocked 3 of the 14 hazmat exams out of the way. Anyway. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
I don't think we can be friends anymore! 🤪
I'm pretty sure you said that when I started talking trash about LSU when they played UT. :ROFLMAO:

GTB for the win! And congrats on the exams!

Gracias! So easy a firefighter can do it! 🤪

This is very uncool. I hope you can find something that helps you get the rest you need.
I'm gonna see if Venessa can bring home some melatonin for me. I know CBD is a popular option right now, but I can't find any definitive science behind the use, and the FDA doesn't regulate it at all.

Don’t sweat that, Ben. Everyone who has a properly developed sense of smell is still your friend. :p
You leave that man alone! He's gonna take you out to the tree line!
I'm gonna see if Venessa can bring home some melatonin for me. I know CBD is a popular option right now, but I can't find any definitive science behind the use, and the FDA doesn't regulate it at all.

Actually I believe there is a lot of research done on CBD. I'll see if I can find some for you, but if you go to Pub Med ...I know there is a lot to look at. Not sure Melatonin is regulated by FDA either. For that matter, supplements in general are not regulated by FDA.

I'll see what I can dig up for you.
Actually I believe there is a lot of research done on CBD. I'll see if I can find some for you, but if you go to Pub Med ...I know there is a lot to look at. Not sure Melatonin is regulated by FDA either. For that matter, supplements in general are not regulated by FDA.

I'll see what I can dig up for you.
I saw some stuff for seizures and depression, but nothing quite specifically for sleeping. I guess the sleeping could be associated with depression, but mine isn't this time.

Sorry you’re under-energized today Ben.
What the what? How long are these tests?
It's life. I got a little nap in and I have an adequate amount of energy now.
They're about 60 questions each, nothing crazy.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: The Frankenstein's razor of WCS
  • Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium (1)
  • Brush: Merit
  • Soap: Chisel Face Ghost Town Barber
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, GTB
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Dwellings - Lavender Town EP
I'm awake ridiculously early on a day off to help Mel with some heavy lifting. On the bright side, it looks like the melatonin worked very well. I did a couple of missions on The Division 2 and went to bed around 10 and stayed asleep. I don't know if I needed the 10mg that I took, but I'm glad it worked.

I was going to do a quick one pass shave, but I can't turn my back on GTB. I should've used probably any other razor, but my science isn't complete yet. I think the plate I used is supposed to be the more mild one, but I don't know because the labeling to distinguish the two SB plates is anything but conventional and I don't like that I have to look it up to remember which is which. I survived the shave to enjoy the scent.


Another accidental find. I find these guys listening to Andrés. They'll be on tour together this fall when they're making up for the cancelled tour there supposed to be on right now. Great tunes.

I'm planning on doing a couple more exams today, but we'll see where that goes because I'll probably end up drinking here and then there's the Cadre town hall meeting this evening. It's going to be an interesting day to say the least. Anyway. I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
When I have trouble sleeping 10mg of melatonin usually does the trick. I still have lingering symptoms from the concussions I've had, but that only happens every once in a while.