The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

Glad you got some rest Ben! Going to bed at a reasonable hour probably helped a bit too :ROFLMAO:

Stay strong brother!:cool:🤙
Glad to hear you got some sleep! Even super heroes need their rest.
Oh hush, you sleep less and work more than I do! I can't wait for this to be over for everybody, but especially us in medicine.

When I have trouble sleeping 10mg of melatonin usually does the trick. I still have lingering symptoms from the concussions I've had, but that only happens every once in a while.
It's been doing a hell of a job so far. I won't be able to take it at work, but I think it'll help keep my circadian rhythm in check when I'm at home catching up on sleep.

Melatonin works great for me.

GTB for the win! What do you think of the new formula?
I dunno. I can't exactly compare it to the last version. I have a sample of Cryogen that @uacowboy sent me, but I think the soap gods might punish me for comparing the bases using that. It's easy to lather for sure and super slick. I've enjoyed using it a lot so far. I hate myself for waiting so long to try GTB.

I can send a sample out with the top secret stuff you'll be getting soon....that's still sitting on my desk...uhhhhhh......self-isolating for science! 🤣

Yes indeed. I've noticed that the more stressful the situation, the more dark the humor. It's a useful defense mechanism to reset and regroup while waiting for the next stress-inducing event.
For sure. My second traumatic arrest was full of cracking jokes while I was intubating, and the other two were pushing drugs and doing compressions. We did that for 25 minutes, all the way to the nearest level 1 trauma facility. We're certainly a dysfunctional bunch, but I'd be concerned if we weren't.

I hope you're doing well, Bruce.

Glad you got some rest Ben! Going to bed at a reasonable hour probably helped a bit too :ROFLMAO:

Stay strong brother!:cool:🤙
I can't argue with going to bed at a reasonable hour too! 🤣 I might need to hydrate too. The bottles have turned, as it were. 🤪🤣
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Senator
  • Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium (2)
  • Brush: TSC 2nd Anniversary
  • Soap: Henri et Victoria Cuban Cigars and Congac
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Henri et Victoria Cuban Cigars and Congac balm
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Dwellings - Lavender Town EP
Another great night of sleep! I could get used to this, except it can never happen because of work. I go back tomorrow, but I'm really looking forward to it so I can apply lessons learned from the last shift. I don't remember if I mentioned, but I had a really stressful call, where I essentially knew nothing about this woman that was lying in front of me who was very obviously very, very sick. I did what I could to fix what I did know what was wrong with her, which was only temporary. She ended up getting intubated as soon as I transferred care. I'm good with the doc and he said that there's not a whole lot more that I could've done, except maybe intubate her myself, which I did consider for a second. What I surprisingly didn't factor into my decision in not intubating was Rona. That skill is very, quite literally, in your face, and includes aerosolizing stuff. All of that being said, I learned a lot and I will apply those things going forward.

I had a great shave and I smell good. I recorded it. I'll work on getting it edited and uploaded while I'm doing my hazmat exams.


Another day of Dwellings. Great music.

The few minutes that I spent hanging out at the virtual Cadre meetup were fun. A few technical difficulties on my part would've been sorted had I been fully awake. Good stuff. I'm looking forward to the next one. Maybe I'll be at work and be able to give you guys a tour of my station, which I maintain is just a regular place, but that's just me and I get to see it for 24 hours at a time. Haha. I hope everybody is doing well. Thanks for reading and watching, Cadre.
Right as you get used to this “sleep” thing... 🤷‍♂️

So you’re saying your choice not to intabate was right because of safety concerns? Or you should have done it? Or you just didn’t think about Rona?
Right as you get used to this “sleep” thing... 🤷‍♂️

So you’re saying your choice not to intabate was right because of safety concerns? Or you should have done it? Or you just didn’t think about Rona?
It was right because of the Rona concerns, even if I didn't consider it. One of the nurses wasn't thrilled that I gave a nebulizer treatment without wearing an N-95, but I'm so used to just doing my job that wearing a mask is literally the last thing on my mind when I'm dealing with critical patients. This is definitely uncomfortable working through.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Brush: C-MON
  • Soap: B&M Sunny Lane
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, B&M Sunny Lane
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Sum 41 - Chuck
Well, I'm at work and it didn't take long to piss me off. It's like the stupid people know I'm on duty and enjoy irritating me. First call of the day involved dispatch telling me that the other truck has been out of service since 0500 and never called back in, so they're still out of hour into shift change. The call notes included, "unconscious, blood sugar low, will be starting CPR." Not only were they not doing CPR, the patient was not remotely unconscious; absolutely altered, but not unconscious. That's enough ranting for now. Idiots. Alright, now I'm done. I ended up not doing any exams yesterday because reasons. I'll get back on it tomorrow when I wake up.

This is a curious scent. It's like...I don't know...leathery??????? @Dave in KY might be better at describing this than I can. (🤪) I also forgot how to lather the excelsior base and got quite the stubborn paste. It worked, but it could've been better had I not loaded so much. This deltus base of splash is killer, though.


A bit of a my freshman year in high school. Man, these throwbacks are making me feel old. I distinctly remember pirating the hell out of this album when it leaked with the quality of a potato. Good times, bad viruses. I'm looking at you, Limewire.

It feels like I'm supposed to be doing things, but there's really not a lot to do. I can't do any exams because they're timed and if I get a call in the middle, I will absolutely have time run out. Maybe I'll read the book? I'm find something to do. I hope you're all well. Thanks for putting up with my rant, Cadre.
Uh ... you need a do-over.
I wish, dude.

Exactly why I didn't download from them or any other pirate site. Just not worth it.
You need to stop judging me right now, Bruce! Lol. But it definitely wasn't worth all the hassle. I only did it because I don't like asking my mom got money, even if it's just a couple of bucks. And I know enough about computers to make the viruses go away.